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Show 52 STATE GOVERNMENT—U S OFFICERS APARTMENT BUILDINGS—CEMETERIES—CHURCHES HOUSES—-BUILDINGS STATE JUDICIARY SUPREME COURT Capitol Building, Salt Lake City Judges—Valentine Gideon, Chief Justice; J E Frick, S R Thurman; DN Straup, H W Griffith Clk. Terms—-The Supreme Court shall be held at the Capitol of the State, and shall convene and hold three terms in each year, viz: On the second Mondays of February, May and October. The Court may adjourn from time to time, as it may deem proper. Barnhart Apartments—336 27th. Beck Apartments—527 24th. Bond Rpartments—638 23d. Browning Apartments—2703-2711 Wash av. Capitol Apartments—239 Capitol. Carver Apartments—539 22d. Claremont Apartments—2680 Adams av. College Court—rear 260 24th. Corey Apartments—2566 Wash av. Covey Apartments—447-449 21st. Curran Apartments—2102-2104 Jefferson Doxey Apartments—changed to c 8 STATE INSTITUTIONS Located in Ogden ~ Industrial School—Quarter mile ne of Five Points. John K Hardy Pres; Dr Jane Skolfield V-Pres; Frank J Stevens Treas; E J Milne Supt. Utah School for the Deaf and the Blind— 20th cor Monroe av. € Clarence Neslen Pres; Mrs E F Corey Sec; J H Riley Treas; F M Driggs Supt. Dunn Apartments—531 State Elmwood 24th. Apartments—2600-2608 Adams av Fairview Apartments—579-587 27th. Farnsworth Apartments—2539 Jefferson Flowers Apartments—2681 Madison av. Fox Apartments—369-371 22d. Geffas Apartments—2675 Grant av. Gregory Apartments—2203 Wash av. Heiner Apts—changed to Martindale Apts. Helm Apartments—2248-2250 Jefferson av UNITED STATES OFFICERS | Hill Apartments—2106 Wash av. Located in Ogden Hillcrest Apartments—-2485 Monroe av and Board of Civil Service 2200 Adams av. Examiners—Federal Bldg. A R Ward sec. | Idan-ha Hotel and Apts—247414 Wash av. Railway Mail Service—302 Ivy Apartments—418-430 26th. Federal Bldg, Wilford Danvers chf clk. La Frantz Apartments—431-461 27th. } S$ Referee in Bankruptcy—J T McConnell Lake View Apartments—3600 Grant av. 311 First Nat Bank Bldg. Lester Apartments—now Curran Apts. S Weather Office—925 Lincoln Apartments—330 23d. 382d, Arie De Graaff in che. Lindquist Apartments—2620 Wash av. S Dept of Agriculture McGregor Apartments—802-810 25th. (Bureau Animal Industry) 318 Federal Martindale Apartments—2341-2367 Porter Bldg. W D Wright in chg. av. S Dept Agriculture (Extension Marylyn Apartments—486-490 26th. Service) sag Federal Bldg. Mattson Apartments—529 23d. A L Christensen Mole Apartments—2331 Adams av. S Dept of Agriculture Morton Terrace—-changed to Elmwood Apts. (Farm Bureau Office)—-222 Federal Nelson Apartments—2854 Wash av. Bldg. M P Brown: pres. Paire & Hurst Apartments—2468 Wash J $ Dept of Agriculture av. (Forest Service) —203 24th, RH Rutledge dist forPark Apartments—2583 Grant av. ester. Pearl Apartments—2703-2711 Grant av. S Dept of Agriculture (Grain Peery Apartments—2461-2469 Adams av. Supervision)—-315 Kiesel Bldg. J F Welch Piper Apartments—429 Binford. supvr. Plaza Apartments—-2518 Wash av. S Bureau of Public Roads—403 Poplar Heights Apartments—437 24th. Kiesel Bldg. B J Finch dist eng. Raine Terrace—2610-2620 Monroe av. S Internal Revenue Service—9201 Reed Terrace—2339-2343 Adams av. Federal Bldg. H W McCarty dep collr. Rich Apartments-—2463-2469 Jefferson av. S Army Recruiting Station—153%4 Rose Apartments—304 27th. 25th. Clyde Flanders in che. S C S Apartments—231 27th. S Marine Corps Recruiting Sawyer ApartmentS—3503 Wash av. Station— _ 224 Federal Bldg. Schwarz Apartments—2234 Jefferson av. S blob Recruiting Station—202 Stilwell Apartments—2773-2785 Grant av Federal gz and 272-278 28th. Ss Post Office Inspector—H Stuart Apartments—2942 Wall av. Ww Blake 216 Federal Bldg. Teets Apartments—2634 Quincy av. Upton Apartments—2300-2314 Jefferson UNITED STATES POSTOFFICE av. 24th nw cor Grant av. Wadman Apartments—365 28th. Office opens from 8 a m to 6:30 Wilson Apartments—i04 W 28th. p m., Rufus A Garner Postmaster. Wright Apartments—-3343 Wash av. Station A—-205 Washington ay. Railway Mail Service—302 Federal BUILDING, SAVINGS AND LOAN Bldg. Wilford Danvers chf elk. ASSOCIATIONS Ogden Terminal Railway Post See Classified Section Office— half blk n of Union Depot; Wm J Marning in che. BUILDINGS, BLOCKS, HALLS, ETC. Armory The—215 24th. APARTMENT HOUSES AND FLATS Berthana Bldg—325 24th. Argonne Apartments 439 Binford av. Brigham Hotel Bldg—-Wa!l av se cor 24th. Argyle Apartments—2640 Wash av. Carr Bldg-—2480 Grart av. Arvondor Apartments—823 923d. Cassin BlkK—-2343-2245 Wash av. Avelan Apartments—-449 27th. City Hall——Wash av sw cor 25th. Avon Apartments—961 25th. City Jail—-2550 Kiesel av. CEMETERIES Hooper—Hooper. Mountain View—631 334. Ogden City—600 20th. Plain City—Plain City. Union—N Ogden. Fred J eae Col Hudson Bidg—now ; coml Security Bank Bldg—3 69-37 Wall av. Bldg—2545 Commissary BIk—2558-2566 Corey av. Wash eikg 24th. County Court House—-440 ; Was Cross C W Bldg—2242-2252 ide 24th. Dee-Eccles Bldg—325 * Was re hay Dooly Be — B sccles Ward Amusement Ee Seventh : mat Sees Emmett : ‘ ‘ Bldg-— “ede Mad Hall—2570 Federa\ yard. Amusement ison av. 24th. Nat Bank Bldg—408 ‘irst heap asst age ih Bldg Nat Bank aa ; ra 00 Hall—2 Dance Five Points s Bldg—201-205 Service Forest av. Wash BIk—2320 Fraternity Kiesel Rice Fred J Kiesel Bldg—2411 5 av ft Freight Depot-Joint—Wall ooper. Hall—H ent Amusem Hooper av. Wash Howell Blk—2479 Kiesel av. Hurst Bldg—2437-2445 10 O F Hall—2320 Wash av. 24th. Depot—254 Terminal ._ Inter-Urban Grant av. riesel BIK—2436-2444 av. Kiesel 11 Bldg—24 Fred J miseat Grant av. K of P Bldg—2353 econ ae K ‘ofier een Blk—244 as 3 Harrisville Hall—2 Amusement Wad ae rd. Wash Temple—2550 Masonic Montana Blk—156 25th. Moose Hall—2416 Wash av. Fort pepncinens oa, Mound hy Blk—101-1 Bank anon of av. >eery ae Peery Plain Bik Bldg—2453 9423-2436 BIK—427 ‘ Bldg—2437-2445 Bldg—2475-2481 City Amusement Wash Hall—Plain sw cor 24th Hall—1625 chee City. Weber Amusement Hall—W St 24th Rt Rev Josephs—500 arty nahan. CHRISTIAN P M Cush- : 24th Rev Jirst-——680 SCIENTIST 680 TAISTIAN: ne : ‘irst—-780 24th. OF LATTER CHRIST OF JESUS tpacn DAY SAINTS | “ ; s a nacle The—2175 , ve eee Stake—Office Ogden aoune : oe nasium Bldg. President Robt I CG McFa ih hag Jos Counselors’ lane, Clerk Wm : da petty H Wards—Wm of Bishops ; = Fifth, W Oswell Jackson Ogden eee Se Ogden J Wilson David M Harbertson Ogden Fourteenth, A Halverson Ogden Seventeenth, Eighteenth, Ogden as on C as Earle ps erk ber Geo A Heslop; West ni . Wash Weber. Wilson Ward Amusement Hal!—wWilson Woodmansee BIk—368 . 24th. W O W Hall—-2320 Wash av. Kie- iis : Fran ics Wa Couns tn V Bluth, Ns ohn Irvine, M Thos Set David W Evans. arent West Farr — Wards of siicn : Chugg; Harrisville Richd R D Brow lett Sherner; L W 15th Ogden Myron 3d Ogden Ritchie; Lawrence : Stephen 10th Ogden Richardson; Durrart jr; Ogden 16th Martinus at ee J Maw; City Wilmer Plain ton; wm Taylor Rich; H Jas tervilte WeWest Skeen; Jos Warren Jardine; av. av. Wash Kiesel av. 221 supt. i BAP L A Garr av Rev Jefferson First—2517 son. Moore Wall Av-—2701 Wall av Rev J E -resi labs Third wa Amusement Hall—2164 Grant av. Union Blk—363 24th. Union Labor Hall—363 24th. Union Station—2495 Wall av. View Amusement Hall—vView. Warren Amusement Hall—Warren. Weber Stake Relief Society Hall—2150 Grant av. West Mission Clarence Uintah, Fernelius A South Weber. North Weber Stake Wash Post Office—276 24th. Read BIk—2377 Kiesel av. Hotel BIk—409 Reed 25th. Relief Society Hall—N Ogden. Roy Amusement Hall—Roy. Salvation Army Hall—251 25th. Seventh Wd Amus Hall—590 12th. Sidney Stevens Bldg—-2408 Wash av. Southwell Bese one av. Sterling Hall— i Sircecne BIlk—-242-246 Wash av. av S)—Wash D (L The Tabernacle co Lincoln to av Tanneron Blk——Lin. Tenth Wd Amusement 29th. sel Bldg Rev J A Neilson ST Sioa i Ogden. Hall—N Amusement North Aedes Odd Fellows Hall—2320 Wash av. O’ Neill. BIkK—-423-427 25th. av. Wash Blk—2514-2524 Orpheum av. au ig Paine & Hurst Nr ame -arry Blk—Wash av C : Patinieme Day—469 y Shorten ; Com . ST ADVEN 318t. Hall—344 1a. Wilson Jas H Platt; Warren Saml Knight. Ogden Stake Office weber Gymnasium Bldg. Counselors John President Thos E McKay; Halls Saml G Dye; Clerk Eli Holton. B Stallings: Virgil Wards——Eden of Bishops Liberty McEntire; R Wm Huntsville Middleton John M Grow; Jas E Shaw: v4 Camphbell; §S Harold North Ogden a" Ogden E Lund; Hyrum 4th den. A wm 7th Ogden Foulger; B Albt Peres F Jos 8sth Ogden Budge; Ogde i ag Pleasant View noe ; ambers. 13th Edward H 91st. Max W 734 Brareh for the Deaf — Woodbury Pres. ert Stake ona ice Weber Gymnasiu e Counselors Browning; E Geo Seam ae Nathan A Tanner Brigham H Goddard Clerk Jos H Stimpson. ; F E es, of Wards—Clinton fechas Hooper John D_ Hooper; ere , 1st Horace Ogden S Green; Fdwd Garner; Ogdew 2d Wm E Newman; Ogden 1ith Jas H Riley; Riverdale Murray K Jacobs; Roy Amasa M Hammon. |