OCR Text |
Show & CO’S oo a j a oe q. ti . petngali cig: : poe a iad hms b 2831 4 Kiesel . ay. ¥ o . wo , Oorp 5 r 2456 F . ig eye gibson John mach S P r 766 W 24th. av. Gidney Edith Dairy Gidney Emma Creamery (wid Horace) Helen (wid tchr Uintah (wid Geo) r Schl 2454 Adams Adams b 346 1164 4 . 21st. r 346 21st. 319 Gifford Roy A mech Wattis-Kimba ll Motor Gigliotti Gasper lab r 2137 Reeves av. Apiarists 7 GilbertA Eugene li Gilbert Bernic chfr Wright Gro r 538 For 31 a 24th St. 338 PHONE b 2049 Adams ay. Monroe Phone 191 First National Bank Building Globe G & M Co r Farr enn eee) 0 ame West. 420 Plaza Apts. am Chas) Monroe av. r Plain City. Gilles Lawrence Gilles Myrtle E bkpr b 438 22d. Gillespie Oscar waiter OS Lrms Gillette Mrs Carrie M r 832 25th. Gilles | | Martha W techr N student Ogden 1987 Monroe av. av. av. ; ay. rms 2583 Grant av. b 438 22d. Schl b 2273 Van 2564 Wall Buren Buren av. av. av. Gillette Frances C nurse Dee Hosp Gillette Gilbt A clk S P b 832 25th. b 832 25th. Gilman Mrs Mae E steno U S Forest Ser rms 1929 Wash Gilmartin Jos H sec Gen : Gilmore Chas F dep av. Gilmore David lab O U R & D Co r 246 26th. Gilmore Edwd J mech F Smith “almore John r 2580 WashW av. Gilmore Gilmore Gilmore Bs av. Constn Wkrs Union r 2523 Lincol n City Auditor r 2361 Harrison av. Gilmore Maret N steno Mchts Gilmore Mary A (wid John C) gg 833 20th. r (US N) b 725 34th Hazel maid 1171 24th. Mary b 725 24th. Mrs Stella r 3 rear 2758 Lincoln . a av. Co Carl H dept mgr Golden Rule Mer Cor 2273 Van Gilles Eliz A (wid Mathias) r 438 224. Gilles John M clk Scoweroft’s b 438 22d. : | © Gill Thos lab OU R & D Co. Gill Vincent G (City Sanitary Insp) Gilles | ; Bk — Cross. b 2029 Madison and furrier 282 23d vA r 58 Argyle 0 ITTLE > Utah av. Mrs May M elk Sample Shop r 58 Argyle Apts. Richd G (Westn Ptg Co) rms 2069 Orchard av. Ruth elk rms 2069 Orchard ay. Apts. 0mm av. Cr Bureau b 2580 Wash r 2029 Madison av. gilmore Ruth W student b 2029 Madison av. silmore Walter taxidermist LOANS SERVICE Ogden, (wid Gill Alfd W wehmn Harbertson rms 2290 Wash Gill Carroll L firmn O U R & D Bros Go rms Rex Hotel. Delbert Gill Gill Gill Gill — — . The Nelson Agency REAL ESTATE COMPLETE AGENCY & . INVESTMENTS ; BONDS AN EFFICIENT Apts. av. Gilgen Clara maid 1310 25th. Gilgen Ernest eng U § Dept of Agrl r 930 Jefferson Gill Alfd M echfr Jogalong Trans r 725 24th. Gill Alfd M jr b 725 24th. — av. Gilbert Frank plstr r 2536 Fowler av. Gilbert John B lab r 2049 Adams av. Gilbert Leroy b 2536 Fowler av. Gilbert Lorenz Lizzie o E_jan 8 Gilbert W (US P.N) b 2049 Adams av. Gilbert Milton L chfr Jogalong Trans b 2049 Adams ! | - e — ay. oer § P r 13 Farnsworth Adams Giles Walter T slsmn Ogden Giles Willis lab b Plain Cite. . . Brass Fowler av. appmes =i Gilbert Charlotete: b F2536 (wid Edgar S) r 2060 Monroe av. Gilbert Edgar S mlwrt b 2060 Gilbert Erma . . 28th. Cor @ ; av. 24st. Gidney Leah M B clk U P Lndry rms Gifford Geo eng U P rms 830 23d. and “ Wm) b 2454 = 2. “9 Giddings Emma Giddings mixer § im « Giles Freeman Giles Jos hlpr Adams av. Bee ovect Ser hb 697 Adoiie Av. lab b Plain City. Giles Oliver farmer b 501 2d. Giles Robt C clk U I Gr 537 Gook. Giles Ruby opr Ogden Utah Knit Co rms ie | and Copper Tubes and Products, Flat Arches and Refractories, Valves, Power Plant Specialties, Corrugated Fibre Shipping Containers, Tools and Bldg, Tel 534, r 2454 Adams av, Tel Supplies, 230 Eccles 2834-W. (See page 29). C0 | Bes , Ralph B jr rms 2060 Liberty av. Thos farmer bh Taylor. Wheatley H tmstr r 028 Canyon rd. Wm § swchmn OUR & D Co r 569 22d. Agent E b 2637 Giles Melvin ><) ? Se tee ee PS ‘ EE Ecc SO Fe Se i Gibson Ralph farmer r W Weber. Gibson Ralph B farmer r Warren. Gibson Gibson Wm T farmer r W Warren. GIDDINGS CHARLES, Manufacturer s’ >» 2637 rodmn Gilchrist Lila Giles Margt Gibson Mabel tchr Marriott Schl b Taylor. Gibson Marcilla (wid Jacob C) r W Weber. SUPPLY -t P r 501 2d. iN teE fF ian Onden State Bank r 829 20th. Giles Leona J b 1987 Gibson Mrs Marie E b 1130 Patte rson. Gibson Marjorie b W Weber. Gibson Minnie (wid Arch K) asst cashr UI Cr Gibson Phyllis K b 1164 21st. DAIRY DIRECTORY — 1926 Gilchrist M Elva steno D C & H D b 2637 Adams av. Giles Ellis farmer b Plain City. Co r Taylor. GibsonJ Wm farmer r Taylor. Gibson Kate (wid Thos) r Taylor. Gibson Leland prin Slaterville Schl b Taylor. Gibson Lemuel J mach r 3038 Van Buren av. Gibson Gibson Gibson “is eng ee, Gilchrist Elvin W 7 eee ig Telephone 459 CITY Re arts Gibson Isabelle V (wid H E) . rms 933 Binford. aoe oe oe Gibson John r N Ogden. Gibson Jos R Wempclk Amal Sugar i Avenue % OGDEN FI i PAPER--PAINT--GLASS j 2318 Washington i oe 4 056 WALL | Decorating Co. (Gee ar POLK 0 PHONE 684 L. 00) <> 155 24th STREET R. () cee ED 0 WARM AIR FURNACES SHEET METAL WORKS Roofing of All Kinds ‘B22 STRATFORD > 0 ee 'D. K. STUART & SON ot _ REAL & DALTON REALTORS ESTATE—LOANS—INSURANCE WE SPECIALIZE Kiesel Ave. IN EXCHANGES Phone 253 / Satisfaction 2422 - 2428 Avenue Washington Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 |