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Show Av: 4 292 R. Jones E H rms Marion L. POLK & Francis student Saias oe eee 4 / BeckersoD Jones F firmn Sn shoo rary a Jones F clk Amer Jones Geo SS siikes Harry ; ar -€ 3 Wilson ye Pee toeen ae Buren av. eh | 2-W. e . nee aan A (eee eddy r 364 Franklin. be teen ic Jones Jane M clk Golden Rule Mer Co r Hooper, ‘ Graal UousyenrDRibe Cat Cans Ger Las W 28there Strawberry ! Jones Jones John John ME stlab r 172tU WP &28th. . Ts BECKER PRODUCTS oa. salt 7 ones Tol JONES s oe John 8 mgr L Got nie 1218 b 42th. — Jones Prod Co r Salt Lake City. Lake View Lbr Co, r 333 36th, Tel 1207. r 640 24th, Tel 2146-W. Police Chief JONATHAN, JONES Jones Jos E wiper S Pr 2147 Polk Dept, av. Jones Jones Jones J W, Pres-Mgr Julia A died Nov 1°25 age 65. Kaye M missionary b 2859 Kiesel av. Kenneth hlpr Banner Ice Cream Co b 2147 Jones Kenneth Jones () a> () a> a> 0.0 W disp S Pr 1151 21st. Polk av. ROBERT C. NYE Lavora moved to REAL ESTATE 722 Eccles Building Los Angeles. LOANS SURETY BONDS ves Merlin oe ee INSURANCE Furn Kershaw. Jefferson Co r 1167 Schl 2838 rms Fowles av. 24th. INC. Jefferson “ms 2 L O84 i Tvler , | av. ; RealtoR O P O & G Co r Kaysville. btchr Amer P & OOhd MAM mee: P Co r Clearfield. LES te Migr M L Jones Coal & Ice Co, r 483 12th, Tel ees; : 5 Minnie J b 2731 Wall av. — Sheet Tel 3 = i Music, 486. Atwater-Kent (See page Radio, 2524 Washington } . 31). si av,ue Yall ee J. Cc eee | Jones Mrs Nell W tebr Madison Schl r 2546 Gramercy av. Snes Nellie b 2447 Polk av. ;Jones iNNeta prestudent b Roy.7 Jones Oscar TV mgr Hillerest Canning Jones Otis lab Union Stk Yds. 4 See Jones Otto Paul 4 Jones Percy E swehmn a Jones Preston 4 Jones Prod ns clk S$ R rms Pr 120 360 29th. 24th. mgr 3421 425 eS a 3 Jones Rebecca opr Tel Co rms 6 Upton Jones Rhoda (wid John) r N Ogden. A —_— ee eee we ee es Riche to eae Tene iy tad be Flour Sperry 41st. ats SURETY rd. FARM Co r © ? y wes Co, r 2571 LANDS Fillmore tl Buy, Se or gden. Oeden Exchange Jones Robt pkr Jones student 4 a Jones Robt H (Williams Mus Co) rms 616 27th. Jones Robt H dept mgr Golden Rule Mer Co r 12 Upton Apts. 3 b N Ogden. Jones Robt A violin repr 3068 Van Buren av r same. 4 7 a Jones Robt N farmer r Hooper. Jones Rulon FE Wilson la. ines Ruth ork eee Jones Sars rid Richd N) r 651 4 Jones Mrs Sarah E 1m [I Jones Selma student Telephone 855 b Roy. 344 WASHINGTON AV. TELEPHONE UE 2409 Kiesel Ave. Kershaw. " Hooper. UTAH PLUMEING AND HEATING UD ). ‘ie Apts. 3 Robt INSURANCE AND Jones Rachael E (wid Geo H) r 4-442 Binford. d " nr 3 ; eee rd 31st. Riverdale 4 Oe FIRE AUTO r Riverdale O U R & D Cor Co J S$ Jones LOANS AND Co r Roy. G emp Hillerest Cang Co T colir r 426 Adams av. Proston CITY av, | pROPERTY of Coal JONES M LeL COAL &§ ICE CO, M L Jones Mar, All Kinds and fardsee224 rb ‘ be MUSIC co, E B Jones Mgr, noeene pepremense! ie JONES ee Brunswick Panatrope, Records, Vocalion Records,Brunswick Q RS Player1onographs Rolls, Popular 4 av. sicrio 1. cle Bics Maurice whsmn 1Van r 651 High Jr Beriorie as Ga Hoon oe ook sacl: nw Maude b 2859 Kiesel av. ; 3 Boyle techr Wash a qi Hotel, ‘ Os 4 d4 av ¥ P Co - q b 2731 Wall av. Gym r 2 Eecles av eee r 2309 av. & DIRECTORY — 1926 . B smstrs Marguerite rcs ae snes Bea 44 la. Mamie ‘ 4 233 26th r same. City ae Eng Jackson eh Benes a 3563 Kiesel ay. av. Ht Coi b 63 <2754 Jackson , de ae a (Gim & Earl Jones ce a es ES ES — TTT eT Ee I SPr _.. a oe Janet emp Scowcroft’s b 2977 Jefferson eae John A clk r 2546 Gramercy av. ——— TL ee ok ee by LE LEOE 28th. , Root Beer Lemon Phones W CITY > f fies Mrsniet Lolabkprpy John fp 2789ClayBrinker. av. o_o! & Co rms 2627 4 4 168 rms drsmkr Irving W chf drftsmn Ivan C student b 3034 — OGDEN P2 id Cherry COMPANY 29th. 28th. Scowcroft’s D disp ASP 3 ee rane emmwloty Dir Yellow Cab & Trans Co, r 2859 Kiesel av, — 8 Manufactured . mer eT for’ all oo Jones Jones |) a>) a idbal Orange —. . 2t r 363 Bog Co2bkh,r Wilson. U1 Sugar ore Amal P ones Henry P miner r 530 22d. fap Jones Byram G \ rarmer 1 op Hooper.i “BECCO” co Grape b 23d °25 age 64. W Co W, Pres Russell-James Co, r 246 23d, Tel os Z EN SS es acct FOR Side Aileen Co b 246 ones Haro stoker Weber et Eee ta ee aes pie a Sane Exp Mer Sunnie es eee eh S ipnes A aiken Jones: dvink 11 Jones Hannah (wid Geo) nee CkeR PRopucts ¢ i Jones Goldie maid 2945 Jefferson Jones G pkr Gicbe G & M Gar re Jones G Leland emp ageAmal Sugar erg hea ’ 2 student b 165 M s a 4 JONES GEORGE Aaa AGEREAL Bevenact CO’S Apts. Utah Ry H died Nov Spa yin ones Geo Jones hipr J ; = Rule Froerer 90 ‘ b Hooper. | U P r 42 Plaza Hpi Geo in 4 Styles - Nationally Priced LEN Bene -RGRERTS PIANO. COMPANY Hotel. oe oe Made ec Telephone Jones Florence b 248 15th. Jones Mrs Florence F clk Golden a ; ERD 2414 HOW” Te | “ Washington KNOW re ** Nourishing sk Bhcaiyt WE °, .* “SERVICE, ASK °°"Guitransen Registering Pianos SCOTT HARDWARE COMPANY] The Most Complete Stock of Hardware in Utah ] 2570 | PHONE 917 |