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Show PHONE 338 | WALL PHONE 684 2318 Can Co of Utah, r 2573 i INVESTMENTS ‘INSURANCE The Nelson Agency BOND AN rriownr Phone 191 | REAL ESTATE COMPLETE AGENCY First National Bank Building LOANS SERVICE Ogden, Utah § Telephone 459 2 Avenue OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY — 1926 3 Leth Jennie M student b Marriott. Soren Schl r Marriott. C b Marriott. Lincoln Lether Herman M welder S$ P r 3223 Letts Chas M formn 8 Pr 136 30th. Letts Chas M jr student b 136 30th. Letts May E slsldy Wright’s b 136 Letts Violet steno Wright’s b 136 ZAC Leth Peter C jan Marriott Leth avy. 30th. 30th. Le Vanger Elva opr Hirschman Beauty Plr rms 563 25th. Levedahl J Wm v-pres OP B & T Cor 869 Wash av. Levedahl Lloyd R brklyr r 1 Barnhart Apts. Levedah! Marie student b 869 Wash av. Levedah! Mildred I student b 869 Wash av. Leven Loch (F A Reberg) cigars 284 25th. Lever Eliz E died Nov 15 °25 age 70. Lever Henry tinr 8 Pr 236 W 22d. Lever Peter lab r 236 W 22d. Lever Thos r 236 W 22d. Lewis Albt b Marriott. Lewis Alfd M cond UR T Cor 1 rear 2748 Lincoln av. Lewis Anna M (wid Jas) r 2-873 24th. Lewis Block 2449 Wash av. Lewis Clarence C mach 8S P r 3609 Porter av. Lewis Clawson clk Wright’s rms 37 Wilson la. Lewis Edwd R dep Co Clerk r 823 Kershaw. Lewis Ernest L (Nat Barber Shop) r 1764 Wash av. Lewis Mrs Ethel R asst J W Lewis r 2638 Adams av. LEWIS MRS EVA P, Treas J S Lewis & Co, r Reed Hotel, Tel 65, Summer Home Ogden Canyon, Tel 1234. Lewis Evan clk Piggly Wiggly r 22 Avelan Apts. Lewis Forrest M labr 278 28th. Lewis Francis A r Roy. LEWIS FRANK E, Mgr Dining Car & Hotel Dept, Union Pacific System, rms The Virginia. Lewis Frank W ecarrier P Or 2523 Orchard av. Lewis Hilda r 873 24th. Lewis John eng § P r 460 34th. Lewis John R lab r rear 2748 Jefferson av. LEWIS JOHN S, Pres J S Lewis & Co, r Reed Hotel, Tel 65, Summer Home Ogden Canyon, Tel 1234. Lewis Jos chfr Geo A Lowe Co rms 1030 W 12th. Lewis Jos A r Marriott. LEWIS JOSEPH W, “Your Upstairs Jeweler”, 32 Years a Practical W atchmaker and Jeweler, Low Rent in Our Upstairs Store Saves You Money on Every Purchase, A Very Attractive Line of Jewelery at the Right Prices, 2434 Washington av, Tel 147-J, r 2638 Adams av. (See page 25). Lewis Junior High School J W Wintle prin 465 28th. LEWIS JS & CO, J S Lewis Pres, J A Adams V-Pres, Zeller See, Eva P Lewis Treas, ee Opticians, 2449 Washington - Mis Lavinia mm. S j i le 2441 oem. Store of Satisfaction 2422 =- 2428 Washington Avenue & DALTON REALTORS REAL ESTATE—LOANS—INSURANCE WE SPECIALIZE IN EXCHANGES Kiesel Ave. D W Jewelers, Watchmakers av, Tel 123. (See page r Roy. | LITTLE i W eS MACH | @ American PAPER--PAINT--GLASS Washington (2 ‘20> 0-0-6 Kinds Decorating Co. | STRATFORD *0) (924 318 24th St. () END Supplies All ns ag ED Apiarists of a ———— LEONARD JOHN G, Mgr Fowler avy, Tel 4510. D0 and STREET Roofing Leonard LaVerda clk Tony Napoli b 2653 Madison av. Leonard L V slsmn Peck-Jones r Sunset. Leonard Merrill b 2653 Madison av. Leonard Thos rms 525 3d. Leonard Wm E eng § P. Leonard Yula A moved to San Diego. Leonardi Anna (wid Louis) r 1781 Gibson av. Leonardi Louis b 1781 Gibson av. Lepas Wm hipr § P. Lesher Lydia emp U P Lndry rms 3225 Lincoln av. ; Lesher Mabel G tehr Madison Schl rms The Virginia. LESLIE THOS (Rodman-Leslie Co), Sec-Treas Van Alen Canning Corp, Sec-Treas Roy Pkg Corp, Sec Weber Club, 1041 16th, Tel 2916. Lesser Clarence W drftsmn Amal Sugar Co r 451 30th. Lester see also Lister. Lester Barney E brkmn § Pr 239 26th. Lester Park bet Jefferson and Madison avs 24th and 25th. LESTER SIGN CO (Lester L Bivins), “Sell It With Signs”, Washington av, '? Signs of Every Description, 2336 M% 653-J. (See page 38). Leth Ellen N b Marriott. DOD Dairy Creamery 155 24th & SON AIR FURNACES METAL WORKS R. L. POLK & CO’S Leiser Otis D hostler r 200 17th. Leishman Andw B tender 8 Pr 544% 28th. Leishman Harry student b 2440 B av. Leishman Jas H sec L J Leishman Co r 2237 Quincy av. Leishman Jas H jr slsmn r 2 Hillerest Apts. Leishman LeRoy J pres L J Leishman Co r 2545 Brinker av. LeishmanL J Co L J Leishman pres J H Leishman see radi and math! instrmts 2400 Wall av. Leishman Mildred student b 2237 Quincy av. Leishman Parley B mach § Pr 2440 Bav. © Leishman Robt M oiler Amal Sugar Co r 2628 Eceles av. Leishman R Bert mach rms 1453 28th. Lelonek w soft drinks 216 25th r 2624 Lincoln av. Lemen Guy L swechmn OU R & D Cor Paine & Hurst Apts. Lemme Chas E clk r 816 16th. Lemme Wayne J brkmn S P b 816 16th. Lemon Parnell student b 2522 Polk av. Lemon Wm ecarp r 2522 Polk av. Lemons Willis r 678 38th. Lemp The (L E Wertz) billiards 2307 Wash av. Lennox Edgar W chfr Geo A Lowe Co rms 219 23d. Lensky Victor firmn S P r 2739 Wash av. Lentz Jas B lab b 708 7th. Lentz Jas M insp City Eng r 708. Ten: Leo L H mgr Paris Cafe rms Grant Hotel. Leo Tom huckster r 2760 Pacific av. Leonard Mrs Anna rms 2444% Lincoln av. Leonard Clifford b 2653 Madison av. Leonard Geraldine M student b 2573 Fowler av. 3 Leonard Jas V slsmn r 2653 Madison av. a 4 DAIRY SUPPLY CO. WARM SHEET a ! 0% @ 0,0 emcee) 0 ee 0 em {D. K. STUART a " Phone 253 4 3% Ogden, Utah Phone 2261 |