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Show Co. WE MOVE ANYTHING WITH Two ENDS 2340 Grant Av. Seen <a a) ea. Tel. 910 27 True 508 R. L. to POLK Name. & 2041 Washington OGDEN CO’S Thompson Milton farmer r Roy. Thompson Mina student rms 2535 Madison av. Thompson Myrl student b 862 W Lake. Thompson Nana student rms 724 24th. Thompson Nellie opr Tel Co rms 358 11th. Thompson Phoebe (wid Jos E Pioneer Rooms) r same. Thompson Ralph H linmn r 3735 Adams av. Thompson Ralph M farmer b Roy. Thompson Mrs Rosar 310 Cross. Thompson Shelby Y farmer b Plain City. Thompson Sterling D farmer r Plain City. Thompson Theo L clk Ind G & O Cor Farr West. Thompson Thomasene (wid Simon §) r Riverdale. Thompson Vernal student b Roy. Thompson Mrs Vesta E clk b 49 Argyle Apts. Thompson Walter carp r 2662 Kiesel av. Thompson Wateman r 10 Park Apts. Thompson Wm emp Ashton F B & T Cor 159 28th. THOMPSON WM, Pres Utah & Oregon Lumber Co, r 545 23d. . Thompson Wm F mir r 1051 Wash av. Thompson Wm J clk Ogden Whol Drug Co r 159 W 28th. Thomson Raymond student rms 2371 Orchard av. Thomson Robt B acct S P r 1325 25th. Thon Adolph J formn § P b 244 17th. Thon Alwyn A student rms 1545 Grant av. Thon Clement H mach § P r 244 17th. Thorhoff T Cr 11 Ivanha Hotel & Apts. Thornberg Frank cond r 20 Corey Apts. Thorne Clifford clk First Nat Bank r 6514 Sullivan av. Thorne Mrs Dot clk C E Armstrong & Co. Thorne Eugene cond r 776 24th. Thorne Gus H r 1601 Wash av. Thorne Isaac jan r 567.31st. Thorne Lora nurse Dee Hosp rms Nurses Home. Thorne Verne B prin Burch Creek Schl rms 3176 Ogden av. Thornley Bessie W opr Ogden Utah Knit Co r Layton. Thornley Delles bkpr Ashton F B & T Co r 663 30th. Thornley Mrs Elila beauty opr De Luxe Barber Shop r 413 Plaza Apts. Thornley Lawrence N lab Union Stk Yds r 1957 Grant av. Thornley Vernal lab b 1957 Grant av. Thornley Wm W (De Luxe Barber Shop) r 413 Plaza Apts. Thornock Wilford M agt Prudential Ins Cor 2907 Pingree av. Thornton Elsie steno Wm Thornton b 555 27th. Thornton Marvilla student b 555 27th. Thornton Wm real est 261 25th r 555 27th. THORNTON WM DRUG No 10, G W McLennan Mgr, Wholesale and Retail Drugs, Medicines, Sundries, Kodaks, Magazines, Ete, Our Quantity Buying Saves You Money, 2600 Washington av, Tel 1137. Thorpe John A r 3460 Wash av. Thorpe Ora student b 3460 Wash av. Thorpe Stephen L r 2114 Wash av. J. A. McCulloch Agency Office 431 REAL ESTATE, Telephone 301 24th Street INSURANCE AND LOANS Residence Telephone 2814-J Ogden, ONE OF UTAH'S DEPARTMENT TO TRADE STORES Av. Utah CITY DIRECTORY — 1926 Thorpe Thos B opr U P & L Cor 442 Cross. Thorpe Verne B prin Burch Creek Schl r 3176 Ogden Thorsted Albt b 556 2d. Thorsted Art student b 134 Harrisville rd. Thorsted Carrie moved to Boise. Thorsted Chris B lab St Dept r 134 Harrisville rd. Thorsted Chris Thorsted B died Edmund Oct 29 ’25 H clk Harrop age av. 74. & Aadneson Thorsted Jas C clk Peter Wansgard r 556 r rear 438 Wash 2d. av. Thorsted Otto J whsmn Geo A Lowe Co r 518 4th. Thorsted Otto L tinr S P r 472 2d. Thorsted Mrs Rhea r Marriott. Thorsted Wm B moved to Vallejo Cal. Thorstensen Chas C student b 2604 Madison av. THORSTENSEN CHAS H, Mgr Ogden-Utah Knitting Co, r 2604 Madison av, Tel 2126-R. THORSTENSEN GEORGE M, Mgr Ogden-Utah Knitting Store, r 2536 Harrison av, Tel 3356-J. Thorstensen Helen (wid Carl E) r 517 28th. Thorstensen Jennie H b 517 28th. Thorstensen Roy W dept mgr Ogden Utah Knit Co b 517 28th. Thredgold Thelma emp Scowcroft’s b 2007 Madison ay. Thredgold Wm G mason r 2007 Madison av. Thulin Julius blksmth S P r 344 7th. Thurman Everett E eng S P. Thurston Alice J (wid John) r 3287 Adams av. Thurston Chas.F mech §S P r 3118 Ogden av. Thurston Chris S carp r 451 15th. Thurston Eugene blksmth O U R & D Co r 2855 Quincy av. Thurston Howard J firmn § P. Thurston Jas Eformn OUR &D Cor 178 17th. Thurston Leonard F farmer r Slaterville. Thurston Louis C clk Geo A Lowe Co r 3471 Porter av. Thurston Marion J lab b 451 45th. Thurston Marvetta student rms 2020 Adams av. Thurston Regatte (wid Jas) r 3-2143 Madison av. Thurston Thelma B student b 3118 Ogden av. Thurston Walter E uphlistr S P b 178 17th. Thynstra Saml farmer r City Limits rd. Tilford Anna (wid J H) rms 2526 Adams av. Tillett Geo W roofer D K Stuart & Son r 974 Libery av. Tillett John H barber J D Harris r 141 W 21st. Tillotson Thos Einsp OU R & D Co r 2935 Monroe av. Tillotson Broom Factory (Chas E Tillotson) 4 Tillotson pl. Tillotson Chas E (Tillotson Broom Fetry) r 3 Tillotson pl. Tillotson Charlotte (wid Chas) r 2 Tillotson pl. H, Grocer, ‘‘Where Everything’s Good to JOHN TILLOTSON Eat,” 2281 Washington av, Tels 605-606, r 2657 Liberty av, Tel 2105-J. Tillotson Jos E student b 2 Tillotson pl. Tillotson Lawrence E b 2 Tillotson pl. Tillotson Leonard C slsmn r 2351 Jefferson av. Tillotson Porter S bkpr U S Dept of Agrl r 748 24th. aD) a) at Storage a Gocowne Thirty-Two Years Experience Has Taught Us to Handle Only the Best Grade, and All Coal 'pHonse “si = ae Transfer & Wright's oe)4 OGDEN John Farr Coal Co. CLARK‘S ASHION\KHOP Women's \\eart Apparel WHERE THE SMART DRESSERS TRADE 2470 Washington Ave. Ready to Wear and Millinery Store TRY OUR NEW PLAN OF BUYING CLOTHES ON CREDIT 2345 WASH AVE. |