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Show BOYLES j CO’S KAY Realtor, Real Estate and Loan Broker, Office SERVICE Kearns Terrance M slsmn Ogden Motor Car Co r 3426 Adams ay. 3 X-RAY Keating Keating Edna E b 441 Helen B steno 27th. UI Cb Keating Virginia student b 444 441 AND NEUROCALOMETER yO H clk Scowcroft’s 27th. b 3260 Wall av. Keil Julia M steno DC & HD b 3260 Wall av. Keil Paul E jan r 3260 Wall av. Kell John student b 2021 Gramercy av. Kell Nicholas J lab r 2021 Gramercy av. Kell Paul lab O U R & D Co. Kelleher see also Kelliher. Kelleher Cath B opr W U Tel Co b 2748 Lincoln av. Kelleher Danl J moved to Evanston Wyo. Kelleher Timothy A eng r 2748 Lincoln av. Kelleher Winifred J nurse 2748 Lincoln av b same. Keller Chas A clk DC & HD b 1618 Kiesel av. Keller Chas L buyer r 1618 Kiesel av. Keller Chris H lab S P r 566 Canyon rd. Keller Cornelius H custdn Carnegie Free Library r 546 Keller Cornelius H jr moved to Salt Lake City. PALMER GRADUATE TEN ( %x] 411 KIESEL BLDG. e PHONES 630 - 757 C. E. Armstrong OGDEN CITY THE HOME” DIRECTORY — 1926 29 29th. Keller Jonas Pr 528 Wash av. Keller Jos F moved to Los Angeles. Keller Gt lab O P B & T Co r Harrisville. Keller Lamont Llewellyn mgr Success r 935 Mkt r 1405 Keller Louis L livestk Union Stk Yds Keller Moroni clnr 8 P b 546 16th. ‘elley ics Kelley Kelley b 424 29th. get Kelly. see also Geo W agt Amer Ry Exp r 645 Harry J firmn 8 P r 275 33d. Jas W fnshr r 2940 Pingree av. Kelley Mrs Laura Kelley Orville av. av. Wash Me Harrisville. b Keller Ralph electn Orpheum Theatre Keller Ray hipr S P b 546 16th.- Keller Thelma 20th. G r 3230 Wall 30th. av. Kelley Mae B bkpr b 2940 Pingree av. Kelley Marjorie student rms 331 26th. Kelley Orville L atdt O P O & G Go b 19 27th. Keating Wm J steward Elks Club r 444 27th. Keaton Jas B lunch and taxi 175 25th r same. Keaton Rhoda F died Sept 16 °25 age 69. Keddington Vernon H messr Culley Drug Co b 732 27th. Keefer Richd V tmstr Wheelwright Constn Co r 870 Capitol Keeling Jos lab rms 2510 Lincoln av. Keener Hiram H mgr Keener Machy Co r 1329 25th. seener Machy Co Hiram H Keener mgr 2362 Wall av. Keener Sarah tchr High Schl r 518 Plaza Apts. Keeter Mrs Cleo clk The Emporium r 2730 Quincy av. Keeter Clifford R chfr b 951 27th. Keeter Fred W slsmn O P O & G Co r 2851 Fowler av. Keeter Howard atdt O PO & G Cor 5 La Frantz Apts. Keeter Oscar W pkr Ogden Bkg Co b 951 27th. neeter Otto J pumperO UR & D Cor 951 27th. Kehmeir John W toolmn S P r 3207 Pingree av., Keifer Rosa (wid Leo) r 110 Willow. Keifer Velma student b 110 Willow. Keifer Wm lab b 110 Willow. Keil Elmer == Keller Emil L (Success Market) r 424 Keller Henry farmer r Harrisville. 2478 Washington av 2d floor, rooms 1-2-3, Tel 409, r 2649 Adams av, Tel 1191. Kay Willard E phys b 2649 Adams av. Kear] Adrian L firmn S Pr 173 27th. Kearl Elva M emp U P Lndry rms 265 9th. Kear! Leonard firmn r 2305 Lincoln av. Kearl Venla rms 265 9th. Kearns Elmer E mgr r base 613 28th. Kearns Ernest B sls mgr Ogden Motor Car Co r 1265 26th. Kearns Jeanne student b 1265 26th. Kearns Laura nurse Dee Hosp rms Nurses Home. 0,9 1D) (ED (0) ED) Ge WELL BE TO BACKBONE THE YOU HAVE or vO n=o : a em = et SS see A Se EE SS eS eee WILLARD, FOR ot) =a ——<cwme Kay Harold T lawyer b 2649 Adams av. Kay Kathryn M student b 2649 Adams av. Kay Onyx rms 2409 Lincoln av. DR. IRA J. McKELL “EVERYTHING x @, or Corey U P r 19 Covey Apts. R brkmn Apts. Kelliher see also Kelleher. Kelliher Jeremiah F insp S P r 2241 Jefferson av. Kelliher Jeremiah F jr r 2535 Orchard av. Kelliher Madeleine typist DC & H D b 2211 Jefferson av. Kelliher M Gerald clk OU R & D Co b 2211 Jefferson av. Kellogg Eva W died Jan 28 °25 age 62. Kellogg Fred S painter r 2869 Grant av. Kellogg Geo W chf clk OUR & D Co r 2469 Jefferson av. Kellogg Luella cashr Ogden Bkg Co. Kellogg Scott D student b 2469 Jefferson av. Kellogg Wilfred A btrymn Elec Starter & S B Co r 37 Argyle Apts. Kellos Hyrum b 135 9th. Kellos John farmer r.135 9th. Kellos Roy b 135 9th. Kelly see also Kelley. Kelly Anna pkr Shupe-Williams b 3226 Stephens av. Kelly Anna M (wid Jos M) r 3226 Stephens av. Kelly A Virginia student b 446 26th. Kelly Carrie pkr Shupe-Williams b 3226 Stephens av. Kelly Chas formn r 150 Patterson. Kelly Dana tchr Utah Schl D Kelly Geo A emp Amal Sugar & B b 2117 Adams Co r 446 26th. av. Kelly Elbt M character reader 449 26th r same. KELLY GEO J (Kelly & Herrick), r 2117 Adams av, Tel Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly 16th. H G cond U P rms New Brigham Hotel. Jas rest 209 25th r rear 2531 Lincoln av. Jas L hlpr Hylton Flour Mills b 3226 Stephens Jas M died Mar 4 °25 age 55. J Eliz student b 446 26th. Kelly Leana student b 3226 Stephens av. Kelly Milton J student b 150 Patterson. KELLY REX M, Slsmn Kelly & Herrick, b 2117 380-W. 380-W. av. Adams av, OGDEN SPORTING GOODS CO. & Co. Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies Developing and Print-e ing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, Westinghouse Globes, Toys, Etc. 306 25th Street Guns, 2311 0 Ammunition, Tackle Washington Av. mm 17 Kodaks and and Sport Finishing, Clothing JTOWNUFAVL & Fishing Phone 235 Tel 3ANOHd POLK SLv L. LOYVHNAIT R. JNYd 298 av usum voz AQWYWHWH 454 , - SYSNOILOSANOO PHONE ) oer - SHANOILVLS (04 ED) >) () <> ( | “A BOOK STORE” o Sa SS1IOILYVY LATIOL SANIZVOVIA SuYYVdID 3LVG-OL NIVLNNOA SOIAHSS SvVaOyY GNY ONIHSINIA “dn Gvouw SIWGYSAAIY Sere 9eve ANOHd SPARGO’S| 9, "NO 9129S O $ai0}$ WopoW 2 sf |