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Show ‘-7 7 ae WATER . { —_ Launderers-Dry Cleaners i 5 2149-2153 Pingree PHONES 367 AND Ogden, Utah R. Johnson Johnson L. POLK Vern H formn Ogden Victor r 135 17th. & CO’S Iron Wks Avenue r 37 410 Avelan Apts. PHONE 526 CITY Lincoln 2 o¢ DIRECTORY — 1926 Apts. 291 av. hlpr S P r 3225 Stephens student Tels Jones Alton F lab Jones Jones 1s Benes Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Araminta student b Hooper. Co b Roy. Arch emp pie ae abi Arch farmer ooper. as M rs Armeda hlpr Amer P & P Co r 140 W 2d. Art G (Jones Canning Co) r Roy. : A B eng U 8 Dept of Agrl rms a17a0 Sean es Mrs A B tchr Wash Jr High Schl rms 3175 Porter Barton E moved to Salt Lake City. Benj farmer r 604 Douglas. Bertha maid 1360 Capitol. B Alonzo lab St Dept r 442 30th. Jones Jones »s Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Jones Chas Ar N Ogden. Chas L edger oar Chas § labr 2 acific av. ; oa T buyer Geo A Lowe Co r 2739 Brinker av. Chas T prin Burch Creek Schl r 3034 Jackson av. Clarence farmer r 838 29th. Clarence E farmer r Hooper. Clarence L ctr Skaggs r 2627 Adams av. Clifford hlpr b 530 22d. Cora M b Roy. Dewey D ctr r 9 Covey Apts. D Henry b 63 Wilson la. ~ Earl lab Amer P & P Co r 651 Kershaw. Edsel lab b Hooper. ; Edwd lab O U R & D Co rms 2629 Grant av. Edwd F real est r 3022 Jackson av. Eleazer J contr 2731 Wall av r same. Mrs Eliz r rear 260 24th. Wm'§ r 1081 a a 7th. 2645 Lincoln av. é y ° erric j 2502 WASHINGTON AV. Bees Albt 4 sia : b Hooper, ewad AN Jones Alma E formn Amer Ry Exp Co b 347 Jones 3 Johnston Chas L (Hi Way Garage) b 3442 Wash av. Johnston Clarence L barber and confr Hooper, r same. Johnston Clarence R swchmn OUR & D Co rms 204 23d. Johnston David S mach r 978 21st. Johnston Ellen C asst postmstr r Hooper. Johnston Ellen § (wid Jas) r Hooper. Johnston Elva b 3018 Adams av. Johnston Flora student b 500 16th. Johnston Hannah rms 756 25th. Johnston Henry H electn The Lighthouse r 3024 Grant av. Johnston Henry H moved to Price Utah. Johnston Henry P clnr OUR & D Go. Johnston Henry P farmer r Hooper. Johnston Jessie clk b 500 16th. Johnston Laura student b 978 21st. Johnston Mrs Mary r 500 16th. Johnston Mavis B Hooper. Johnston Robt C farmer r 3442 Wash. av. Johnston Roy GC died Oct 18 °25 age 36. Johnston Mrs Ruth b 3018 Adams av. Johnston Stewart B hipr r 317% 26th. Johnston Thos farmer r Hooper. Johnston Thos E student b 978 21st. Johnston Walter C lab b 3018 Adams av. Johnston Walter M mach S P r 3018 Adams av. Johnston Wesley R b 3018 Adams av. Johnston Wm § formn O U R & D Go. Johnstone Jas contr r 2325 Adams av. Johnstone Jewell H clk Harris Wax rms Marion Hotel. Johnstone Laverne student rms 215 29th. Jolley Darrow B atdt O PO & G Cor rear 458 24th. Jonas Mary r 3200 Pacific av. Jones Aaron V civ eng r 3175 Porter av. j 24 Alice Johnston Chas D waiter Ross & Jack rms Equipment Ambulance Service Open Day and Night rms Jones Johnson St. OGDEN »s Abiather a Johnson Wm W barber Depot Barber Shop r 227 W Patterson. ~ Johnson & Hawkins (C B Johnson K J Hawkins) chiros 4127 Kiesel Bldg. a Johnston Afton E tehr b Hooper. 24th Twenty-Fou — a Johnson Victor atdt Texas Co b 603 2d. JOHNSON WADE M (Henderson & Johnson), Attorney-at-Law, q 215 First Nat Bank Bldg, Tel 129, r 2565 Brinker av, 1806. Johnson Walter farmer r Plain City. Johnson Warren appr b 253 30th. Johnson Wm slsmn Hirschman Shoe Co rms 712 25th. Johnson Wm A painterO UR& DCor 323 29th. Johnson Wm E barber 17 N Wash av r same. Johnson Wm H chfr Model Lndry r 466 Doxey. Johnson Wm H formn P Or 2101 Grant av. Johnson Wm H jr missionary b 466 Doxey. Johnson Wm O painter r 438 17th. Undertakers Embalmers and Funeral GODDARD B. H. Loans Real Estate,Telephone Insurance, 197 rth Street i 368 ¥ Co (ans a: SOFT ED USE Annis Jones Canning Jones Elmer b Hooper. C student Co b rear chk WH Vash ay. swadch 24th. 260 (A G Jones) lab r Roy. » 2) A WE i av. Roy. Clothing : Jones Elmer C confr r 3473 Wash av. Jones Elmer C opr U P & L Cor 564 Canyon rd. Jones Elsie elev opr Reed Hotel b 233 26th. JONES EMPLOYMENT AGENCY (W O Jones), Skilled and Unskilled Laborers For All Public Work, Branch at Salt Lake City, 143 25th, Tel 1478. Jones Erma moved to Los Angeles. Jones Ernest E cond r 271 W 12th. Jones Ernest M W mus tchr 2880 Adams av r same. Jones Ernest R student b Jb Adams av. Jones Mrs Esther J r 2977 Jefferson av. JONES EUGENE D, Pres-Gen Mgr Yellow Cab & Trans ; 218 15th, Tel uae Seabee vones Eva E (wid J Clinton) r 659 26th. JONES EZRA B, Mgr Jones Music Co, r 545 12th, Tel Jones Ezra Br 549 12th. Jones E A sls mer Contl B & L Assn rms Rarnhardt. FIRE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE REAL ESTATE AND LOANS ; TELEPHONE 76 | — > ra a : Co, 1491-R. HE TRIE TRUE oO | Sp sho . CHARACTER OGDEN AND CHAR Y FRAMING: Hats Shoes r ECCLES BLDG. Ants. RD ATUD PrOROLUR ING| Saat Furnishings PHONE 208W Tel. 572 |