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Show eo Sal — © 1 5a = TEN YEARS IN OGDEN 411 KIESEL BLDG. PHONES 630 - 757 & Cpt Co r 3433 FOR THE HOME” Wash© b 2719 Furnaces Make Warm Friends”, 2214 Washington av, Tel 933. (See page 19). Holland John died Apr 25 ’25 age 89. Holland Thos farmer r Roy. Holland Thos J sls mgr Glen Bros-Roberts r 855 25th. Hollenbach Peter carp r 3608 Adams av. Holley Delos W farmer r Roy. Holley Geo V farmer r Slaterville. Holley Henry C farmer r Slaterville. Holley Henry E farmer r Slaterville. Holley Herbt L moved to Los Angeles. Holley Horace dairymn r 368 8th. Holley John A emp Amal Sugar Co. Holley John E rollermn Utah Rubber Co r 1973 Eccles av. Holley Louis E b Slaterville. Holley Ulysses G whol flour r 2341 Adams av. Hollings Stella techr rmys 1214 27th. Hollingshead Mrs Eliz drsmkr 351 28th r same. Hollingshead Geo radio sups 351 28th r same. Hollingshead Lillie moved to Nevada. Monroe av. r N Ogden. & Co. Developing and Printe Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographio Supplies, ing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, WestStreet 306 25th Etc. Globes, Toys, inghouse wehmn Moses b Wilson. O H eng U P rms 2526 Lincoln av. Pearl A clk Woolworth’s b 239 22d. Robt H slsmn r 322 33d. Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Holmes Walter blrmkr r 527 Holmes Wealtha b Wilson. ~ av. Russell telgr U Pr 2758 Lincoln r Wilson. Sarah E (wid Wm) Holmes Holmes HOLLINGSWORTH CHARLES R, Attorney-at-Law, 516 Eccles _ Bldg, Tel 295, r The Virginia, Tel 1781. Hollingsworth Fred P clk S P rms 2665 Wall av. Hollingsworth Victor W firmn 8 P rms 1050 Canyon rd. Holm Garl O poster Anderson Adv Co r 2637 Liberty av. Holm Emma M b 2637 Liberty av. Holman Lorena hrdsr r 5 Ivy Apts. Holman Mrs M BE jan Eccles Bldg rms 2447 Grant av. Holman Vesta techr Mound Fort Schl b 5 Ivy Apts. Holmes Amasa § formn Utah Pkg Co r 604 W 24th. Holmes Bella student b 527 17th. Holmes Harold H clk b N Ogden. Holmes Heber C r Kanesville. Holmes Henry slsmn John Clay & Co rms 3266 Adams av. Holmes Irving E clk P O r 28214 Brinker av. Holmes John r 2719 Monroe av. © Holmes John jr farmer r Wilson. Holmes John F contr 3276 Wall av r same. Holmes Jos B farmer r Wilson. Holmes Lamoni patrol Police Dept r 239 22d. Milton Holmes HOLLAND FURNACE CO, D C Watson Branch Mgr, “Holland — 'C. E. Armstrong Lucy DIRECTORY — 1926 Holmes Mary E died June 7 °25 age 38. av. Holden Geo clk rms Rex Hotel. Holden John court bailiff r 2933 Grant av. Holden John H repr r 3655 Jefferson av. Holibaugh Eliz L died Aug 3 °25 age 82. Holibaugh Orlando W r 1300 25th. Holland Estelle tehr Wash Schl rms 1214 27th. Holland Eugene E elk Contl Oil Co r 662 15th. “° oo Holmes CITY 17th. Holmes Wendell b Wilson. Holmes Wm farmer r Wilson. Holmes W Eugene clk Lion Coal Holmgren Carl E r 520 W 24th. Co b Carl L formn Brown Ice Cream Co b 364 W 17th. Eliz tchr Hopkins Schl b 364 W 17th. (wid Carl) r 364 W 17th. Emma Lee mech r 2965 Jackson av. G eng C F Dinsmore & Co rms 2343 Adams av. Holt Geo H tkt clk OU R & D Co b 345 9th. Holt John E moved to Omaha. Holt Portia tchr Pingree Schl rms Holt Willard eng 8S P. Holt Wm Wilson. Schl rms 654 28th. rms 651 28th. Holmgren Veoma tchr Lewis Jr High Holmgren Winifred steno Boy Scouts Holmstrom Holmstrom Holmstrom Holmstrom Holst Byron ONud SERVICE PALMER GRADUATE Furn OGDEN A r 345 3374 Wash av. 9th. Holtgran Wm A rms 345 9th. Holther David K b 821 28th. Holther Dora P (wid Louis J) r 8214 28th. LOUIS J (Woolley & Holther), Lawyer, 601-602HOLTHER 603 Eccles Bldg, Tel 372, r 2849 Liberty av, Tel 3678-W. Holton Eli bkpr Dee Hosp r 983 23d. Holton Eliz E nurse Dee Hosp b 983 23d. Holton Jennie V student b 983 23d. Holtz Gus G swchmn O U R & D Cor 3573 Wash av. Holroyd Thos E chfr Fire Dept r 1636 23d. Homan Maret rms 452 22d. Home Bakery (Bryan Mann Jos Alkema) 240 W 20th. HOME CARPET CLEANING CO, Kryn Van Kampen Propr, Car- pets Cleaned, Fitted and Laid, Upholstering and Mattress Making, Office and Plant 37th and Riverdale Road, Tel 1320. (See page 12). HOME FIRE & MARINE INS CO (San Francisco), Froerer & Fowles Inc Agts, 2409 Kiesel av. HOME FURNITURE CO, R L Tribe Pres, E N Van Dyke Sec, Complete Furnishings for the Home at Reasonable Prices, eee Ranges, Pictures, Toys, Etc, 2287 Washington av, el 554. Home Furn Exch (Home Furn Co) 371 234d. HOME INS CO OF NY, B H Goddard Agt, 429 24th. HOME INS UNDERWRITERS (NY), Froerer & Fowles 2409 Kiesel av. Inc Agts, OGDEN SPORTING GOODS CO. | Guns, 2311 Ammunition, Tackle Washington Av. ome. 15 av wewm oe AQWAYWHd JTOVNYISWL hs CO = Ogden per: Kodaks and Finishing, and Sport Clothing Fishing Phone 235 Slt 3NOHd Zz. © eo X-RAY a woxHorwrT 707 © AND = 4 NEUROCALOMETER = - > L slsmn oe” + LOYVHNAlT “EVERYTHING fae & CO’S M Eugene cashr b 3630 Ogden av. Ruth student b 3630 Ogden av. Walter K stkmn $ P b 3433 Wash av. Holbrook Walter 3SS POLK 9€ve Holbrook Holbrook Holbrook L. - SHANOILVLS R. PO) 266 - SHSNOILOSAINOO Ee «ee DM ED 'g BOYLES aes 454 - SSIOILYV LATIOL SANIZVOVA SUYVDIO J3LVG-OL NIVLNNOS SOIAWSS SyvVaO» GNY ONIHSINISA “dn 1IVGYHAAIY Seve SJ GvoOuw ANOHd PHONE OO "HO SAJaS O] $910}¢ WopoW STORE” _p BOOK oe — “A (: RE) ED 'SPARGO’S a |