OCR Text |
Show \ 020 ‘ > ED Oa 0-0 0a PHONE Insurance, Loans, Rentals 501-502 ECCLES BUILDING 381 -~ BRICK or One . a Bryant seneh 45% 452 Anderson 464 McGregor Mrs Anna. Lewis Murphy 465 468 475 478 500 517 ~ I i My, 524 540 \ 540 540 1H al iW if 1 tif Sve FIRE | 573 {| It TILE C0 | RED ili | y \ Hh i ; . i 633 Vetas 639 639 642 Carter (base) Woods A. Udy Orvill R. Vaughn Michi ae a iceecns ' ui 675 679 Horrocks Horrocks ii i} iy | | | ay an Cor 29th A and i i) | - = DAY » | §S. AND "Se E av | Healy 104 Murphy Hotel Geo W Soft W Depot Barber L. Shop 106s: P. Lavin Harry A. Hoover Hotel. 205 206 Carl. intersects. AE aE ee 32 132% ravelers Cafe. Byron Club. 208 “he ae llega eee GRANT Bi ee AV. a ae ea" iy ae * See ee pe ; 133 po 4 135 Vacant. Alpine Hotel. Alexander Wm Vacant. Daisy Lunch. Vacane 136 137 REE 139 140 0 ow Vacant. Budrukas j Wholesale ane Motel } ’ Re b ub, 202 j Supplies Drug Store. Cafe. Lincoin av intersects : Coml Cigar § re 1 €o Ogden Delicatessen. so, «= Empire Hotel. 204 q Troy Hotel, Cate Ogden é S. Jos. Cafe. Jas B. Jassett Mrs Mary. Co. Lincoln Drug Nicholas Gomer A 2 208% oe Colorado Hotel Kelly Jas. 210 211 213% 214 Star Clo TlgCo. Co. Gordon Helena Hotel. Vasant, 2 ; tegen € Crockery Store | | & | : R & Sons rast m-T. 2_ . RealtoR Watkins Franklin Son ot K. 215 Sirus 0 elena Barber ;s Western Barber Stop j | ; 335 o4 a th Retaili Si an sinciee (| . Peter. €] i Marion Barber Shop : Marion Hotel. Vogel News Co. Cosmos John. 00 + 200 rs | j } — Hall. Pool Alexander’s 80 Depot Grocery. Acme The. i:? ~~ «Vacant. Kiros Theo. 130 Jaques Eagle Keaton Vacant. Major : dy . ee eae 131 131% ee i, Togo Vacant. oe Vacant. 173 174 175 ae ae Gro. Travelers House Shop. — Hall. Manroku Hotel. Hotel. N. Anderson Jos ie 172 Vacant. St James Hotel. Brooks Richd S. Gunn Supply Co. 115 115% 117 ae | Weber 168 2 Boyle Danl Smith Fred L. Depot Drug Store. Varelo Ramon. City Cafe. de Wit Bros. 106% 107 108 109 110 111 } * Denver 170 (whs Recy Bae OKamato 169 Drinks jr | New York Clo Store : Montana Rooms. Brunetti John v. Rosenberg Morris, 66 jr Chop Overland Rooms, Gordon Isadore. 2 167 fee : ae ras, SERVICE” | “AUTOMOTIVE ao AND REPAIRS WRECKING CAR Geo Murphy 103 105 WwW. Vacant. Railroad Porters & Waiters & Cafe. Griener Hotel Passey Mrs Victoria J. esT y Sage ST.—W intersects. Wall av GHTH 100 TWENTY-EI ‘fees Wilson Apts. 104 et Browk John. 118 ae a e Block. Geo Murphy 26 127 128 Polk av intersects. Oscar Torgeson Lawrence. 2440 New Murphy 108 104 101 Montana Block. National Montana Barber Pool Overland 165 tae 100 = Wall_avHealyintersects. Hotel. | eee Mutual Emp Agcy, Rooms.Rec Sta. Cozy Army US Marocchi Mrs Angeline ‘ Vacant. 60, 160% ee: Gat Reeves av intersects. Spidel Perry. Union av intersects. TWENTY-FIFTH ST. 200 oon a Marocchi 158 4 on ! Louis, is fees 122 32: 124 Poulson NIGHT Bunkhouse. ae ; 1471 N Av Jefferson Elwood Jos A. Stratford Harrison 1400 1453 1469 Tanner Jos M. Thos 0.L. Chas Bingham Hinckley and PLANT W Myers John W F. Douglas Melbouene : Henry C. ‘Clark Stevens G Earl. 1183 1200 Garrett Aug. Page Art. Young Mrs Flossie. Co D & ae esme C. Cook Glen Vacant. on 199 200 114 H. Fred 14175 1179 Geo. ‘iy Ih iy ; | av intersects. Buren Van Worthington John H. Anderson Geo W. 5 657 669 670 ___~=«- ie aa ue: aed ee > 1100 1125 1153 C. OFFICE i Sie ee 1000 1157 1163 i| RS jr. Hunter Henry D. Triplett Wm A. Kohn Phil A. Jackson av intersects. Burton Elmer L. Vest Edwin T. 651 652-1 659-2 er , W intersects. av Kuhlman 1056 1062 W. Lorenzo See Berrill Fred A. Leesman Harry F. Hardy Robt J. Hartog John. Grant Geo D. Stallings John A. 984 Benj A. Teppenkamp Henry A. 968 974 Alfd. Geo E. Durrant Wm. 644 646 647 648en. and FLUE TILE Cordon, (base) S. Irwin Quincy 966 A. Sami. Ibt Whitley Albt 634 Robbins 916 920 923 928 960 964 Cline Mrs Nellie. (base) Sterling May. Shanks Llewelyn L. Walter J. Morgan Danl. Pugh i a i | Burton 638 5 PARTITION | 622 Nielsen Elias. Ruth 881 906 Marguerite. Nephi 869 ee i er Wm C. Thos L. Garcia Edwd 900 E. Jefferson av intersects. Child Orville R. Tanner Mathias C. (base) Kearns Elmer E. Hale Thos E. (base) Gardner Robt L. 634 | R. 600 613 613 613 620 620 a BLOCKS a an | i ] Hubbard Arch Jacobsen Adamson 855 M. Pamela BUFF BUILDING i i 586 Higham 628 628 SHALE Common Briok e . . Cecil 586 ' WIFRS. i Mrs Farley 585 i] | i Ne tik My 4 Parker 586 843 847 ee ee ace ae Campbell John L. 837 a eee bi Leia Christensen John E. Neville Wm. Allred Seymour B. White Wm H. 825 825 828 833 Jos D. Thomas 580 Pearl. Mrs Hodson UR ion Bre Percy. iar Oans r B-B Sardwich Shop. Coffield Tire Protector 156 Cantwell Jas. 196 | : L Morris John W H. : 3 toa% ia are55 : hsurance Llersanti Harry. 4% | ate [ J. Van Ness Hotel. Belmont Hotel. ieee ine : E. John Jones 186 a: Wangsgard David. Cossey Clifford H. Holther Mrs Dora P. 818 821 8214 Willard Andw J. Hobb Fred .C. Jones John D. Vacant. 186 ere pees E Moulding Lawrence (rear) La Mar Mrs Mearl. ia 165 ian ie re: eY ost g ie Est US Soft Drink Parlor ; Marcucci Alex. Marcucci & Co. tr & L 2d Ha Store. ny “ teas J. Wm Thompson ea US Rooms. Andw Willard ieey, Moulding Albt L. 169 164 Vacant. 148 148 149 +n A. Smith Mrs Mary Cude Edgar G. en oe Monroe av _ intersects. 812 Steck Stanley B. Petersen Hans H. 576 578 if! 800 + (rear) Hansen Leo. 573 RICK it | Mrs_ Lenora. Krause Albt. Peterson Mrs Emma. Morris W Vaughn. Vacant. Rackham Guy L. 567 568 lt Bia ee Ca Jones Emp Agcy. 144 146 cour Chas F, almer Aivion C. pEneateie Alphonse. ronson Geo. ei Be Taylor Jos S. Matteson Byron W. Parley aeJ. . Farrell Crase Clareuse Skaggs Porter av intersects. Layne G Herbt. Ellis John G. te 163 159 Iverson Holger P. Alonzo J. Foutz 785 Cynthia Mrs Pingree 558 561 564 iad 149 150 150 eee A. Orson 4 ve gies. Teta nae S. Alfd. Torgensen 800 Hincheliff Mrs Mary A.S. 553 753 759 Deegan Mrs Helen Clark Merl R 775 779 780 wae intersects. ct z Huish Fred A. Christenson : ; Anderson, Harry 8S. Weber Floral Co. Spencer Edwin W. McEwan J Leon. 140 144 s. SI CRaeoer Wm tephens av intersects. | i a 47 VN fallas Thos. 143 Whitman Jas &. 134 ae Nantker Wm F. L. Crawford Wm 768 769 E. Heed Travis R. 548 \ Clair. Clarence E. 739 740 742 744 Peters Jos. Brandisi Rocky. Rigl gley Pedro. | | 01 | Cafe. Maryland 149 , 142% 146" ‘an ‘ 130 134 ae ie ee - AES intersects. av Walter P. Jos elsey Ps <t aees L. Areh Wright Wm S. 765 Chas. Boyle Child Willard 546 Moore 764 Boyle Clair. Grant John. Andw B. Leishmanger ees rope 546 . Hi (rear) (rear) 542 544 544% ke : ;. | Dewey 540 540 Madison 748 M. Boyle Lida. 700 727 733 ‘Eldridge Myron C. Boyle Ray M. Anderson David Vacant. 11 a GUIDE HOUSEHOLDERS CITY OGDEN Pe a, | 683 | ¢ PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM Prove te80 | 31st Street of ‘ OP ON Sets Christiansen 689 721. Schl. H. High Castle Jr ollections ; — TELEPHONE 425 | ’ 715 E. Wallwork David E. Packer Clarence H. Adams av intersects. Thorstensen Mrs Helen. 521 i Peter. Claus Gruman 458 Million ew eee Paul H. hoamoeites 440 450 "Deen re | | EENMILK DAIRY ret. | orristall | » Le oo RICHARDSON ~HUNT Co. 2419 Washington Ave, e Glalverware PHONE 1 1 ssware Dinnerware; : 6 01 ) Chieu rae | rs | | ) |