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Show THURSDAY, eae te 2 FEBRUARY | Cache North Cacheat Logan, Bear| School will be the Cache, orers. scores: scores: BoxBox . night. "The Warriors will have the home Ben oe Ne i ray, Jordan at Granger, Tooele at St ee f; oe Cyprus, | t wee the Ws y before losing = the tic, Pleasan area to Fork. a real Lehi at American at Ogden High. trails third Region ae ae the running for a region champion ship, so should be up for thisof one. the one be: to “What promises better games of the evening will @ Y. High now River _ Region ‘Ten Milford; Parowan at oon yi ey re There one game. place | A defeat to | Bountiful by (the Braves would put the Tigerslefttwoto games back with only four play. On the other hand, however, Ogden can move into a third place “tie with a victory, giving it an equal chance of qualifying for a berth in the state tournament. BEGINS SECOND HALF Region } One also begins ‘its sec-, ond half. - Logan, another undefeated club, | shouldn’t have too much trouble running its winning streak to five |” games And | good zlies when it hosts North Cache. Box Elder, a team with a chance for the to threaten the Grizleague travel to Hyrum South Cache. Francis, . 15261646 per at § 0012 Region Ten (MAIS ee tans VU pall poh M bi ee (Dixie DIVISION’ crown, for a game will with ~~ 3093 105 ee a yy NORTH RICH Re Lutz 3 4 1 ‘ G. Brown) OF oka 110.02 McQueen. = 00 2 th ‘ e 0000. 3 1.0 é 0 1 @ a: : City’ cesewene sneer ss “a re 2. 93:17 10 56 Totals ' ae ne SB gz 20 88 aes oR rca Fhe pats Nielsen R. Carrigan (NORTH SUMMIT Emery _Eight—North be played at “Hurricane, l in a Cedar. City ‘the Tigers meet Bountifu at. Dixie, Kanab, game that must be regarded as a | Prise — Ogden. for -make-or-break contest Ogden at Tin- 1 0 0 2 Olsen Wa © 9 Nudge. eryman,at| 625 195 at Moab Soutam Carbon,Dame, out of Notre HutBeainatthem another cay ae ae = at Montice “4 ee - dl Region Seven—B. er as | down “Ogden ‘ fotice last Morgan. 2 no SE aE mo 2 wid at p 6. 0.12.on geca ‘Heiner ao ower P ae ae ee ie Ps GT Ff ( Leatham 8 a Mokisee (3/5, “1.3 ee oe g its wounds Ville at St. Joseph, Division—| will travel’ Region. Six. (Summit North Q Rich | e on the winless Park City at Wasatch, at! "at South Summit, North Summit e ved | 18) 0 2 1 1 Maggio 011.1 Buckbee 7 ig Hates 0.20.0 Dirseoll’: ig Totals. 16201145 _ Region Five—Payson at Spanish Aa asa . Bet fpiece at Orem, Carbon at pinks — pig game earlier this be week. CT two. more Springville. wil <also | There (Jordan Division) — Six Region the! in eyed es eee Memorial, GrantsJudge at “Dugway Ogden. are South Rich, bye.; L Neg e8 Ee 4 0 0 8 Francis at. Bonneville, Bountiful at These two teams meet Friday at Lomond +, —High ; sat -nasium. 5-0! Region Three— Hi Hand at South, | The Darts bring an impressive polGranite. at Olympus West at East, having ‘record into this game, Region Four—Bingham at Mur‘ished off previously unbeaten Ben Lomond Tuesday TEP ake iy REGION TWO,Weber, Ben 2427 {he Deve Da irom n the Une of | Region wwTwo—Dav suet, 53,5 2 igiat te Het 3391 | ls tn in. the Warviors’ #9 (Ogden, | 1961 . > ' » attempt to knock River,.bye. 2, a |: Weento 8211 ae Me al a Ae 8 3 i ceca ai . Ms Re _ Enter- | {orn 1 RI cp canes Sera Ais NE North. bye. |