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Show : {: - -a LANDER Ts oe J i AES. OFFERS #28EIGN ELASSES / SCHOLARSHIFS i os Fresbnen Central raajor in Mrs. Van Meter's a re a an en 1 ee ‘ pang — ce Fee pee icin. Sona fro convened element of Mound for the the B. Fort and first L. H. time S, as a student- New Sophonores bubbled with euthuSiasm as their newly elected president, Dou:; Howard, called the meeting to order and iuigectuced the other officers, Kathy Grover, Vice-President; and Holly Wimmer, Secretary, They revealed! their desire "to make our Sophomore cluss tne best one yet." Mrs. Finch ond Mr. Gillispie, Soplinore advisors, stressed of settiny an example Hikers. "Let's make this ‘'doingest' yet," was the for importance the Junior the plea Hi;hland class the of the class officers who are David Hester, President; Marilyn Kinsman, Vice-President; and Kathy Wilkinson, Secretary. The officers informed the Juniors of the main activities of the year, nanely, the Junior assembly, class ete. and the Sanior reception. The class advisors, Mr. Cumpbell and Mrs. Gillens, étressed thé inport-«nce ef scholastic achteverent.. "TJ would like tyvo things from you office, UEF The Biclionoee CPEKS ass KS pee their new officers September 9, They are: President, Doug Howard; Kathy Grover, Vice-President; and Holly Wimmer, Secretary. Your good wisdom is comnendable, Sophs. Congratulations to Karen Woodburn, our new Historian. Karen is replacin; Mary Ann McAllister who is taking the Scots friendly, fighting spirit to the Swiss. BULLETIN: Construction of a parkin; lot will soon besin It will be directly east of and will occupy the space of football field. 2 i. sy body. FACPIPERS. ELEY applications fy 2 ea The Senior, Junior and Sophomore classes held first class meetinzs on September 14 in the auditorium and boy's and girl's gyn. ahr ™ Are you a citizen of the U. S.. and sixteen years of age? How would you like to represent Ben Lomond as a Foreign Exchange student? If you meet the following requirements, you have as much chance as anyone to do so. First of all, you nust be a member of the Junior Class and in good standing with the studentbody. Necessary for participation in this program are two years of a foreign language, and a B average or better in school. The last important requirement stresses excellent health, Three foreign prograns give . high school students an opportunity..to travel the world at various seasons of the year. These programs ares the summer proren, which entitles the student to spend summer vacation with a fanily abroad, am the Northern and Southern Hemisphere ran which takes place during the 3° ee year. Interested students may obtain 7DT PE Seniors this year. Work hard classes, and support and its activities,"' son, one of the in your your Scuior stated Miss class Hendrick- advisors. Competent class officers are Brian Wan svard, President; Lyndon Price, VicePresident; and Pat Austin, Secretary. Brian introduced the class advisors, Miss Hendrickson and Mr. Bailey; and told the Seniors of future plans concernin:: $38,000 at B. L. the gyn, the old them. tie ject, Among tale nt the future ass ee oe activitics Senior = care S ete ¢ cm STAFF BOX EDITOR ASST. EDITOR ADVISORS Louise Taylor Keren Pace Mr. Grover,Miss Larson Exchange Editor Koren Preece Business Menayer Dorothy Erkelens Advertisiny, Mana: tok ts Frances Hall, | Kethleen Grose Dorothy Smart, | | Typists ..,Kcaren Pace, Pat Cook, Betty Snippen, Judy Ruth- | strom, Gailene Batemen, Frances Hall! Repotters «ia tthleen Grose, Betty Ann Nori, Colene Nylander, Dorothy Smart, Frances Hall, Rosencary Shaw, Karen Pace Karen Preece, Betty Snippen, Judy Ruth-: stron, Dorothy Erkelens, Sharon Knifon; nae aes Gailene Batenan, \e onan iW Pat Cook, Berbara Butler, Ruth Halvorson, Georgia Van Bate es. Dennis Hogee, Richard McIntyre, Louise Taylor, Martha Peck. > be +2 en ene. AeA ACRR ER = cee el Sondre in iN |