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Show OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING JAN. 22, 1961 OC PERSON Presbyterians TO PERSON 2 5s Evverything was double— a gifts and all! iW yr: The Haydens are on oo wal Word the Ted to Formosa, where “Boyden pide o that they are aoe will be connected a4 ee new home a' ant Force for the ne: , San Carlos, Calif. ‘They have i r the move; they ay ee Wwthe past few years in been studying Chinese at Yale Uni- Bellingham ‘ash. ver: rsity and found it “most interoie CLUB esting. isitors were dinner: guests Tuesda: y was a busy day at the of the Charles Eubanks ai it Weber | Og den Golf and c Country Club wi Club curing their stay and also of 48 pectonating in the contract and the Charles A. Smiths and Rode-| du plicate. bridge g rick Brownings aa the Smith home Exchange Club members enterlast Saturday tained thei wives at their installaiss Virginia ace entertain-| tion dinne: Wednesday evening a ed at an evening of brimae Cee aclu Hayden, and Mrs. Edwar ana : obert | 18° Britt 8 1452 o leave for their new as- “March of Dimes’ are ee UP NORTH all women’s groups rate Boise, Idaho . . . will be the new with the sponsoring clubs. home for Mr. and Mrs. Spencer F. Reservations must be made by Eccles and baby, Clista Hope. They Friday noon and tickets may be| have been residing in Salt Lake eae oe any of the club bres, City. 2 rs. Ewing,EX 4-2 Prior to their leaving, Mr. and or rk "Albert Hansen, EX ‘oon M had a few Sammy — ig revealed today by her Bader, reasurer, and Laurence Bluth, secsaka Jenkins was chairman assie oy Mr. Bluth. “Tl ie week hi climaxed Saturday the EX @ Every Single One at genuine SALE SAVINGS! 4 Zeta, with thes ‘eathnan Mrs. James Haag 1536 ae EX 2-8544, on Tuesday at 7:30 Beta, Wednesday at "10 a.m., with Mrs. John MaeNeur. 1384 29th, EX ae Mrs. Gene Kline is chair- TO SPEAK VOWS and forthcoming Davi Morga: 29th, Miss gst Carolyn Rives’ to Verrgil F. Rives, 981 33rd. John D, Glismann of 1 Mond. will be reciteed in brduehes to Feb. 8 at the Threshold. ee ib age ay 10 with Mrs L.. Dav yenort, a BtT Marilyn Pe EX ee Mrs, Harry- Needham is chai Epsilon, Wednesday Ae 7: 30 p.m with the chairman, Mrs. apitol, EX 3 1 Medical Assistants To Meet Wednesday The Weber County Association Medical Assistants will convene uf regular ea Sti Inesday, ai ae meeting pe Bie will of for cen MISS “March of Dimes” / Ml : Mf e e eW ki Us ° ee Flutty / S r ! n !S d fund, 1qno | ° a . |__| ° bes Set d ie music, Webbe _— FUDPIS and about Mentzen, EX 4-779 Se students. of Fale Players ___|Plan Meeting Ti gden Duplicate Bridge Club, an affiliate of 7 American Aglaia Club Sets Contract Bridge League, will hold iv Monthly Master Point tomorrow Event Thursday evening ai .m, al ie ah ‘os Roy-South Ogden ae Sea Mond fever einorines |for those desiring to oe bridge. | Mahlum = a ee e al a Dees : bot een Boe oe ce Magpie es .” His “blue tage + skirts | ing’ the | Skies i spring. ‘rut colors will His fo: ready (which come will outjust miss knee, aa Ris Jt A ee ies suits, carried over for formal wear | the Prado for a Spanish-influenced| in dressy materials, The gray flan- | Show whose accent will be on fem-| nel suit will be an important item | I0IY. | ‘ ; fine au os most | “There will be no constraints He N ew i Offi icers on 8 the fig A 3240 ofheld the Excelsior ofCamp Neighbors America i a ‘ofdofficars Brida ie The line ror will be fluid—the; look—wit iil Royal be light ig rdin has pa Gauguin’s rst VINEE DaviFon ail ve pe for Jesobration, He still beas oracle, . Earl Branstiter, lieves in audacity vice oracle; Mrs. Arthur Norris, past oracle; Mrs. Janie Drew, chan- “wind marshal; Mrs. Della Olson, inner sent ae Stella Brooker, outer sonia ‘ RL Soin : if tinel; ee ae i "The . Baws: Appointive officers are Mrs. Flormusician; Mrs. Lillian ence Currie, : Mrs. | Fenstermaker, flag » Eliza Perkins, faith; Mrs. Marth Burnett, courage, an ae S Jorgensen, eneclee nes, ——— On Italy’s , yew ‘ 4 t h ce a Even Wee son, qd ees i. I PopPell, Mrs. Dae i Retired ane nalass, See f it are invited, FIVE. Gioons nelli. of Rome shows this mea te a i : and green flowers ‘ON white background. Favore for - p.m. Van Buren, 1 Be play. the hi A“Wo-' we resorteenand at summer Gnd Rome sprin, a hi ion showings, p 2309 Washi ashington ng 1009 _ 26, oe p.m. ab oie 5 ie ay Mabel Burgener, ess, Host-| Ab ae ie e will be Ons. re f Lane TROPICAL ‘ ; hae tet i $s most : Blvd. BERIN ; ; i Right is a yellow and white aves P li ae 2843 Gama. MtMiles Goodyear, Jan. 26, 2 Hoses, Annie Law, 2475 A v9 Daughters of Utah Pio-| me t on Jan. 26 a8! Ma 4 a 4 é Member, Rul ber, Helen Sunset. Maddock. Jan. * and durability, le :, 100% wool ce obstne 12 ft. breadicom, —CARPET ONLY— wool sq. yd. achgas. ohnsonah at outstanding savings. werden ee bis $ oe ee A Scapealapa ¢pecial ool 12 standing te a one Board a a) acs, me hae Bur ace Dox Chis, ee Tai ar 3774 member, JOHN DREW is the Beth ee new Relief presidentC of Dix 1063. 25,24t!: Ni Lo- Olen,8, Jan. 94% Relief Corps No. 2. She has ; been a member for 60 years. : Re | 1e f Corps ne fe iganh ae FLORALS ; FASHIONABLE haividual — up prey 5 r 0 member, Hie 2 p.m. Hostess, le 45, Jan : tha Ric’ Pc 2259 Monroe. White. Lala Sarah estes, Board member, se 7 i pm, Wit, a Na ae Wiser, 3843 N. 900 Hostess, n Spike, Jan 25, 7:30 p.m Anetta Waletli, 361 N. Jorgensen, No. 3, tne home of aets, allen od Mis, Mrs. Seeaaa |e ong art Clinpm rew an rs. Dic! erson Et the party committee Me Poulson ispress correspon-| tess, Myrtle a Board ol gden, Jan. 27. 2 ey ‘OSElaine H. Yssel, 856, 2ist. member, Lillian M. Ferrin. ard 12:30 p / Sek Relic i, Camp 37, 1 p.m. at the home of “The next meeting g the eon tess, ce 2969 Adams. | will be held Feb. Mrs. Ellen Breve Board member, Ethel Torgeson. |in the IOOF Hall. Turley, eee Usha don. 96 2 ; oh PalmH oe ieess, r, Jan. 26, 2 p.m. Cobabe, RFD member, Hos- No. 2, Og- Inez Spack- RS Ss u ci i e ‘s anuary t h e Ti me to G et q RE A L DEAL ” Easy to “CHARGE” Them tailored on termserms tailored ¢ to your budget! ; A ostesses, La Rena ene Had hie “oo a urfee, Jan, 26, 8 p.m. Hostesses, AG101 as: Bt conductor. Della , guard; Mrs. Let Soe ae es assistant guard; Currie, ee J U » ; Doris Hostess, Mar- YEA Buaget... — t to TOP (If $500 or more) on the West's Finest Custom-Made ae dist St. Board To Convenient Payments Tail Hl a a allorea. to‘Bud tif ¥ your fkahidoat TWEEDS eeccerae Plein: City nn, and -O-O0-0 ° a Ch a rge-it!” oan GRACIOUS Rs .m. apie fl “S. Meeting cancelled. 6, Jan. 26, 2 p.m ees a Richards, ae wee Van Estella Brooker, Mrs. Florence os 3 e. rgeson. Camp :15 p.m. at the Relic Hall. Board member, Florence right. : Norma toe peas Bp. Hostess, Diana Hadley, 584 E. 2650 N. Noirth Og- MRS. |) peraryvshort-tedm use: Lop sec acony al iNs ere ea Easy Nor eee em leo fs asMeee le foefor bedrooms or for tem- So i Seknson, 2561eae Brinker, Ethel pee "Be sq. ft, avec Jan. 26, p.m. Hostess, Dorothy R. Rican 3799 N. 1100 oe sq. yd. —CARPET ONLY— standing value Velde deur choice ef Ce linitgahohe ita po ones sa cir spseoa W., Please t View. mes ietialic: pases: i YORKER oe LOOP 50c sq. ft. Hostess; ‘Cart , 1:30 p.m. at the home| Mrs. Barbara No. 1 color | Wall, of ines. Amelia Robinson, 3917 Jack- | bearer; Mrs. ElfyEckles, Allen, No. 2,Mrs.| Sego Lily, Feb. 2, 7:30 p.m, Hos- camp W, 8 seamles ; 26, 2p.m. Hostess, Le Tree, 911 27th, Board member ae rn tex- contemporary CARPET ONLY— face textured loop face mae vier Wiltons, 100% ‘wool pee heavy face yarns. Choiceof 5 popular snl 4 | ali? 5 ra toe Staal SAMOA GRADE WOOL-FACE LOOP 66c sq. ft. sq. yd. 88e sq. ft yd. . Carpet only—laying and pad extra F oeof aoe Florence eure son. Board member, Mrs. Ada Gris- | Grace i for ata Ma, | Helen re B } : 5 Irish linen ‘ 77¢ sq. ft. h member, Boar vis pb iv ot Riverdale Se thehor uilt 100% wool 3-ply “Brewster’’ fies yarns. Complete selection a decorator colors, nd Tt COLORADO WOOL WILTON —CARPET ONLY— Sei ny. m. atthe. rtrude yes, a > 3 en, eons m. Hostess, Eden. Board ore tps re Clara vi em ison. Board member, Ardella Ste- am relda Cutler and Josea | bers, ae aus ¢ er p Q, 2 p t the home of | Burnett, patriotic instructor Mrs. | phine ae ge, of | |5 ‘Camp 7 Waka neal Hat ttl Melon scalyaie "te emiMe . collection fi EX 3-2855 ee fr ee Board a member, | senor: ice present; ruesAr member, Mary MaryThomas.” mas. i! Le Mietes Aguila Hostess, vp ae : ‘ : embellished with white soutache braid Watkins, Board a mber, a thy Tanner. | coming year. - Hostess, Marhom stalling zs, officer, Marvin Dickerson ii tnarig ite, 729 8. 1200 W., Mar of Cam Mrs. Ida : Puseell 2967the Potter, and Mrs. wasRoyal Board member, Delecta Davis. _| West, installing conductor. Pe ak re Hose amp M, 8 p.m. at the home of| Officer serve under th Evona Sucor sin Taylo r. Berin. Lett is a white pure silk crepe sheath with a low cowl back edged with ball fringe. colors. H ee UL iC our detail - lie a Harvey by winter vacation fashions if y May Roa Mountain . oodfield, . Camp F, 1:20 p.m. at the home 51, Jan. 26, 2 p.m. es Pearl Leqaers ISTS ee as ae . ee 932 a : Matte 4 442 Harrop. Board memara member, Dallas Campbe rT yeu oe ee Camp H, 2 p.m. at the home of| Mrs. John Drew, a meore f} 53, Hostesses, Mrs. May Poorman, ae Custer. Dix Logan si Corp s No. 2 of| Plaine Keller as ‘Baith Thorsted, Board oe Mary 60 rand Armi for f the epi 1168 Por Cam -m. me, OF toy ears, as n chosento} 54. Jan 26, 2 p.m. Mrs. Rita Williamsen, i 27th. | Serve as its new president for the GC Sampson, oatath. Hostess, Mazie NIGHTS by HARVEY H ere new 4, 2p 20Bi Ty rat a 95 4 sq. yd. $ Sale! $=795 sq. abstract effect, 'seamless LOCK-LYNN WOOL WILTON Niepata - — rr i ete ‘a Mee Price, ey gan 47, 7:30 p.m. at the a Mina sGull 2pm ab the ofBoard Mrs. Elva Taylor, rs. AlleeAlice Me rae: 4058 ait | ,C2™P Ee 1291 36th, Daoe member, eo Mis. Rose. -Feby6; Ce Jeppesen, ret 8 C ee Sez 7, ofgull,ll, Jaan. in, 26,mee 8Stdp.m. a ie SCA Panera E, 2p Teakcon,the 126home nis,Camp LaRenda ih of BEAUTIF : of Mrs. me a two-tone oo FINE BIGELOW WOOL WILTON $1.19 sq. ft, sq. yd. always outst. calaane beautiful and brilliantly colorful, Choo: from popular decorator colors. wurmond. 5125 Can 1 pm. at the home of| Mrs. rh Carlson, ; 291 Chimes| View Drive. Board ‘member, Olive| Dj ewe wn Ricks. aa a Company, Jew l ng 39, 8 p.m, at the home of|home Baer ip oth oe 5 MAPLEMOOR WOOL LOKWEAVE Sale! + 0” Carpet enly—laying and pad extra oe new loop pile Wil- lon” will not “pill” or “fluff” tee column. beigetones or + or 15 ft. seamless on sale no: a ee S $1.00 sq, ft only—pad and laying extra! © ; long wearing, pebble { Outstandingly luxurious eed long wearing very heavy 4oe eet. le el ae $1.33 sq. ft. seamless widths, textured 100% “501 Dupont Ny- to teaching. Pp I oneer S be Hostess, Px _will follow: : mner Camp Ut 0. oe committee, aris : preparatory 8, ‘ Hest wapMelba D piath, 1408 W. 2100 S., Swenson, members e Interna.| tional Understandin on Necea Will CARD ee 43,Jones, Jan. Jo eo Thomas, x EG “ ALL STYLES, ALL KINDS VERN’S 2 pm. amp Sunset View, Jan. p.m. Hostess, Beverly Wiberg, 303 ea S. aon LaeRoy.Re Gate h Carpet : eautiful, 8 inpolities! science, 95 ae VENDOME 501” NYLON Sale! $@95 sq.:yd. . 61, 7:30 ee é the home ess, Pell “Chariton, Rt. 1, West ;| of Camp Mrs.-Lorna Ebert, 832 Binford rie Pots, 2303 Van Buren. Board al seca 40, Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. Host-|B0atd member, Florence Wright. | mem Alberta Simmons. cae ee Sih ages aed 200 S| Camp Sunshine, 1:30 p.m. at th Ka eae meee ae an yrtle Russe s. hie a ae3rd. Batee Camp 41, Jan. 26,2 p.m. Hostess, Gladys C. Harrison, 2474 N, Main, . Mrs. Nona yee Beryl SwanEthel Willis, Mrs. Robson, Mrs. rt H. THinek ley an ars Reed | season rerresning AFTER Slate Luncheon be! All members Now and Mrs, oaSa el aati ane oe p vf ; Fe Camp . urc Game |_| member, Grace Aste . dan, 25, 2 Dm. Hostess, Susan 5 Hiner, D inner P ee HEAVIEST SCULPTURED LOOP WILTON Sale! $ 1 picture as Thestiges ew aoalipct padelig senor ! le bride is a gradua' van ton High School and the University Wyoming and is taking a post. ; o y' y Most Famous Carpet ruly the world’s most poe figured Nees wool face broad .. made continuously for over vi yea over £0 million sq. yds.! ie $1.20 sq. ft. : bride i Be d. itt wi Ke eatale. ailable. ota at sank 1297 Maniyn lecta Davis. by Schofield, 3160 W. 6000 S., Roy. North Company : ‘amp 27, Jan. 26, 2 p.m. ihciocs , eee B rel B, : Jan. 940 26, 2Kiesel. Hk Hostess memBoard ' Mary Borense Fife, 998 W. 4100 S., River- Mrs. Nee Meee, 885.ie‘a7th. Board Romans, ess,= sara Cami e attractively decorate . a ee tables ig ae ou ve a : ; Soroptimist Club will hold its first Lovely Spring ae Teachers mcheon, Mo the be nee 2408 k for ae get sees pe Coons, Mrs. Robert Katz, Jesse Wes ts of et Mire Gerald barker tt Poirot Strong, ‘s. Orlen ‘ ’ ‘ January 27, Y Duplicate Bridge | be obtaine Club, .m. “Si Visitors all,” welcSu Dug- Mrs, Charles M. asc is chai Junior Hostess si by Newman | “Snow B way Proving sGround, 6 p.m. ae man, ee a : ae ahi CA date has been set for 1 fol-| mnMrs, Alice Lee, of guna Board Liberty. Board member ‘Stella J, Jan.26, ess, iete ‘m- 6 i 4 iy : ae Host: Leamaai ae e, 5621 So. 7500 interest to members of the| ‘Teens, anuary 24, funior Hig! 4 p.m.; Junior Y-Teen Club, SIS,|Episcopal Church of the Good 7-9 p.m Shepherd will be the annual Parish January 26, Senior Y-Teen Club, | dinn , | SIS, 7-9 ary m.; eee Maatess dais: ‘The event is set for Thursday at Hill AFB, 8:30 bus; Highland Jun-|6:30 p.m. at the Chur 1" High ¥ ae t he= pads by ade Beer vations Y-Teens, 856 Brinker, 7:30. F High ior 9:30 annual meeting | Wednesday with the Parish office, and athe Harman’s Cafe alone EX B68, where tickets may | 4 2 fn Cann MS seer T anuar: tured and showed colored pictures of his stay in Italy, wyn Walker, president, was in charge, and the following ladies- were in attendance: Mrs. : | r an ectinas eo “of Hostesses for the oven W bowling at wil Are. 1:30 bus January 23, Sarah Coventry estes Ae : *Slimmeramas, 7 10 a.m.; meeting, Ways od ° their pias 2D em x . laggy Rouff, whose fondness | Meeting of the new year at the - certain line has earned her the Thahols, ite a v at oo paa. 1 YWCAd west Film Roy Lady Lions ae hele monty meting, ee ve ond le Cottage. Mrs rry Kasting, Mrs. raid Barker and Mrs. John Huffman were hostesses for the evening. Frank Tremea, an international farm youth exchange student lec- : ee il show is expected to be her usu: 1 with joeee jacketed casual suits,| F or co Lions Talk Enjoy stuffs,” Church ° t er. s O Dayieiere of Utah Pioneers annot Sandra Rol- ened until this year all the top| Tece! ee to al num! sical 0 penings are crammed into 4 days. TeeeenruceHes, physician. packet en veo wers al ies witl inter While the Paris fashion season | matchin used to spread itself over a fairly) An inere esting program will be all when Sophie Reed by leisurely 10 days to 2 weeks of open- | enjoyed ings, it has gradually been short-| Shows and ae slides of her shal; Mrs. Linda Guymon, assistant lad and nic name. o} aggy Pouf,” od Sennen off it this time ior a “flattened’ figure.’ Callahan, reellor; Mrs. corden Mie allen 0. Clifton, rapeite Mrs. Sadie Cunningham, mar- Rov Ro er, Layton. No ane Catholic - pery | some ample skirts. Two bright col- Sor opti mM Ists Fabricsfor} | tiny. but eolcolorsant.”strong, Chanel borr P: G umbers D Qu ets will be longer, and important | At 3:3 i Austin, Sheryl colors wi sand, navy and | Austin, vit oe Jane Chrisorang iansen, arbara ne nai n's skirts will, as us Hames, en Stettler Sleve Mitcha littleHe longer | houses, be than thieeein other ell and Sylvia ylvia C Cutl ne some vol-| ors’ (unnamed) will vie with beige. Ze ae fe waist, will not be accen-|navy and black. His hats will be a sta rein ae " 2 sb peed in the nt Lance acques riffe showing. Suit jack-|lins and - Ogden’s Exclusive BIGELOW Dealer! ai enamee Sale! $1 Lima MORE, TOO! If we haven't Exactly what you need, We'll order it for you at SALE PRICES! fs: All iearepens and their guests ae i i ie a native of Iowa, atareFor welcome. arge gluenumbers from a cal-|tended the University of ColoradoHe reservations, call Mrs. Patjendar and each in a piece of | at Bolder, where he graduated. Nezzer, EX 2-1955, Mrs. Lillian An- | cardboard, same size square. |is a foreign languages instructor at derson, 5-4932, or Mrs, Anita The children will eg any num-!the University of Wyoming where Ragsdale, EX 9-2674. 7 games with th he is teaching Spanish and French, p.m. are Ger ‘own, probably), and has dropped| include. strawiberry, peach ant s, an ues, Three-piece | Marilyn Call, Marcia! 4'ni eae rge hint tf that t ral wais ne fe ye There will be all kinds of suits, , to be worn without coats, : ts, | Stevi oe ‘k, Da’vid Be ieee ee Me Nick, ly wil be afaire of ite collection, "| Mitchell, Robert says, pi loose. He says his clothes will fe materials,. he casual and easy to wear. A trade: mark of his collection will be sports 30 at Naneery y seein s Jan, on Monday, prizes. S& long-waisted. | citals will be held. Thos le striking | ing at 1:30 Ited and will olor oe LOVELY CARVED EFFECTS | Mr. and Mrs. William W. Pitts of Clearfield, announce the engagement of their ee Miss Brenda Pitts, The future fdtitie is a of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Storniolo of New London, Conn. Baptist Mission ‘Thares will be chicken dinners and Monk dressmakers who Tere wb bthloose and fted| Two ‘0 Paris Parisdresemakers who maymay | cox, |cox, Janet Janet Finders, ers, Joan Joan Flinders,ers. | eS geention wi ae short, but covering a bosomy, “‘pigeon-breasted” look, saker William» go to Mare can 34, who. will be | the by revealing decol- | Isakson, Kathy Kiel, Dd debut ‘Thursday as aig . The general. line will be| accentuated tage and transparent drapi andNext Melody H sen, | e : Sunday afternoc ‘envelope: line’ a # a beroaie rere Dior’s top designer. He bas al- CastilioBiases cimodest delecol- PITTS Is Engaged the le. Apollo 1196 W. 4400 S.,|¥& May Know and Be F: DONO! Club, CGN) ers have up their sleeves, the “new y : ors here, Summer furs will be color-|Saker, Sheldon Hunsaker, Janet aker and Ralph Dunkley. but | vatehed: to dresses, and’ it will be woman” seems fated to be short-|the bosom will iPeas skirted and US oe only in daytime clothes, an ‘ ie wut there all il}| he, Saturday evening program hebwil berdresseda in vaporously | “exclamation point eee will a great suit year. There also will wij) includ Eas ileox, light materials, both i ler pas- | Provide generous decolletage | be coats matched to dresses, wamienie Wilcox, Christine Wilhricht ols ‘ally SUE Miss Pitts i ee ue Church on Tuesday at’ naire te: nee, anniversary dance to be held at| yine Program topicwill re "that to David Jeffres of Larn : scribes as “mysterious and a bit | “a ne woman.” Pastels | Larry Brown, ae Baptist, De Ann ae ae Sage athe ig and lack and white will be top col-| Jenson, Gloria Parker, oe a. ets BRENDA i % E t Giae N ewcomers P lan poney i ineet i vanston If Bi th da Dan e The Women’s Mission Society of Ir y, ¢ the First Baptist Church will be the R ecl ites Vows : guests o} Mission SoMembersiof the Roy: Sout Qeden ciety New jong a EVANSTON — Mrs, Steve Kochir- me, S ort S irte Yr Loose Waiste Gammell will give their winter stu. : ’ dio beginning : ‘ “AY line.” how |7:30 recitals p.m at 2583 Fowler. Friday at By Nedearanya| pe ee crestions, lath, pe ae hae «PARIS (AP) of —aunt Paris’ aeses} Nina Ricci’s Jules Crahay 1s less| Jacques Heim describes his new ett “a new type outspoken about his' line, which he| show,srl he promises will offer aaie Seepareayete! uekayeeneh ‘Sth te MISS Interesting to their many friends and Mrs. William L. Helms, 442 is the announcement today of the River Di rive. Miss Hull is a graduate of Weber engagement and ap ae marHigh Schoo! 1, oi bl inary and riage te Rosalie Hull to Paul Superior = N. Hel Mr. teensate of Ben eke. ch ie news known are par- Lomond High ‘School. At present he the ents of the oe Mr. and is a member of Mrs. Norman Hull of Hooper. A _The ben benedict- ee is: a son of Mr. planned by the engaged couple. ae Mrs. HULL Hooper Miss Plans to Wed Paul Helms in the Spring f Wedding vows be solemnized Recitals pre Piano ROSALIE SETS DATE regular meeting of Aglaia Power and Light auditorium. W: will be ae Thursday at 3:30 ner; ill receive national rating on Bertha Eccles Arts points and script. These games are ANNIVERSARY Cen r, open to the public. ae Bai. § be} Guest speaker, Dr. and a sean ee a MMs) A pies Deal ye wae ae friends for dinner at the Weber ee ane nor the : “th we d-|held at the Mansion inners for last gam House. The || Di Dixon, willill talk ies will be leled. The style | C. mann; io Emergency, | eral committee are Mrs. quist, | Club¢ liment the Eccles. t i o n a l looking forward aff to o ave talk on national airs, | were, fi first, t M Mrs. Rona Id Wad al wath see a sponsorship of Mrs. Albert Hansen; Queen aa prizes; Mrs. Crawford, refreshOO ate aa ding anniversary. ur on| agenda for the evening will be busi-| Hostesses are Mrs, Vernal John-| and Mrs Brown; second, ae Ifer’s. ‘ah, Mrs, James H. ;| ments; Mrs. er A, Ballingham, MORE FUN! | Tuesday and they ae Taine a| ness, and TS a ros-| son, Mrs. Clyde Mortensen, Mrs, | and Ms “Robert Garwood, Mi Ewing, National | Ladies Auxiliary to UP Old Timer rs,|Mrs. Weston Poulson and Gordon| Surprise—with a twist! . . .Mrs.| dinner vith their family. Joining | Pective members are urged to be! John or Mrs. H. E, Palmer| Brigham City; third, Eve "sacohs Fagcesion district advisor, is genSi Newae publicit, Bigelow Browning and Mrs.|them will be their son and . W. Rey: and Dorothy Kowall; fourth, aa eral chairman and will be assisted | comers, Mrs. J. Proceeds from the oe will go| James M. Catlin had some guests| Gross am Mr. and Mrs, Lew| For reservations, a Miss Sylvie The Cent er will be open at1p.m.|J. Clyde Moore and Mrs Cc. by BPO. Does, Mrs. C raw-| Frank Austin, chelsea of! tothe ation. Number 1 Name in Rugs and Carpets a Mrs. Pte chaitman, 1213 goth, EX 2-203: Alpha, Tuesday He 7: 30 p.m., the chairman, is Fred Kiscel table was sane pe and. IGELOW p.m. at the Mrs. Robert Tyler, EX Jota, Tuesday at 1 p.m. at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Robert oe ac Mrs : Prouwaft had a small oe for her at Bratten’s Seafood Grotto. n ursda; iS: obert White greeted ‘a few friends for her at ome. “March of Dimes” Bivle Show and Tea Planned for Saturday at Elks Lodge ford, president; Child Culture Club, Clyde A. Lindquist; Challenger lub, Mrs. Rollo Wilson; Interna3 cas Relatioms Study Club, Mrs. Scott; Aglaia, Mrs. William B “Ec cles; Clara BartonD 237, GIA to the B of LE, Mrs. Ron- . The most famous Carpetsintheworld| a! Now at Sale Discounts! > p.m. at the Rowse, 1358 Goodrich is 2-0117. the Mansion House Wednesday for 3 her. indquist emceed the George Bartholomeu of dar Take City, had a few friends pro brava and “humorous skits were in a ee at Hotel Utah: for MRS. WALTER C. EWING, Hae John E. for a Mrs, William E. Eccle $s wrap ” tea and pation show to be given by members of the prizes for the “March ofD im ‘Weber County Chapter of National Foundat: “Have fun while you give,” could be the slogan for the annual ‘Marc! i 7C Presbyterian Women’s Association will meet this week as fol- ae Tuesday at 1 home of Mrs. Lowell Darling. Mrs. Don chairman Eta, Tuesday at 1 home of the chairman, L. Marquardt, 3650 | bi rthday. symbols, had a few guests at luncheon OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN, 22, 1961 Set Meetings The January slump is still on in| in for luncheon at the Browning Ogden’s social activities with few hotjome on Friday. happy get-togethers dotting the calae event as to surprise Mrs dar, ar, mingway in honor e Company” is always an incena bit of socializing and the Chatles Haydens (Holly Ruth) have be some en- | deni M on the fo owing groups: |AKE A CHOICE OF FABRICS.... from our large stock of materials, peries buy the necessary y yardag' yarda e and we will custom-make y your draperi ny meesy een when you come! (Sorry, tooe your ue alances and other window trims not included... . Only a small addin itional charge for rods and expert installation.) GR oO Select from uP 1 . plain fabrics casements, how renert cles and shee a in most wanted yard colors, " soft print, Provincial prints, bou- GROUP 2 49 a yard A group of heavier textures, nubby weaves, sheers, fiberglass, plains and Provincial prints. 99 Years DEPENUABILITY Easy to Buy on GROUP $ 3UDGET TERMS 98 3 on HT iT Hy 7 Choicest fabrics hate floral sheers, some with Lurex, antique satin, Beautiful prints in heavy textured fabrics. ® One of the West's Finest Custom-made Drapery Shops AY . : |