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Show ~ ron e y Wimmer followed with a 2nd place victory in the 60 yd. free style. Logan fought back as they won an unopposed victory ademy, Waynesboro, Vir- ginia, in 1943, and attended two years at VMI in Lexington, Virginia. daughters. He has served in the Army in the 90 yd. butterfly. since he volunteered for service Ron Musselman displayed tre- in 1945. It has taken him to Korea and several places in the mendous energy as he swam United States. . © _ He married Mary Lou Harthe of Wilmette, Illinois, in 1949, They have one son and three Special merit certificates Lassiés Receive Gymnastic Merit were presented to four Ben Lomond lassies now taking Physi- to a first place win with the time of 2:49.4 in the 200 yd. free style followed by Gill of B. L. who took 2nd. Dennis Wimmer sparked the team to victory as ‘he stroked to a ist place win with a time of 1:1.5 in the 90 yd. back stroke followed by Pledger who captured third. Jim Bosch, who took 2nd in the 90 yd. breast stroke, made a desperate bid the last length but a Parker wrong spark- Beatty, Dowdle, for having all tests. iNS S Soph Soph ........ 89.3% ........ 97.2% 320 Wash. Blvd. Max ~~ ponne Rose, hard fought battle ember 9th. Evan Black, Gearith Evertsen, Jim Borgagno, Frank Mar- the tin, and Bill Marriott pinned their opponents; each pin in the match was worth 5 points. Richard Mitton and Allen Allred, added 3 points each to the score with a decision of the referee. There was one tie in the Jr. Varsity: by Be one was John match Lomond’s .‘*ision was between Brent Miller and Lloyd Miller of Bonneville. The Snider. won matches begin Dec- Robert Ca -ipbell, Ken Brown, Dean Loftus. and Evan Black pinned their men in the J. V. matches. Season ember 15, with Weber at B.L. Thursday, December 22, provided Ben Lomond the oppor- = - ye arcs : i . are our Only one complaint about the wrestling matches— where the B.L. Scotties to cheer b oys on? Five Points Barber Shop 217 Wash. Blvd. P Lenses See... Contact UTAH Blvd. Dr. Verne L. Nielsen OGDEN, 2325 Wash. | Phone EX 3-1011 Alex Hurtado’s Florsheim Shoe Dept. Wishes You a Merry Christmas anda are tunity to travel to Bonneville. The rest of the matches Th. Jan. 19 B.L. vs. Bear Riv Cache is. Cellar an outstanding success The Maller first year at The for making his Happy New Year vs. So. are all on Thurs- B.L. meets Feb. These Th. there Alex thanks all his customers Th. Jan. 26 B.L. vs. Box Eld- as follows: Th. Jan. 5 B.L. vs Ogden Th. Jan. 12 B.L. vs. Logan er er activities days at 7:30, so let’s all support one of the most exciting and invigorating INVITES Ben Lomond Lanes done Pett Jun. oo 90.0% Kathy Grover, Soph ........ 95.0% In. addition to these girls, eleven others received merits an 80% average in Lynn Corey total averages are as folows: rated over 80% in every test taken, according to National Rating. The girs, their classes, and A.A.H.P.E.R., or Physical Education Association. Each girl ca Education. These girls show- was. unable to catch the swimmer from Logan. Kenfield neck and behind a but Sepplace win with 3rd. ed outstanding ability in the Physical Fitness skill Tests and were given the awards by the and Seppich splashed neck the final length swimmer from Logan pich grabbed the 2nd followed by Kenfield Hard work and _ practice proved to be two of the winning factors for Doug Parker as he obtained Ist place in the one meter diving with a score of 75.8. used Roger Read sprinted the last length in the 120 yd. Individual who Medley but was unable to catch the Logan swimmer. However, Read won ist place due to the disqualification of the Logan swimmer Doug Ben Lomond High and kick on the breast stroke. Dennis and Ferron Wimmer, Jim To Take Part In Our High School Bowling Program Bosch, of 1:10.4. B.L. climaxed the days’ events forces to capture ist in the 120 yd. free style Bring Your Date To.... Ph. EX 4-2901 ed the team to victory again as they swam to a Ist place victory in the Medley Relay with a time bined place Cee when Read, Pledger, Seppich, ‘and Musselman from B.L., comrelay with a time of 1:4.9. a Yn |