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Show f 4 THE With the increased desire and conversa- sities. Worthy organizations as well as companies, industries, and institutions finance scholarships. Before the applications reach the college, the scholarship committee ranks the students. according to their grade point. Eleven students in the Senior class have four point (4.0) average which means that they have maintained straight ‘A’s” "throughout aa school “teen-age’ life’ is evident; the younger set is brought up as individuals with talk centering on Bach and a particular sym- phony. It’s horrible, but we are judged by many. Europeans by our movies. ‘‘All Americans are millionaires,” and they have a right to call us that .The American tourist goes wild with his money. Clan Corner Spots F.T.A. The Bennion Clan visited the Utah State Deaf. and Blind School, Wednesday, 8. Shortly after the February clan’s ar- rival two girls from the blind school entertained them web a piano duet. The clan began ‘its eae: in the blind section of the school at the kindergarten level. These children used their hands to identify small objects. In the intermediate level they saw a LADDIES HOST LADS 100th Year © Causes Study typewriter. A girl in the class told them about the talking book machine, a record player that has recorded books and stories for their education and enjoyment. In the classroom of the junior high level the students were typing. One of the boys from the class read about radio and television while oth- Studious students of Ben Lomond spend their spare time down at the “ole village” library these days—studying the Civil War. This year commemorates the centennial of this great event, and the teachers at Ben Lomond take advantage of it. Even as the brainwashed sleep, the names of famous generals, wrote on the braille ers déscribed their daily classes. dates and places of bloody ‘bat- ‘A young man in this class knew the basketball information from tles race through their brains. “Do you know who wore gray? What part did Scarlet O’Hara really play in the war?” There’s just one thing we'd ‘all surrounding high schools. | The teaching of the deaf presents a completely different problem than that of the blind. The students wear earphones and the teacher talks through a microphone. These students must also learn to lip read fair- ly well. The intermediate group was the first group of deaf chil‘dren the clan observed. They told the future teachers their name, home town, and classes: ‘speech, language, reading, science, health, Utah history and arithmetic. The instructor showed the clan the _ different sounds the deaf children had to learn. The deaf students on the primary level told the F. T. A. something they had done recent_ly and read a few phrases for them. The gréup also visited the vocational section of the school which contained several different shops including a printing shop. Here some of the aboveaverage boys learn all the phases of printing. This group puts. out. a newspaper, “The Utah Eagle,” once a month for eight months. Mist" Tops Week Ben Lomond, honored by three student teachers, has now added six practice teachers to its ranks during the 60-61 season. From Utah State University the new blood includes: Mr. Terry Jones, Mr. Lyman Munford and Mr. Richard Tripp, who will practice teach for the next five weeks. These student teachers are practicing on the three sections of shop, the techniques which they have acquired in college. Mr. Jones, from Las Vegas, Mr. Hyer’s 5th period boys’ cooking class served the men After a week of reverse acfaculty a nutritious well-roundtions, the Ben Lomond lassies ed buffet luncheon Monday, sponsored the annual “Lassie February 20. Mrs. Hyer and Mr. Bingham Lilt” dance, February 4, 1961. The theme, carried out with traded 5th periods five weeks white and royal blue ago. The girls are learning frosty Nevada, directs students in the house planning with emphasis streamers which formed a false automotive department of shop. ceiling, created the dreamy on kitchen arrangement. The He majored in automotive with boys have learned the basic fun- mood of ‘Winter Mist.” As the history and political science as damentals of cooking, serving, couples strolled in through the a minor. entrance, the soft light and muand meal planni An industrial education majToday’s buffet finished the sic of Bill Fulton’ Ss orchestra or and biological science minor | boys’ five-week course. Tomor- awaited them. aids Mr. Mumford in the draftrow they return to architecture. Silhouetted figures, barely ing division. He hails from ParTheir delicious menu ‘consist- visible against the snow white owna, Utah. ed of skillet burgers, tossed sal- angel hair ,gave the desired atMr. Tripp, living in Utah, maad, potato salad, relishes (olives, mosphere which permeated all jors in industrial art and minors pickles, cheeses), beverages (or- who attended. in business. He teaches in genange juice, milk, coffee), ice During the evening, refresh- eral shop. cream and cookies. NCKAKAHAAKHAAN AHHH AANA ments were served, and Lillian The boys served 45 entlemen ‘West rendered a vocal a “Misty. ” between 11:00 and 12:00. boy reading braille, and another classmate “Winter art. like to know; after all the reading, won study and the war? research—who S. Fever Invades B.L. Classrooms Beware students! Teachers have been exposed to the extremely dangerous S. fever, which spreads like gossip, once caught. Already the fever has stricken students in Miss Neal’s, Miss Hendrickson’s, Mrs. Gillin’s and Mr. Durfee’s English classes. Teachers display extreme generosity, giving all in sight a large dose. Even though the fever leaves no thinking deficieney, recuperating students comment that they have the “brain-washed’ after-effect. Science has found no cure for the disease; however, to those of you not yet victims, fortune says: “Be symposiastic and you will soon be an experienced symposist.” As the last coupel left, the feeling of an evening long to. be remembered lingered i in their minds. Scots Preparing Junior Assembly Heard strange sounds Drive In 385 12th We $ now feature a wide variety of Pancakes HENAN NA ANSNIKS B. L. lnslegle and Plaid Stripes from the auditorium? Wondered Comhe's 217 Bs es Blvd. | ~ Student Ring Binders. coming what they could be? Don’t be alarmed if you open the door and see some very strange sights. It’s only the Juniors warming up for their annual talent (?) assembly to be held March 1. The presentation, set in the atmosphere of the “Roaring Twenties” and arranged with authentic humor, costumes, and settings, should prove interesting; and the juniors are not only hoping for a_ successful -assembly, but an entertaining one as well. Five Points Barber Shop SSIS could not Preparing For Batchelorhood 19 eager nutritionists pose as tyros of the culinary Translation—19 males pose as beginners in cooking and Clark. HKK just Rules" and Lewis The remaining eighty-three students from B. L. have applied in Utah to every university, college and two junior colleges—Dixie and Snow. They compete for the scholarships on the basis of grades and wellrounded personalities. After the applications reach college hands they are considered by the scholarship committees in the various universities. Many opportunities await the students but they must explore the possibilities of college educations through a scholarship and’ write to the scholarship committees in the various universities and colleges. © ‘Many organizations aid financially the student who works to his full capacity and explores the many open doors of the future. IN INNIS I Occidental Measured by B.L. said but... Through this marvelous experience I’ve learned to love my Swiss family as my very own. If we ever warred against. Switzerland, which is highly think of it. You see, the most important thing I learned from this experience is that people are the same the world over; in heart, they all want peace. We all belong to one family. of brotherhood. God is our guide and protector; love is our motto and creed. Let this remain. Columbia, Reg. $1 69 Value Now only $8° WHILE THEY LAST Headquarters for PRANG Art Supplies Dictionaries, Decorating Supplies, Graduation Gifts, all makes of ball points and refills, and UNDERWOOD OLIVETT! Portable Typewriters. Come in and try these and receive a FREE pocket dictionary Weber Office Supply Co. ESNNANSN 2432 Washington Blvd. Open Till 9 Fridays NSN NSENINSNIENSENSEK IK IKI III INI INIEN RAEN "Golden could be improbable, as M.I.T., MRR things _ versities the pacts and wellsuch uni- KSSKSSSSSESESSSSSSESEASER more Most. out-of-state a holanhics are awarded on of scholarship or grades, tests, personal interviews rounded personalities. Thirteen Scotties applied to SHEET many years. ESSE So necessity for a col- lege education, a total of 96 Ben Lomond students have applide for scholarships both in Utah and other univer- tion shows intelligence; they live in culture. Practically no NETSTAT people’s 1) NNN young page S from SSSA NNSNNSSS The SCOTTIES SEEK EDUCATION ... (Continued NN SASNANS Mary Ann TUESDAY FEBRUARY™ze, HIGHLANDER g S555 PAGE — |