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Show mm, Dear tion. The Negroes in this Demo- As the holiday season approaches, peoples _ attent- eratic country ion in the fight against today integra- are the ex- cluded Americans. They are America’s shame, not because of something they have done, but because of what the whites have done to them. The white people have no right to be Americans in a Democracy if they cannot practice what Democracy preaches—that all men are created equal. displays popular col- ors: greens, yellows, blues, blacks and browns. If you have hiked up to the popular ski resorts this year, you may have *“banocked” that the hills are decked with these seem what various to the future. to look forward will happen, and they forget the outstanding events of the past. The age old expression, “Happy New Year,’’ becomes the established byword of the public. What about the “Happy Old / ing less than great. Sure, we Cook many turned They to Body: Ben Lomond’s “Old Year” has been in my opinion noth- This cold, snowy weather shoulders in the best winter sport of all—skiing. The style of fashions for skiing represented this year is Year?” ‘Fashion Pla Pat Student oT ors and forms. - Nickers have become very popular as a second pair of ski pants with the long kneelength colorful hour-glass socks. There remain colors of green and tan, orange and yellow black and white, and black Swiss print. hear of incidents where our students have disgraced our school; but do we hear about the good things that our’ students do? No, not much. at the price tag? 3. When you are cleaning out the basement or attic, can you pass the desire to look at all the magazines or letters? 4, When you use a pay phone, can you leave without checking if your coin will be returned? 5. When you talk to a friend who is not feeling well do you usually always throw a few remarks in about yourself and your troubles? 6. When someone shows you something new, can you resist feeling the material? 7. When you go marketing for fruit, do you pinch a couple to see how good they are? "The Men Behind The Scenes” of the star, manger, the wise men There is only one story mend all those who have taken an active part in our sch- ool’s activities. We have a little “sweeping” help our share in building My envy e’er could raise; A Scot still, A Scot still; I knew nae. higher praise —Robert Burns Caught a cold or the flu yet? If not, be patient and remember that all bad things come to those who wait long enough. In order to fool teachers when you are absent on test day, why not be sick. “It’s worth it,” your’re one of the erudite type, follow each of these suggestions me prefixing it with a don’t.” NUMBER Editor Judy is clic codipectiw eee Miss Larson, Editor Reporters 2 Ruthstrom: Mr. Grover Kay Smith Karen Preecs Dorothy Erkelens ........ Frances Hall, Sharon Knifong — Kathleen Grose, Betty Ann Nord, Colene Nylander, Dorothy Erkelens, Frances Hall, Rosemary Shaw, Karen Pace, Karen Preecs, Betty Snippen, fong, Judy Ruthstrom, Sandra Rasmussen, Pat Cook, Sharon KniGailene Bateman, Halvorson, Barbara Butler,:Georgia Van burg, Dennis Hogge, Richard McIntyre, Taylor, Martha Peck, ; to join and Actively participating in school and community Beictibiis the Bonnie Lassies’ drilling group includes (from left to right) Sandra Chapman, Gail Purcell, Dawn Bauman, Carol Shaw, Judy Read, Kenny Murdock,, Pat Austin, Susan Brockmeier, Jeannie Wright, Connie Blanken, Rene Sandgren, Coral Johnson, Anna Isakson, Nancy Fleming, Susan Hansen, and Susan Bryan. Spear- heading the group are Sandra deciding what to get your loved ones and friends runs a person _ ragged, but it is fun if done in the proper spirit. BULLSEYE? NOT QUITE! If you say, | “Christmas belongs only to the children,” you have never understood mas at all or to hear the Christ- maybe you Christmas need story While on a newspaper assignment during sixth period, we noticed an inconspicuous |} sign directing us to the rifle and Kay Smith. Ruth BatenLouise range. - Being the eager and alert young reporters that we are, we decided to descend the the dark stairway and see CE ae of story awaited In Future As We Remember and fun. Christmas spread “cheer” through efforts of control put forth by school people who work on shopping. I wish they could plan weekends ahead His son. If possible, You'll groan at glad you went. spend so they The After comes attend church first, but once Sunday wouldn't to celebrate the birth Christmas, New Year’s services you get only a week Eve. Look back Christmas day. there, you'll be the past New vide an environment of blacking them which promotes memories instead out. Set a goal for the year. Maybe it’s an A in geometry, or possibly a school office for next fall. Plan your activities to reach your goal, remembering that everything do determines the shape of your new year. After you then fired completing again. six shots, ‘we rushed to check our scores—not so good. Discovering it was nearly time for the bell to ring, we good-bye and Journalism returned and began — Should You Take Up Skiing? If you have this question in mind, just hop in your ja- living a way of life called De- spend the day with his family (he’s sorry now). So, he | packed up his skiing gear New Collegiate ple;” yet we misuse or ignore the right of governing ourselv- es and maintaining our freedom. show no responsibility for the freedom which is not indestructable. The front-page news of today should be enough to wake-up any conscientious American, but it seems not to be. If Americans do not wake-up soon, they -will someday wakeup to a nightmare ialism-an not so called Soc- abstract word that is. pretty. A few weeks ago he decided to take it easy and not and started out for the beautiful snow-packed mountains. About the time he would have been back home enjoying the leisurely afternoon, | boom, ing he cracked a deep up. Caus- gash, him his ski in the fiercely kicked leg. He to the was quickly rushed hospital, repaired slightly, and left to himself, | wishing he would have stayed lhome so he could have enjoyed the Thanksgiving: holiday. Our sympathies go to Mr. Hulll (it served you right), Chapman, Jeannie Wright and Rene Sandgren. Swimming Team Scots Show Good Wins Hard ‘Mat Team Fought Meet The their Ben Lomond first meet Gardens Dec. 1, at 2:30. Strength and depth in all events provid- ed the winning factor, for B.L. in the meet. In the 400-yard free style, Keoppel and Lowder, represent- skiers to go to Snow Basin. Connie Blankin, Margaret Black, Jan King, and Ruth Austad, who head the Ice Skating Clan this year, feel this year is going to be the best yet. Whether Line-Up of Games that in mentioning any one individual as outstanding, would be a disservice to the group. The team is as follows: Ken Brown, Bill Marriott, Jimmy Weber who took first. Excitement prevailed as Ferron Wimmer surged to 2nd place in the 60-yard free style. Musselman from B.L. outclassed the field as he captured ist, and Gill from B.L. took 3rd Dennis Wimmer Weicheck, and Roger Brown, all heavies. Tipping the scales at 178 and 168 Frank Martin Weighing sprint- ed to a first place victory in the 100-yard backstroke, follow- 1st place victory in the 100-yard breast stroke, followed by Ken- field and Pledger who took 2nd with the scores ed ist place of Dennis and Wilson, Fer- Bosch, another all Scots, Ist place raced in the to 100- yard medley relay. Overjoyed at the win, the team picked Miss Hendrickson up and threw her in the pool to show their appreciation for her splendid coaching. (Such admiration! ) Dennis Wimmer described the meet adequately when he said, “It was a hard fought meet, but we showed ’em who’s best.” 3290 Wash. Acuna _ Branch Stores From Coast to Coast Continental Clothing for the young man. Drop in and see our— AUTO PART? & Jackie | EXCITING CLOTHING Ogden Auto Parts 22nd and | NEED A NECESSARY OR UNNECESSARY 363 Boyd DUNDEE CLOTHES ron Wimmer, Doug Parker, and Jim are . at 106. Last, but certainly not least, comes Pete Crompton just tipping in at 98. in the individual while 157 us, Ken Frew at 136 and Richard Mitton, Max Rose and Robert Nicholas coming up at 110. Following these come Dean Loftus, John Snider, Steve Neilsen, Don Caudle, Jim Mero, and Kim Moore at 123, Don Cavalli and Evan Black at 115 and Gary 80.1 and 73.1 respectively. Climaxing the day’s events were the individual and medley relay events. Roger Read, from Ben Lomond, won an unoppos-medley in at son, Brent Sampson, John Loft- and 3rd. places in the 100-yard free style. In the diving division Doug Parker and Brett Haven from B.L. showed agility and coordination as they captured 1st and places respectively, are and Allen Allred. Andrews, Lynn Muirbrook, George Martinez, Ken Hoyle, Dick Sawa and Jim Borgogno. Kent Argyle and Robert Campben follow next with 148 apiece and Steve Coles and Robert Charleton at 141. Geraith Evert- ed by Michelson with a 3rd place win. Excitement continued as Jim Bosch splashed to a 2461 Wash. Feb. 24—BL mat combination. the team looks so good in their respective weights ing B.L., obtained 2nd and 3rd places close ‘behind Agren of Next, al strong a unit Blvd., Ogden March The and fee you is can times. Bowling Clan hasn’t elec- ted their officers yet; but they bowl at the White City Lanes at 3:00 every Tuesday. The cost is one dollar a night which includes three lines of bowling, your shoes, and ball. This clan has formed 20 teams each consisting of three members. Some of the names chosen by the teams are: Non-Skidders, Non-Strikes, and the GutterDusters. The top four bowling teams of the High ment these clan are entering. in the School Bowling TournaDecember 17th. Each of teams has a sponsor who pays their entrance other expenditures. fee and Newly elected officers of the Swimming Clan are: Dennis Wimmer, President; Clyde Tur- pin, Vice-President; and Carol Cole, Secretary. They meet every Thursday night from 8:00 to 9:00 at the Weber Gym. Their activities consist of learning to swim and dive and time. The stimulate just having a good clan is sponsored to interest in and per- fect swimming and diving skills. Rifle Team Takes The Ben Lomond Sharpshooters captured 3rd place in the State Rifle Meet - with* Ogden taking first and Logan, second. While most of our 1960-1961 rifle team are sophomores, the Ben Lomond ROTC heads are at Bountiful 3—Davis The ice. dollars Third In State Jan. 8—Bonneville at BL Jan. 13—BL at Weber Jan. 19—Ogden at BL Jan. 20—Bountiful at BL Jan. 31—BL at Davis Feb. 3—BL at Bonneville Feb. 10—Weber at BL Feb. 17—BL at Ogden last nation of the Sophomores make As you can skate or not, they invite everyone to come out and join the thrills and and Kapp, the veterans of last year, coupled with the determi|for in the ruary a bus is supplied for the Scots won wrestling participate fun. Officers of the Ski Clan are Mike -Pretti, President; Lorna Miller Vice-President; and Madeline Walker, Secretary. They are planning trips to Alta, Brighton, and Snow Basin. During January and Feb- The B. L. Swimming Team November by pinning the Ogover-powered Weber and Ogden den Tigers by a score of 43 to High with a score of 57-35-7 in | 36 a tri-city meet held at Rainbow According to coaches Jonés 2nd lopy and consult an authority —Mr. Hull. We I heard a woman say that the new year reminded her of a new block of clay. Each person has a block of clay which he can mold into any shape he wishes. What ‘will your “61” look like? quotation was Dictionary” defines ‘Democracy’ as the “government by the peo- . flunking taken from a booklet, “Our Constitution,” by Robert B. Weaver. We possess the privilege of calling ourselves Americans, of “Webster’s Year’s Eves you’ve spent. They really. change as they add up. Possibly you can’t remember how you celebrated last year. If so, I suggest you find somewhere to go that will pro- es- mocracy; but to most of us Democracy is only a. pretty wordabstract but pretty. of 1960 remains. Then on forefathers foregoing “I’m work on the scoop we uncovered in the rifle range. its continuance.” order? Some ‘reloaded, tablished for us only the chance to do our full share to assure Speaking of “different” gifts, I heard ‘that Iris Ellis wants very much to receive a pumpkin. Can anyone fill say, Boldly taking aim we fired, Ruthstrom Our with, Journalism,” there we stood, 9 lb. rifle in hand, aiming at the meager target. facing us. to inherited. questioning could said ' “There is no freedom without responsibility. Freedom is not present. Judy of coffee. our you Musi By causht “Do you use: real bullets in your guns?” Suddenly before men.” mas last-minute gan the offi- we After seating ourselves and exchanging a few friendly hellos and salutes, we be- “Peace toward For weeks, everyone has prepared for Christmas, bisying and wrapping gifts, planning parties, and making home decorations. Exasperated clerks in stores try to suit the tastes of everyone who wants to buy a “different” Christ- a hot cup meaning of Christmas—the beginning of Christianity, the sec- ever heard. good will glance sight of M/Sgt. Lepley and Yberra concentrating over a morning, you should catch spirit and remember the world has on earth, By KATHY GROSE With Christmas only two days away, most of us look back on the past week as one filled with activity, thoughtfulness mas the » Ath first ond chance for the world, the hope for peace. The promise that the angels sang was the most wonderful music that the of 8 Business Manager Advertising Managers au- The pressure of Christmas shopping, finding a parking place, fighting the traffic and IT'S WORTH IT? have to break God’s commandment Editor Louise Taylor News Editors ..........0..... Ruth Halvorson, Dorothy Erkelens Exchange and “And the angel said unto them, fear not for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” cials. STAFF BOX PAVISOUS (eer Sports Editor no were sore afraid.” really by doing mainten- ance. halls despite Tobogganing, ice-skating and : sleigh-riding parties represent Highlander Motto other winter sports which re: : quire a choice of warm clothes. | No nation, no station Feature and thor can improve on these words:' “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they wonderful school, and we can VOLUME of Christmas, say some students. If you want again. Christmas, though forevHave you ever noticed custoa cold or the flu, follow one of fe young, grows old along with dians present at all the functions held at school? They arise’ the following suggestions. Just pasitigie the tree and placearly in the morning, stay till be careful that your bad intent- ing the gifts under it constiOur school is a represenlate at night. After all their tation of our students. This ions don’t develope into pneum- tutes a family event during the _year the majority of our stu- efforts we don’t even notice or onia. holidays. appreciate them. Have you ever dentbody has represented The house smells of good 1. Eat healthful foods such things to eat and rings with our school well. We can’t at- - stopped to thank them for their services? Chances are, you did- as candy, potato chips etc. Shun tribute the success of our scChristmas music. n’t even think about them. hool to any certain group. The coming of Santa Claus vegetables, fruits, and any food True, the faculty, adminisThe custodians, “the men bein a helicopter is the modern containing protein. hind the scenes,” keep the tration, and officers contri version of the sleigh | and eight 2. Indulge your insomnia. wheels moving with little acbute their share, but it is tiny reindeer. 3. Go for a walk in the rain. knowledgement for their work. the individual student that Little chubby stockings are 4, Visit a sick friend. carries most of the load. For Not only should the custodihung by the fireplace in hopes ans receive a hearty thanks but this reason, I would like to Well, there are others; but that St. Nick will fill them well. also we should give them a you get the idea. Of course if take this opportunity to comWhen you wake up on Christ- Ski sweaters are knitted so keep it that way only if we that they match the long socks all work together to improve that go with the nickers. A it. Let’s make it our new smart, well-dressed skier will year’s resolution to represent _ use tact in the selection of his. pur school well dnd remain wardrobe; for instance a black ty, “Friendly, Fighting Scand white sweater, black nick- ots.” ers and black and white hourKim Butters glass socks is a fine match, no? There remain three things to remember about taking part in these sports: one, choosing of ward clothes; two, acquiring of practical articles that can be worn elsewhere; three, being frugal with the pocket—book. on their camels the angels seem to lose their meanings. one enjoys a good football, basketball and baseball game, or track meet. Even though only the boys can participate in these sports, there aré many other sports activities which girls may join. Many sports clans have been organized so that all students may have the opportunity to participate in and enjoy all sports. The. members of the Ski, Ice Skating, Bowling and Swimming Clans invite all students the seven hoping for a successful city championship. - BL. try at YS TES SES SES SER SES SOS SS, apie SAVINGS SKI BOOTS 4 Olympic boot, medals. Hinged ankle release, heel, speed lacing, full double hand-crafted. "Ski-Star™ "Silver Star” Value Value "Vor Star" . SL their disregard of what their Democracy is based on is proven is can to look “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” _ This message should be the heart of Christmas, but today the commercialism of the holiday has taken much true meaning from Christmas. Christmas cards without the traditional symbols of two $60.00. “Aan. "Snow $29.95 Ster™ Value Value CORTINA SKI PANTS Black only or Men’s for Value the occasional $12.95 skier. Ladies’ ....... 2 showing friend on a coat or suit, resist the urge skate only No Money Down — Terms Arranged To Your Needs! Open Tonight Till 9 p.m. Always Underselling-Never Undersold! 2229 SAV-ON WASHINGTON BLVD. OGDEN, TORTS TESTES, iS UT. iS Th 5 LOS SO SoS TES TES IES example trying you spills aie best sign, do you put your out to test whether the paint is wet? 2. When your students in Ben sport enthusiasts of one kind or another. Every- bad — 2 3 SYS USL The %, Paint” finger you pass a “Wet Scots Support Sport Clans All. of the Lomond are co from birth the policy of today is “survival of the fittest.” Naturally a majority of the fittest, as in races, will win: All men are created equal regardless of color or creed. The white race is a majority in the United States, but must they take such cruel advantage of their majority? Couldn’t they just once put themselves in the other man’s shoes? Couldn’t they just once practice what their country preaches, what their churches preach and what even they themselves preach? 1. When THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Many institutions and customs that were once thought most sacred have been discarded ae the years. Yet, a few still exist, defying time and change: S and that’s about all; almost PAGE 7_ HIGHLANDER EEE equal, THE Pod are created _ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1960 & Yes, men HOW GOOD IS YOUR WILL POWER? DECEMBER 23, 1960 USL PASH The Fight Against Equality “All men are created equal.’”’ How many times have you heard that said? People tend to take it too literally. FRIDAY, HIGHLANDER SL oe THE ULLAL STILTS TLR 2% SU SUS - PAGE 2 EMSS SSRIS |