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Show 16 The counseling service of the day school is available to students of the evening school. Further information may be obtained from Evening School section of this catalog, from the office of the Registrar, or from the Evening School Director. WEBER COLLEGE SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School at Weber offers a full quarter of work. It is designed to serve the needs of the following: 1. High School Graduates who recognize the importance of securing additional academic training before entering the Armed Services, who wish to make up deficiencies before entering medical, dental, or engineering schools, or who wish to prepare for positions. 2. Adults who wish educational guidance, training, or general self-improvement. 3. College Men and Women who desire to accelerate completion of an academic degree. 4. Veterans who wish to take advantage of their GI schooling opportunities. 5. Trade Workers who wish to improve their vocational skills. OFF-CAMPUS TRAINING The off-campus training program has grown out of the needs of students and employers of the Weber College area. This program is designed to teach occupational skills on the job and to offer theoretical and technical instruction. Weber College also cooperates with the various military installations in planning and presenting specific courses of instruction. SUPERVISORY TRAINING Weber College has for a number of years, in cooperation with industry, the military installations and other governmental agencies, offered specific supervisory training courses designed to improve and upgrade the positions of managers, supervisors, and foremen. Each course is planned to give specific information to the organization and workers concerned. Time, place, and credit hours are arranged for each program. THE ADMINISTRATION The control of Weber College is vested in the Utah State Board of Education and its executive officer, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Board meets each month to act upon matters of policy and upon recommendations made by the President of Weber College. The President is the chief executive of the College. Assisting the President is the Dean of the Faculty, who with the President, is an ex-officio member of all college committees. 17 rr-h Administrative Council meets weekly to discuss and recom- ? administrative policies, methods, and procedures for conduet- mendaa ^ ^ College> The Administrative Council consists ing tne o The president; Dean of Faculty, Registrar, Treas- of librarian Dean of Men, Dean of Women, Chairmen of Divi- r. librarian, uean oi -ivj.cn, x-^<*" ^ »*v*..v^f w.»«.***»«.,u ~* ~..» Curriculum Advisor for Vocational Subjects, Superintendent sf£S:uHir,<rs and Grounds, Director of Information Service, Veteran £ vh nator and Placement Director, Director of Evening School, and President of the Weber College Association. The following administrative committees, appointed by the Presi- i have student and faculty representatives: Admission, Credits, ^Graduation; Assemblies; Athletics; Awards and Eligibility; Ruilding and Campus Planning, Catalogue, Community Service, curriculum Lecture and Concert Series, Library, Military Affairs, Publicity Student Employment, Student Guidance, Scholarship, Traveling Assemblies, Standards, and Student Activities. Student representatives are appointed by the Board of Control. The Board of Control, the executive body of student government, includes the following officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and business manager of the student body; the sophomore class president and two elected representatives from the sophomore class; the freshman class president and two elected representatives from' the freshman class; a faculty member named by the Board of Control. The College treasurer is an ex-officio member. The Board of Control administers measures necessary to put into operation the provisions of the Constitution of the Associated Students of Weber College, such as the management of the student budget provided from student body funds, the appointment of committees, designation of staff officers, and the initiation of a program of out-of-class activities. The Inter-club Council, which includes representatives from each social club, the Dean of Women, and the Dean of Men, supervises and controls all club activities. COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS THAT ASSIST THE ADMINISTRATION The Advisory Board is composed of a group of citizens in the Weber College area. The Board meets periodically to discuss problems of the College and matters of educational importance to the community. The Board makes suggestions and recommendations to the President of Weber College and to the State Board of Education. The Chamber of Commerce, through its Weber College Committee, supports the College. Occupational advisory committees assist college authorities in matters pertaining to the setting up of courses and curriculums to meet the needs of businesses, trades, and industries in the Weber College area. Each committee is an integral part in the organization of an occupational course or curriculum. The Alumni keep the College informed of the activities of its graduates. Members of the Weber College Alumni have cooperated in the promotion of various campus projects. |