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Show 76 77 2. Elementary Spanish. Grammar, reading, and conversatior Five quarter hours. Winter. Staff 3. Elementary Spanish. Grammar review, diction, and simple composition. Five quarter hours. Spring. Staff 4. Intermediate Spanish. Grammar review, reading, composition, and conversation. Prerequisite: Two units (high school) or Spanish 2. Three quarter hours. Autumn. St 5. Intermediate Spanish. Drill in use of all tenses of the verbs. Reading of Latin American leaders. Conducted in Spanish. Thre€ quarter hours. Winter. St 6. Intermediate Spanish. The reading of novels, short stories, and dramas. Three quarter hours. Spring. Sba 7. 8, 9. Conversational Spanish. Intensive oral drill using language laboratory facilities. Each two quarter hours. Autumr Winter, Spring. St Spanish Culture 12. The Culture of Spain and Latin America. Their language literature and people. Illustrated talks given in English. Three quarter hours. (May not be given.) Sta DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC J. C. Anderson, G. L. Hanson, F. S. Hanson C. W. Johnson, Raph D. Marsden, R. C. Parry Music It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in musi complete the following courses: Music 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1& 20, 30, and 31. It is recommended also that a student participate in the choral and instrumental activities and organizations directed by the Department. Each activity has a curricular basis. Choral. Each year those interested in the field of choral music concentrate their efforts upon the presentation of an opera, an or** torio and two formal concerts. Choral activities center around th College Choir. Instrumental. It is the aim of the Department of Music to maintain both a band of standard instrumentation and an orchestra o symphonic proportions, and to encourage musical growth throug the study and public performance of the best in musical literatu ' These groups participate in at least three formal concerts each ye COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 1. Fundamentals of Musicianship. Fundamentals in music, together with the study of sight-singing, interval recognition, ear train- Sg and dictation. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Hanson 2. Fundamentals of Musicianship. Prerequisite: Music 1. Two quarter hours. Winter. Hanson I 3. Fundamentals of Musicianship. Prerequisite: Music 2. Two quarter hours. Spring. Hanson 7. Music Appreciation—History and Literature of Music. The great music and composers of the pre-classic periods. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Johnson 8. Music Appreciation—History and Literature of Music. The music and composers of the romantic period. Three quarter hours. Winter. Johnson 9. Music Appreciation—History and Literature of Music. The music and composers of the modern period. Three quarter hours. Spring. Johnson 10. Harmony. Elementary harmony including ear training and keyboard harmony, covering primary and secondary triads and their inversions, non-harmonic tones and modulation. Prerequisite: Music 3 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Johnson 11. Harmony. Prerequisite: Music 10. Five quarter hours. Winter. Johnson 12. Harmony. Prerequisite: Music 11. Five quarter hours. Johnson d,,^15' Conducting. Principles of choral and instrumental coning and baton technique. Prerequisite: Music 1, 2, 3. Two quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Parry »,^„ 16, c°nducting. A continuation of Music 15. Two quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Parry music. Three ouartf uPub,ic School Music. Methods of teaching carter hours. Winter, Spring. Parry Autiivv,' ^noir. Prerequisite. A voice examination. One quarter hour. umn> Winter, Spring. Hanson structn'r ~en's Vocal Ensemble. Registration by permission of in- °r. une quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Hanson |