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Show 24 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Weber College grants the title of Associate of Arts, the title of Associate of Science, a Certificate of Completion, and a Certificate of Proficiency. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Before a student can become a candidate for graduation, his scholastic record must show that he has satisfied the requirements for entrance, that he can fulfill the requirements for graduation upon the completion of the course for which he is registered, and that he has an average of not less than C, a grade point ratio of at least 2.0 in all his college work. He must have completed a minimum of thirty quarter hours of work at Weber College. The last quarter of work to be applied toward graduation must be completed in residence. The Graduation Committee may make exceptions in individual cases. No unmatriculated student may become a candidate for graduation except by satisfying the regular entrance requirements. N0 credits obtained prior to the time at which college standing was established can be used toward graduation. A student must be registered in the college at least one quarter during the year in which he graduates. A student who does not graduate with the class with which he enters is held to the requirements applicable to the class with which he is graduated. A candidate for graduation is required to be present at the Commencement Exercises. Any exceptions are made by the President. REQUIREMENTS FOR ASSOCIATE OF ARTS OR ASSOCIATE OF SCIENCE A student must complete at least ninety quarter hours of approved college work, exclusive of physical education, for the title of Associate of Arts or Associate of Science. SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS 90 quarter hours, exclusive of physical education activities. Basic Communication (English 1, 2, 3). Orientation 1 or 11, or Engineering 40, or Nursing 1. Health Education 1 or 2. Physical Education. (Three quarter hours). Two quarter hours of laboratory work to be completed in the Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, or both. The following subjects will fulfill Weber College requirements for Physical Education for freshman men students: Physical Education 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10. One hour may be accepted from P. E. 3. The following subjects will'fulfill Weber College requirements for Physical Education for freshman women: Physical Education 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23. One hour may be accepted from P. E. 13. The physical education requirement is waived' for candidates thirty years of age or over. 25 etips of Associate of Arts and Associate of Science are de- The tlU®lle„e transfer students. A candidate for the title of signed for ^^s mUgt have a minimum of 15 quarter hours credit associate o language or two units of one foreign language in high 0f one tore g ieaB^ one additional course in the same language corn- school wltn „ Three high school units of one and the same lan- pleted in o ^ -n high sch00l satisfies the Associate of Arts re- guage co V .g reCommended that a student pursuing a major in qUirSnmanities qualify for the title of Associate of Arts. A student bating work beyond the bachelor's degree should complete ° foreign language requirements in his lower division work. Ii a division where there is a specific curriculum prescribed, completion of the curriculum listed substitutes for the general requirements. AREA REQUIREMENTS A student may satisfy the general education requirement by nleting a total of forty credit hours in the four areas of Human- >mp Tife sciences, Physical Sciences, and Social Sciences. A mini- ! m of nine credit hours must be completed in each area. However, >t more than twelve credit hours from an area will be counted in [he total of forty credit hours. A student with special problems and a student who needs specific courses for his major field may satisfy the general education requirements by substituting, as an alternate, courses which are approved by the Division Chairman and the Graduation Committee. Humanities: The general education requirements in Humanities may be satisfied by completing either of the following options: (1) nine to twelve credit hours selected from the introductory departmental courses or (2) nine credit hours of the integrated sequence of courses. Option No. 1: Departmental Courses Courses must be chosen from at least two departments, one of which must be literature*: Art- Art 1, General Design and Nature Appreciation (3) Art 2, General Design and Color (3) Art 11, General Drawing (3) Humanities 2, Introduction to Art (3) Literature and Theatre Arts— Engish 21, 22, 23 American Literature (3), (3), (3) English 27, Biography (2) English 31, Literature of the Drama (3) English 35, Literature of the Bible (3) English 39, 40, 41, English Literature (3), (3), (3) English 42. Shakespeare (5) |