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Show 42 WEBER COLLEGE tive authors and masterpieces. The course covers the periods from the Early English to the present time. A comprehensive knowledge through wide reading is aimed at. Daily. Winter and Spring quarters. Five credit hours. Professor Farley, Miss Wood. English 6. Shakespeare. The reading and interpretation of representative comedies, tragedies, historical plays, and poems. Daily. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. Professor Farley. English 7. Nineteenth Century Literature From Wordsworth to Tennyson. A detailed study of the literature of the period designed to give training in methods of literary study and in the presentation of the result. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. Prerequisite: English 2, or the consent of the instructor. Miss Wood. English 8. Nineteenth Century Literature From Tennyson to Hardy. A detailed study of Victorian prose and poetry, having the same aims as English 7. Prerequisite: English 2, or the consent of the instructor. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Pofessor Farley. English 9. Colonial American Literature* A study of colonial literature from the beginning to the mid-nineteenth century. Daily. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. Miss Wood. (*Note: May not be given in 1924-25.) English 10. American Literature. A study of the New England group of major writers. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. Miss Wood. WEBER COLLEGE 43 English 11. American Literature. A study of metropolitan, southern, and western literature, emphasizing the spread of literary activity and the development of the short story and the novel since 1860. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Miss Wood. English 13. Introduction to Poetry. The essentials of poetic composition are particularly stressed, but emphasis is also placed on an intelligent understanding and interpretation of representative verse forms. Creative work is encouraged. This course is especially recommended to elementary grade teachers, and all to all students who intend to follow an English major. Prerequsite: English 2. Daily Spring quarter. Five hours. Professor Farley. English 14- The Novel. A study of the novel from an historical point of view. Several books will be read and a critique will be written on each book. Prerequisite: English 2. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. (Note: May not be given in 1924-25) Course in Public Speaking English 12. The Forms of Public Address. This course gives training in the principles of constructive thinking, writing, and speaking, and includes gathering of information, organizing it for a definite purpose, and presenting it to meet varying conditions. The problem of organizing one's thoughts is approached through the analysis of certain masterpieces of public address. Prerequisite: English 2. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Professor |