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Show 54 WEBER COLLEGE French 5. Advanced Course. Continuation of French 4. Class and collateral reading. Compositions to give facility in the use of the French idioms and command of grammatical constructions. Daily. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. Professor Ridges. French 6. Advanced Course, Review of grammar rules. Consistent conversational drill, based on reading. Extensive reading to enable student to read French easily and fluently for pleasure without constant reference to a dictionary. Daily. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Professor Ridges. French 20, 21, 22. General Survey of French Literature. This course is open to students upon consultation with the instructor. The aim of this course is to give the students an idea of the representative authors of the great mass of French literature. Representative works will be read for pleasure with the idea of gaining an appreciation of the literature, the people, and the customs. (Not given 1924-25) GERMAN German 1,2,3. Elementary Course. The aim of these courses is similar to that of French 1, 2, 3. By direct association of the German word with the object or idea the student is taught to think in German. The aim is to speak and read German by working in and with the language itself. By simple compositions and regular dictation based on the reading of easy stories, the student gains the ability to use the language correctly and appreciatively. Daily. Autumn, Win- WEBER COLLEGE 55 ter, and Spring quarters. Five credit hours each quarter. Professor Ridges. German 4, 5, 6. Advanced Course. The aim of this course is to equip the student to profit by the great wealth of German literature, much of which will always remain available only to those who can read it in the original language. Extended reading drills in synonyms, antonyms, and definitions, dictation, grammar review, and direct composition. Daily. Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters. Five credit hours each quarter. Professor Ridges. SPANISH Spanish 1. Elementary Course. Understanding of easy Spanish, written and spoken. Five credit hours. Spanish 2. Elementary Course (continued). Grammar reading and conversation. Five credit hours. Spanish 3. Intermediate Course. Pre-requisite: 1 unit of high school Spanish, or Spanish 1 and 2. Grammar review, dictation, conversation, and simple composition. Five credit hours. (Not given in 1924-25) LATIN Latin 1,2,3. Elementary Course. The Autumn and Winter quarters are devoted to the mastery of declensions, conjugations and other elementary forms. J3vL*m©< credit hours. Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters. Latin 4, 5, 6. Intermediate Course. Three books and four orations will be read. Stress will |