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Show 60 WEBER COLLEGE Physical Education 4- Competitive Athletics. Basket Ball. M., T., W., Th., F. Winter quarter. One credit hour. Coach Stevenson. Physical Education 5. Competitive Athletics. Boxing and wrestling; track; tennis; baseball. Spring quarter. One credit hour. Coach Stevenson. Physical Education 6. Physical Training in Elementary Schools. Designed to meet the needs of grade school teachers. Practice and theory of games and exercises suited to elementary school purposes. Autumn, Winter, or Spring quarters. Class meets two hours a week. One credit hour. Professor Stevenson. THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE Professor Lind Professor Evans Professor Stevenson Chemistry 1. Inorganic. This course is designed to cover the Non-Metallic elements. The fundamental principles and theories of chemistry receive special attention. No previous knowledge of Chemistry is required for admission to this course. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work a week. Autumn quarter. Five credit hours. Class and Laboratory periods to be arranged. Professor Lind. Chemistry 2. Inorganic. This course is a continuation of course 1. The study of the Non- Metallic elements is completed. Chemical equilibrium, the modern theory of solutions, thermo- WEBER COLLEGE 61 chemistry, and molecular weights receive special attention. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work a week. Winter quarter. Five credit hours. Class and laboratory periods to be arranged. Professor Lind. Chemistry 3. Inorganic. This course is planned to cover the more common metallic elements. Students sufficiently advanced are given work in qualitative analysis which involves the separation and identification of the common metals found in salts and minerals. Three recitations and six hours laboratory work per week. Spring quarter. Five credit hours. Professor Lind. Chemistry 4 and 5. Qualitative Analysis. This course includes the theory and practice of inorganic qualitative analysis. Prerequisites: Chemistry 1 and 2. One recitation and two laboratory periods per week. Autumn and Winter quarters. Three credit hours each quarter. Professor Lind. Chemistry 6. Quantitative Analysis. This course includes an introduction to gravimetric and volumetric Chemical Analysis of inorganic compounds. Prerequisites: Chemistry 4 and 5. One recitation and two laboratory periods per week. Spring quarter. Three credit hours. Professor Lind. PHYSICS Physics 1,2, and 3. General Physics. This is a course in General Physics adapted to students who have not had any work in high school physics but who desire to learn something concerning the fundamental laws of physical science. The course covers in a general way the subjects of |