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Show I 26 I In the Division where there is a specific curriculum prescribed, the completion for the curriculum listed substitutes for the above general requirements. The titles of Associate of Arts and Associate of Science are designed for college transfer students. A candidate for the title of Associate of Arts must have a minimum of twenty-five quarter hours of one foreign language or its equivalent. (Three high school units of one and the same language satisfy foreign language requirements.) It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in the Humanities qualify for the title of Associate of Arts. A student contemplating work beyond the bachelor's degree should complete the foreign language requirements in his lower division work. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Completion of at least ninety quarter hours of approved college work, exclusive of physical education activities. Specific Course Requirements 90 quarter hours, exclusive of physical education activities. Orientation 1 or 11. Health Education 1 or 2. Physical Education selected activities for three quarters. The successful completion of the two-year terminal course as outlined in the Catalogue. The Dean of Faculty has the authority to modify the above graduation requirements according to the needs of the individual. The Certificate of Completion is primarily designed for students who desire to complete their formal education at the close of the second college year. 27 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY Completion of at least forty-five quarter hours of approved college work, exclusive of physical education activities. Specific Course Requirements The completion of the one year curriculum as outlined in the Catalogue. The Certificate of Proficiency is primarily designed for students who desire to complete their' training at the close of one college year. AREA OR GROUP RECOMMENDATIONS Personal and Family Living Certain conditions which are inherent in the complex structure of our present social organization makes many requirements of the individual if he is to enjoy satisfactory adjusment in personal and family living. There are numerous reasons for this: (1) Many traditional customs and practices are in transition, yet the well-being of our society devolves upon personal and family integrity. (2) Life becomes more complex continually and requires more expertness in living. (3) The flagrant divorce rate and widespread attitude of social irresponsibility is symptomatic of distorted and sick personalities. Accordingly, the challenge of our day is to help the student develop maturity of personality through a program of general education which includes instruction in personal and family adjustment. All students are encouraged to plan their educational program to include two or more courses as listed below. No prerequisites are necessary and all courses are open to both men and women. Marriage and the Family, Child Development and Guidance; Child Psychology, Applied Psychology, Basic Nutrition and Balanced Diet, Food Selection and Preparation, Home Furnishings and Decorations, Clothing Selection and Personal Grooming. (See Sociology, Psychology, and Home Economics Departments for course descriptions.) Grades, Grade Points, and Residence Before a student can become a candidate for graduation, his scholastic record must show that he has satisfied the requirements for entrance, that he can fulfill the requirements for graduation upon the completion of the course for which he is registered, and that he has an average of not less than C, a ratio of at least 1.00, in all his college work. The grading system consists of four passing grades: A. B. C. D.; failure: E; Incomplete: Inc; withdrawn: W; exceptional accomplishment is denoted by the grade of A; superior, B; average, C; and inferior, D. When a student is dropped from a class because of inferior work or excessive absences, a final mark of E is recorded. |