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Show 160 71. International Morse Code. A beginning course designed to acquaint the students with the characters of the alphabet, numerals, and simple punctuation. The student should be able to receive up to' ten words per minute at the conclusion of this course. Five one-half hour periods a week. Autumn, Winter, Spring. One quarter hour. Dalley 72. International Morse Code. An intermediate course designed to increase the receiving speed from ten words per minute to about fifteen words per minute. The student also learns to send code with a "straight" key. Five one-half hour periods a week. Autumn, Winter, Spring. One quarter hour. Dalley 73. International Morse Code. An advanced course designed to increase sending and receiving speed to about twenty words per minute. Instructions and practice are given in message handling and use of the semi-automatic key. Five one-half hour periods a week. Autumn, Winter, Spring. One quarter hour. Dalley DEPARTMENT OF REFRIGERATION Sophomore Year A. Bacteriology 81 Chemistry 81 Economics 81 .'. 3 English 81 Refrigeration 54, 55, 56 5 Refrigeration 64, 65, 66 5 Sociology 81 Technical Education 87 Technical Education 84 3 Technical Education 86 Refrigeration (Leading to a Bachelor of Science Degree) Freshman Year A. Mathematics 1, 4, 3 5 Orientation 11 Physical Education 1 Refrigeration 51, 52, 53 5 Refrigeration 61, 62, 63 5 Technical Education 91, 92 2 W. W. 5 2 1 5 5 161 S. 3 3 16 17 19 S. 5 1 5 5 2 18 18 18 The Department of Refrigeration offers a two-year program of study in the fundamental principles and practice of repairing, servicing and reconditioning of domestic and commercial refrigeration units. The class meets the requirements of a Plan A and B program of Trade and Industrial Education. The training is also intended to assist transfer students to meet the requirements of a school giving a Bachelor of Science degree in refrigeration. CURRICULA Refrigeration Sophomore Year A. English 1, 2, 3 3 Health Education 1 Physics 2 Refrigeration 54, 55, 56 5 Refrigeration 64, 65, 66 5 Technical Education 87, 88 2 Technical Education 96 3 W. 3 5 5 5 18 18 17 (Pre-Apprentice) Freshman Year A. W. English 81 3 Health Education 1 2 Orientation 11 2 Mathematics 81 5 Physical Education 1 1 Refrigeration 51, 52, 53 5 5 Refrigeration 61, 62, 63 5 5 Technical Education 91, 89 2 Technical Education 88 COURSES OF INSTRUCTION Shop Practice 51. Fundamentals of Refrigeration Service and Repair. A course designed to acquaint the beginning student with construction and oper- _i' " Five quarter hours. Autumn. Staff ation of refrigeration machines. 18 18 16 52. Service and Repair of Components of a Refrigeration Machine. A course designed to prepare an individual to make repairs to condensers, evaporators, compressors, and liquor control system. Five quarter hours. Winter. Staff |