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Show 50 42. Business Typewriting Procedures. A course in skill building and office typewriting designed to attain a typing speed of at least 35 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on Business Letter Styles, Tabulation, and Manuscript Typing. Three quarter hours Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden 43. Intermediate Typewriting. A course in office typing projects designed to attain a typing speed of at least 45 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on preparation of telegrams, stencil duplication process, preparation of invoices, credit memoranda, and statements, payroll forms, executive reports, and manuscript typing. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden 44. Advanced Typewriting. A course in work experience designed to attain a typing speed of at least 55 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on standardized letter placement, work experience as administrative assistant in the Training Department, preparing corporation reports, legal document, and applying for a position. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Ogden 45. Speed Building Typewriting. A course for superior typists designed to attain a typing speed of at least 65 words a minute, with special emphasis placed on speed building and speed problems. Three quarter hours. Spring. Ogden 46. Expert Typewriting. A course for superior typists designed to attain a typing speed of at least 75 words a minute. Special emphasis placed on speed building and military correspondence. Three quarter hours. Spring Ogden • General Secretarial Courses 81. Office Appliances. Training in the operation of the postage meter, addressograph, multigraph, mimeograph, mineoscope, other duplicating and office machines. Laboratory work will be scheduled in the Stenographic bureau. Two quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Staff 85. Calculators. Training in the operation of Marchant, Monroe, Burroughs, Comptometer, Adding and Ten-Key Listing Machines with special emphasis on the Crank-driven Calculators. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 86. Posting Machines. Training in the operation of Burroughs, Remington, and other posting machines. Three quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Staff 87. Dictaphone and Ediphone Voice Writing. Training in the operation of modern transcribing and voice writing machines. Transcription skill and techniques will be emphasized. Laboratory work to be scheduled. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 43 or equivalent. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Christensen 92. Secretarial Accounting. A course which develops the fundamental principles of accounting as applied to mercantile and personal service enterprises operated by sole proprietors in both the cash and accrual basis. Five quarter hours. Autumn. Christensen 93. Secretarial Accounting. A continuation of Secretarial Science 92 including instruction devoted to partnership and corporate types of organization with emphasis on the merchandising enterprise. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 92 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. Winter. Christensen 94. Secretarial Accounting. A continuation of Secretarial Science 93 including instruction devoted to partnership and corporate types of organization with emphasis on the industrial or manufacturing type of enterprise. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 93 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. Spring. Christensen 95. Office Procedure. A finishing course in which the fundamentals of human relations, organization routine, business techniques and standards, and office problems are studied with a stress on their implication for the prospective secretarial employee. Five quarter hours. Spring. Christensen 96. Military Correspondence. Introduction to the basic principles and procedures of army and naval correspondence supplemented by a consideration of local installation practices and needs. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Christensen 97. Essentials of Business Arithmetic. A review and application of the fundamentals of business arithmetic. A vocational course designed for those students registering in Secretarial Accounting and also for stenographers who are preparing to enter a business occupation. Three quarter hours. Autumn. Christensen 98. Personality Development. A course designed to aid the student in self-development, and individual problems, in obtaining and holding a position, business behavior, desirable personal qualities, and personal adjustment. Three quarter hours, Spring. Staff 99. Business Communication. A presentation and application of the practical psychology, principles and problems underlying effective business correspondence. Designed for students preparing for secretarial employment and for operation of the Ediphone and Dictaphone transcribers. Prerequisite: Secretarial Science 42 or equivalent. Three quarter hours. Winter, Spring. Christensen |