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Show 122 16. Elementary Swimming. Designed for non-swimmers who fear water and can neither float nor propel themselves through it. Instruction in fundamentals, such as breathing, floating, side-stroke, simple crawl, and elementary back-stroke is' given. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Welling 17. Intermediate Swimming. Designed for the student who has mastered the simple elements of swimming and is ready to progress to the more advanced strokes and simple diving. Upon completion of this course the student should have developed an ability to care for himself in any ordinary swimming situation. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Welling 18. Advanced Swimming. Prerequisite: Physical Education 17 or permission of the instructor. Designed for the student who desires to progress to more difficult types of swimming and diving. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Welling 19. Life-Saving and Water Safety. Prerequisite: Physical Education 17 or permission of the instructor. Designed to teach the life-saving techniques leading to the senior's and instructor's course. Functional swimming, knowledge of principles of water safety, and organization and administration of water safety programs. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 20. Advanced Swimming, Skills and Sports. Designed to teach water games and pageantry, and use of small craft. Opportunity is given to improve one's techniques and to observe and assist in teaching swimming. One quarter hour. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Staff 21. Creative Dancing. A course designed to introduce the historical background and the elementary forms of the dance; to train one to express emotion through rhythmic movement; and to acquire a foundation technique. One quarter hour. Autumn. Gregory 22. Creative Dancing. A continuation of Physical Education 21, introducing the intermediate forms of the dance, perfecting muscle control and body balance, and developing a vocabulary of techniques. One quarter hour. Winter. Gregory 23. Creative Dancing. A continuation of Physical Education 22, introducing intermediate and advanced forms of the dance; and increasing the vocabulary of techniques, dance forms, and combinations. One quarter hour. Spring. Gregory 123 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION C. L. Anderson, M. H. Gregory, R. K. Swenson Recreation 1. Introduction to Recreation. A survey course designed to acquaint the student with the field of recreation. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Swenson 2. Recreational Leadership. A course designed to give the principles, methods, and materials necessary for leadership in recreational activities. Two quarter hours. Spring. Swenson 5. Games and Sports. A course designed to give the methods of conducting games, and to provide a background of a wide variety of games. Two quarter hours. Winter. Swenson 8. Football Officiating. A course in officiating football, including rules, rule interpretation and mechanics. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Anderson 9. Basketball Officiating. A course in officiating basketball, including rules, rule interpretation and mechanics. Two quarter hours. Winter. Anderson 10. Baseball and Softball Officiating. A course in officiating baseball and softball, including rules, rule interpretation and mechanics. Two quarter hours. Spring. Staff 11. Introduction to Scouting. A course designed to give the basic principles of scouting, to anyone interested in the scouting program. Presents the organization, administration and methods of scouting. Three quarter hours. Autumn, Spring. Swenson 14. Leadership in Scouting. Principles of leadership in the cub pack, boy scout troop and the explorer units. Theory and practice of leadership. Three quarter hours. Winter. Swenson 26. Social Dancing. A theory and activity course designed to give the underlying principles of the waltz, foxtrot, Lindy and other American forms of social dancing, with the purpose of assisting future teachers and directors of ballroom dancing. Two quarter hours. Autumn. Gregory 27. Latin American Dancing. A theory and activity course designed to give the underlying principles of Latin American rhythms in social dancing as the Samba, Rhumba, and Tango, with the purpose of assisting future teachers and directors of ballroom dancing. Two quarter hours. Spring. Gregory 28. Square and Pioneer Dancing. A course designed to acquaint those enrolled, with calls, formations, and techniques of pioneer dancing. Two quarter hours. Winter. Gregory |