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Show 20 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH Weber College considers an important program in its curriculum to be its out-of-class activities which embrace guidance, health service, student government; and other student activities created and conducted by students, departments, or the community. Guidance Program The guidance system is under the direction of the Chairman of the Guidance Committee. Every member of the faculty serves in a guidance capacity to the extent of his particular qualifications to help the student become a more independent, intelligent, and self-propellent social being. The aim of the adviser is to help each student achieve a healthy growth toward social, emotional, mental, and physical maturity. The nature of counseling ranges from informal pastime chats with instructors and counselors, to scheduled, business-like appointments for advice or assistance relative to registration, scholarship, housing, student activities, and finances. Provisions are made for specialized counseling in the fields of psychological aptitude, vocational opportunities, and student recreational and social activities. This student personnel service is not compulsory. A student seeks counsel on his own initiative. Faculty members or administrative staff members encourage students to seek counsel when confronted with troublesome problems. The final decision, however, rests with the student. The Chairman of Guidance has scheduled hours each day for individual counseling. Any regular student is entitled to this professional service by private appointment. An active interest in the personal problems of Weber College students is taken by the Deans, who assume special responsibility for student welfare. The Dean acts as Executive Assistant to the President, and, as Chairman of the Standards Committee, acts in student matters that involve regulations of the College. The Dean of Women and the Dean of Men contact organized student activity and living groups, advise students to make wise choices in recreational and social relationships, and aid in providing an environment that is favorable for their all-round development. The houses where Weber College men and women room and board are under their supervision. Health Program The health program of Weber College provides protective and educative benefits for every student. Its purposes are: (1) to give a medical cal examination (regarded as a screening rather than a diagnostic examination) to every student upon his initial registration in the College; (2) to give special attention to those in need of medical or dental care through a follow-up program which, if necessary, will guide students and parents to sources of medical and dental treatment; (3) to take care of accidents and sudden illness occurring at the College; (4) to provide opportunity for conferences and consultations with a physician; (5) to re-examine at reasonable intervals students with physical defects; (6) to provide a healthful environment for student life; and (7) to initiate protective measures against the spread of disease. Medical treatment and diagnosis are the responsibility of the home and the community. WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH_21 Student Government Weber College is a laboratory that provides actual experience in democratic living through its student government organizations that have as a major purpose the development of civic responsibility, leadership, and self-government. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS The Associated Students of Weber College, which includes all students who have paid all fees prescribed by joint action of the State Board of Education and the Associated Students of Weber College, extends the privileges of the right to vote in all elections under the control of the student body, the right to become a candidate for office within the rules and regulations governing these positions, and the right to such other privileges as may be determined by the Board of Control. The executive officers of the organization consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary, a treasurer, a business manager, and two additional freshmen representatives. The appointive officers consist of the staffs of the various authorized student body publications, manager of athletics, manager of dramatics, cheer leaders, and such other appointive officers as may be provided by the Board of Control. The Association serves to promote the scholastic and social welfare of the College, to insure a spirit of harmony and cooperation, and to regulate student activities. CLASSES The Sophomore Class includes all men and women of sophomore standing. It is organized to promote class interests, interpret and preserve Weber traditions, initiate freshmen, and to assume leadership in matters of social welfare. The Freshman Class includes all men and women of freshman standing. It is organized to carry on activities of a competitive nature designed for novitiates of Weber. Each class elects officers to the position of president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. During the Spring Quarter the Freshman Class selects a faculty adviser to direct the class activities for the sophomore year. During the Autumn Quarter the new freshman class selects an adviser to direct the class activities for the freshman year. ASSOCIATED WOMEN STUDENTS The Associated Women Students, which includes all women within the College, aims to develop activities that will promote fellowship and democracy; cooperates in all matters pertaining to student life; and provides a medium through which Weber College women students may express their interests. The officers include president, vice-president, secretary-treasurer, freshman reporter, and freshman representative. The Council consists of the officers, one sophomore girl from Whip Club and the Women's Athletic Association, the women vice-presidents of the Freshman and Sophomore Classes, one freshman girl and one sophomore girl from each social club, and the captain of the Co-ed Counselors. The number of unaffiliated representatives in Council must be two-thirds of the number of affiliated representatives. Regular activities sponsored by the A.W.S. include a tea in honor of women of the Freshman Class, a Get-Acquainted Party, a Mother's Tea, a dancing party each quarter, and Charm Week. The Co-ed Counselors, composed of outstanding sophomore women, work under the direction of the officers of the Associated Women Students to assist women of the Freshman Class in orienting themselves to the College life. |