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Show 70 WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH Department of Radio Mechanics and Railroad Telegraphy E. F. Easley, E. Smith Murphy Radio Mechanics The course in radio mechanics is designed to prepare the learner to enter the trade on the mechanic helper level. Shop Practice. A course designed to give the learner practical experience in the repair and testing of radio transmitters and receivers. Emphasis is placed on the use of tools and equipment in developing trade skills and in the application of the basic radio theory. Two hours daily. Three hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Murphy Trade Technical and Related. A course treating the basic theory of electricity and radio including direct currents and alternating currents, magnetism, resonant circuits, antennae, amplification, and the superheterodyne principle. This information is taught in connection with the shop activities. Minimum emphasis is placed on the mathematical side of the subject. One hour daily. One hour terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Murphy Railroad Telegraphy The course in railroad telegraphy is a special fifteen-hour-a-week course designed to train telegraphers for the local railroads. Students enrolling are not required to meet regular college entrance requirements, but they must take a physical examination and be at least eighteen years of age. Completion of a six months' course normally prepares the student for employment. Shop Practice and Related Technical. Practice is given in sending and receiving Morse Code using standard railroad equipment. Technical instruction is given as needed on elementary train dispatching, and on worker relation problems and safety. Eight hours terminal credit. Easley Department of Welding P. W. Burrows Welding TYPE B The course in welding is designed to qualify students as junior apprentice oxy-acetylene and electric arc welders. They may take as many months' training as is necessary to become proficient in all phases of welding and cutting. Shop Practice. A course covering the following units of work: source and preparation of acetylene and oxygen, construction and care of equipment, practice in making all types of welds in all positions, cast iron welding, jobs requiring preheating and annealling, brazing of steel, cast iron and copper alloys, welding of aluminum pewter, etc., and practice in applying different types of hardfacing and cutting of steel and cast iron. Three hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Burrows WEBER COLLEGE - OGDEN, UTAH 71 Trade Technical. A course covering the technical phases of the shop practice and the fundamental information necessary to do the practical work. Four hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Burrows Trade Related. A course including the necessary related information needed by a learner to become a first-class workman. The work includes: trade codes, trade mathematics, trade terms, drawing, blueprint and welding symbol reading, labor problems, employer-employee relations, safety practices, and other trade information. Three hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Burrows Electives TRADE-RELATED SUBJECTS The following courses, while open to all students, are designed particularly for trade students. Drafting Problems. A course devoted to the necessary drawing fundamentals required by apprentices entering the metal-working field. It includes shop drawing, plain sketching, blueprint reading, and diagram reading and preparation. The course is suggested as an elective for all students in the metal-working field. Three hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. McCormac Internal Combustion Engines. A course in the study of the fundamental construction, operation, science and theory of the diesel motor and the airplane engine, including both the four-stroke and the two-stroke cycle principles. Special emphasis is given to the theory and materials used in the construction and the operation principles, including actual motor demonstrations. The course is designed for students who have had some previous mechanical training. Three hours terminal credit. Autumn, Spring. Staff Labor Problems. A course designed to give the student a good working knowledge of labor organizations, and the legislation affecting labor and related economic and political trends. Two hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Vocational Orientation. A practical course in vocational guidance treating problems of adjustment in college life, selecting an occupation, living with a job, and living in the home and community. (See Orientation 11.) Two hours terminal credit. Autumn, Winter, Spring. Jenson Vocational Science. A course in which principles of mechanics, heat, electricity, and chemistry are applied to practical shop problems. Two hours terminal credit. Spring. Osmond |