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Show 170 Business Administration MINOR FOR NON-BUSINESS MAJORS » Grade Requirements: A minimum GPA of 2.5 in all courses used toward the minor. » Credit Hour Requirements: Minimum of 35 credit hours in approved courses. See the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics advisor for requirements. Students pursuing this business administration minor must major in a non-business field and receive approval of the program by the Business Administration Department chat. Courses Requirements for Minor Required Courses (16 credit hours) Acctng 2010 Survey of Accounting I (3) Econ SS2010 Principles of Microeconomics (3) Econ SS2020 Principles of Macroeconomics (3) Quant SI2600 Business Statistics I (3) Quant SI3610 Business Statistics II (3) IS&T 2000 Software Skills for Business (1) All course prerequisites must also be completed. Elective Courses (15 credit hours) A minimum of 15 hours in Business Administration, Finance, Logistics and Operations Management, Management, and Marketing courses as approved by the Business Administration Department. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSES - BUSADM The following courses are predominantly service-oriented, interdisciplinary courses which complement the majors, minors, and emphases throughout the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics. BusAdm 1010. Introduction to Business (3) F, S Relation of business managers and firms to contemporary society and the global economy. Topics include human values and ethics in the workplace, multiculturalism, social responsibilities of business, business functions, and general principles of effective business operation. BusAdm TD2704. Information Resources in the Business Disciplines (1) Information Resources in the Business Disciplines is a one credit hour course that will assist students in developing information literacy and basic research skills to support life-long learning. Students will develop skills in identifying, locating, retrieving, documenting, and critically evaluating both electronic and print resources that are appropriate for undergraduate research, with emphasis in the business disciplines. Completion of this course meets part D of the WSU Computer and Information Literacy requirement. Cross listed with LibSci TD2704. Instructor approval required. BusAdm 2920. Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs (1-6) Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. BusAdm 3000. Small Business Management (3) F, S This course is designed for students majoring outside the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics. It will not be counted for credit toward graduation for students majoring in the John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics. It covers the business management concepts involved in starting and/or managing a small business. BusAdm 3200. Legal Environment of Business (3) Su, F, S Introduction to the legal and judicial system, emphasizing the application of regulatory law (e.g., antitrust, employment discrimination, etc.) and selected common law topics (e.g., contracts, agency, etc.). BusAdm 3330. Business Ethics & Environmental Responsibility (3) Su, F, S An introduction to the rudiments of moral reasoning, concepts and principles, and their application to common ethical issues faced in business. Special attention will be given to moral issues associated with the use of the natural environment by businesses. Prerequisites: Business Foundations, BusAdm 3200. BusAdm SI3500. Introduction to Business Research (3) F, S Introduces students to gathering and analyzing primary and secondary data for a wide range of business applications, such as assessing customer or employee satisfaction. Students are introduced to CD ROM databases, other library resources, questionnaire development and administration, basic data analysis, and research report writing. Prerequisites: Business Foundations, Quant SI3610. BusAdm 3600. [World Region] Business and Society (3) The world region or country covered in this course varies and will be indicated in the specific course title and on the student's transcript (e.g., European Business and Society, Japanese Business and Society, etc.). For a specified world region or country, this course considers its historical and cultural roots, together with modem societal issues, as they relate to business; the role of business in society; economic development, industrial policy, and trade relations; and management and business practices, including sociocultural considerations, in the specified world region or country. Recommended: Prior course work in business or economics or the appropriate foreign language(s) or culture, or in-country experience. BusAdm 4210. Survey of Business Law (3) F, S An overview of sales, negotiable instruments, property, and debtor/ creditor relations and other selected legal topics. Prerequisites: Business Foundations, BusAdm 3200. BusAdm 4401. E-Commerce (3) Technologies, strategies, and methods for an electronic approach to financial, purchasing, marketing, and order fulfillment processes. Emphasis is on creating successful business strategies to exploit Internet and Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) capabilities. Prerequisite: Mktg 3010 or concurrent enrollment in Mktg 3010. BusAdm 4500. Entrepreneurship (3) F, S Integration of various functional areas of business as they relate to evaluating, creating, planning, and managing new business ventures. Prerequisites: Business Foundations; Mktg 3010; Mgmt 3010, Mgmt 3200. BusAdm 4620. Executive Lectures (1) F, S This course is designed to acquaint the students with successful executives, their personal styles and philosophies as leaders, and the keys to their effectiveness. The format is a series of weekly one-hour lectures delivered by guest executives. The course may be repeated for credit to a maximum of two credit hours. BusAdm 4680. Senior Consulting Projects (3) F, S Senior students are given the opportunity to analyze actual businesses, make recommendations, and implement appropriate methods in organizations. Students meet with supervising faculty weekly to review their progress. Prerequisite: Business Foundations; Instructor approval. WEBER State Univ 2003-2004 CATALOG E R S I T Y |