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Show 58 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 58 Madison—e s Madison av, bet 24th and 25th. Daniel H Adams, Principal. Marriott—Marriott. K F Harris, Principal. Mound Fort—1200 Washington av. R N Amee, Principal. North Ogden District—North Ogden. J Q Blaylock, Principal. Ogden High—Adams av n e cor 25th. A E Wilson, Principal. Pingree Av—30th n e cor Pingree av. Joel J Harris, Principal. Quincy—Quincy av s e cor 26th. Mrs Marian T Bur¬ton, Principal. Randall District—North Ogden. Grace M Geiger, Principal. Riverdale—Riverdale. Alexander Patterson, Prin¬cipal. Twenty-second Street—s s 22d, bet Madison and Mon¬roe avs. Miss Laura Kirkpatrick, Principal. View—View. W G Cragun, Principal. Waishington—3289 Washington av. John M Bishop, Principal. West Ogden—s s West 25th nr County road. J A Junk, Principal. Wilsoini Ward—Wilson's Lane. G W Kunz, Prin¬cipal. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOLS, ETC. Conley's Dancing Academy—2408 Washington av. W A Conley, Propr and Instructor. Dignan Dancing Academy—374 23d. D P Dignan, Manager. Fifth Ward Educational Institute—Madison av n e cor 26th. Inter-Mountain Business College—363 24th, Jais A Smith, Prin and Propr. International Correspondence Schools of Scrauton, Pa—Broom Hotel. E H Corbin, Agent. Modern Conservatory of Music—458 24th. H S H Le Compte, Manager. EXPRESS COMPANIES—HOSPITALS—LIBRARIES. 59 St Joseph's Day School—353 26th. Under the aus¬pices otf The Sisters of The Holy Cross. Sacred Heart Academy—25th n e cor Quincy av. Conducted by The Sisters of The Holy Cross. State Industrial School—(see page 46.) Third Ward Educational Institute—Grant av, 1 n of 22d. Utah State School for The Deaf, Dumb and Blind— (see page 46.) Weber Stake Academy—2445 Jefferson av. D O Mc¬Kay, Prin. Conducted by the Latter-day Saints and un¬der the supervision of a board of education appointed by the Mormon Church. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Pacific Express Co—W D Brown, Agt, Union Depot. Wells, Fargo & Co Express—H A Lamdin, Agt, Un¬ion Depot. HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, ETC. Columbia. Cancer Cure Co—2408 Washington av. S V Hinkle, Sec and Treas. Florence Crittenton Home—Butler's av. Mrs Emma Huddleston, Matron. Ogden General Hospital—s s 28th bet Madison and Monroe avs. R S Joyce, M D, Pres; C E Coulter, M D, Sec; John Driver, M D, Treas; Executive Committee, E M Conroy, M D; G W Perkins, M D; J S Gordon, M D; Medical and Surgical Staff, J S Gordon, M D; C E Coul¬ter, M D; John Driver, M D; R S Joyce M D; E M Conroy, M D; G W Perkins, M D. LIBRARIES. Carnegie Free Library—Washington av, bet 25th and 26th. Zoe Faddis, Librarian; 4,000 volumes. Open from 10 a m to 9:30 p m; Sundays from 2:30 to 6:30 p m. |