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Show 60 LIBRARIES—MUSICAL—NEWSPAPERS. Christian Science Reading Rooms—212 Eccles Bldg. Directory Library—With Carnegie Free Library. R L Polk & Co, Proprietors. W P Cooper, Secretary and Manager. Zoe Faddis, Librarian. Directories of all the principal cities of The United States and Canada, State Gazetteers, etc. On file for free reference. North Ogden Library—North Ogden. Benjamin P Blaylock, Librarian, 1,200 volumes. MUSICAL ORGANIZATIONS. Ford's Grand Opera House Orchestra—132 Poplar av., nine pieces. L W Ford, Leader. Foster's Military Band—40 pieces. Wm Foster, Leader; Gustavus A Horn, Manager. Samuel Purdy Orchestra-—2376 Washington av, Sam¬uel W Purdy, Leader; five pieces. Short's Orchestra—374 23d. E D Short, Director. NEWSPAPERS, PUBLICATIONS, ETC. Deseret News (Daily and Semi-Weekly)—466 24th. E A Larkin, Mgr Ogden Bureau. Industrial Utah (semi-monthly)—2404 Washington av. B F Thomas, proprietor. $1 per annum. Ogden City Directory—R L Polk & Co, Publishers; W P Cooper, Sec and Mgr; issued annually; office and library with Carnegie Free Library. General Offices 617- 618-619 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City. Salt Lake Herald—2484 Washington av. (Daily and Weekly). W L Wattis, Mgr. Salt Lake Telegram—Office Eccles Bldg. S M Brown, Agent. Salt Lake Tribune—Office 209 Eccles Bldg. (Daily aind Weekly). F. M. Whipple, Mgr. San Francisco Examiner—2407 Washington av. C J Ross, Agent. Standard The—360 24th. (Daily and Semi-Weeklv.) Eight pages daily; subscription price, 75 cents per month PARKS—PUBLIC BUILDINGS, HALLS, ETC. 61 in city; out of city $6 per annum; semi-weekly, 7 columns, 8 pages, $1.50 per annum. Published Tuesday and Fri¬day. William Glaismann, Pub and Propr. Sun The Weekly—360 24th. Wm Glasmann, Editor and Proprietor. Utah State Journal—425 24th. E A Litftlefield, edi¬tor. PARKS AND PUBLIC GROUNDS. City Hall Square—Bet 25th and 26th, Washington and Grant avs. Glenwood Park—Canyon Road, bet Madison and Monroe avs. Junction City Driving Park—bet 26th and 28th sts, west of city limits. Lester Park—From Madison to Jefferson avs, bet 24th and 25th sts. Liberty Park—Bet 21st and 22d, Madison and Mon- roe avs. Ogden Base Ball Park—Canyon Road, bet Madison and Monroe avs. Ogden Driving Park—n s 17th, bet Lincoln and Wall avs. Tabernacle Square—Bet 21st and 22d and Washing¬ton and Grant avs. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, BLOCKS, HALLS, ETC. Allen Block—2508-2510 Lincoln av. A O U W Hall—2427 1/2 Washington av. Bennett Block—Grant av n w cor 26th. Boyle Block—2468 Washington av. Broom Annex—2479 Washington av. Cassin Block—2343-2345 Washington av. Catholic Club Hall—Washington av s w cor 26th. Christensen's Hall—2279-2285 Washington av. City Hall—Washington av s w cor 25th. City Jail—e s Hudson av, bet 25th and 26th. Cortez Building—2474 Washington av. |