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Show James Erickson. 156 24th street. horse-shoeing and general blacksmithing. rubber tires a specialty. 94 R. L. POLK & CO'S BEASON & BROWNE CO (Thomas R Beason, S H Browne) Proprs The Tog¬gery. Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Etc, 302 25th, Tel 318-K. (See right bottom lines and under classified Clothing.) Beatty C H, brkman S P Co, rms 11 Cottage Hotel. Beauchamp David F, waiter White Elephant Cafe, rms 2467 Washington av. Beck Peter A, foreman, res 459 22d. Becker Albert E, supt Becker B & M Co, res 112 W 22d. BECKER BREWING & MALTING CO Gustav L Becker Pres and Treas, John S Becker Sec, Brewers, Malsters and Ice Dealers, 19th s w cor Lin¬coln av, Tel 158. Becker Emil F, fireman S P Co, rms 18 Cottage Hotel. Becker Gustav L, pres and treas Becker Brewing & Malt¬ing Co, res 551 25th. Becker John S, sec Becker Brewing & Malting Co, res 551 25th. Beckett Henry W, insp S P Co, res 2059 Ballantyne's av. Beckett Louis S, janitor R M Bell Tel Co, bds 2059 Ballan¬tyne's av. Beckman Charles, tmstr, res 469 4th. Beckman John, lab, bds 2814 Park av. Beckman Wm, res 2933 Washington av. Beckwith E R, brkman S P Co, rms 8 Arcade Hotel. Becraft Frank W, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 648 23d. H.C. Warleigh. musical merchandise newman brothers organs 2376 washington avenue. utah knitting works. sweaters. skirts. shawls. 2354 washington ave. B.H. Goddard, life insurance. telephone 252-x. 412 eccles bldg. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 95 BECRAFT LOUIS H Typewriters and Supplies, Bicycles, Rubber Stamp Mnfr and General Repairer. 301-303 24th, Tel 252-K, res 2331 Grant av. (See left top lines.) L.H. Becraft. on corner 24th street and grant avenue. (one-half block below postoffice). phone 252-k. repairing of all kinds of light machinery a specialty. Especially Bicycles, Typewriters, Guns, Cash Registers, Slot Machines, Etc. Key Fitting. Gun and Locksmith Work Properly Cone. Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals and Stencils. Inks. Pads, Numbering Machines, Check Punches and General Office Supplies always in stock. Becraft Susie, bds 648 23d. Becraft Wm, elk, res 648 23d. Bedford Emelia O (wid Clayton A), res 1335 Washing¬ton av. Bedolfe Maitland H, civil eng, res 565 24th. Beecher Gustave C, messr Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, rms 2540 Lincoln av. Beeston James, res 2745 Park av. Beghtol Charles A, jeweler, 2463 Washington av, res 669 27th. Behring Wm, brkman D & R G R R, res 2419 Grant av. Ogden Electrical Supply Co. 2450 washington avenue. telephone 266-z. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. alex leatham, propr. residence pickwick clothing for ...hard-to-fit men... the toggery. 302 25th street. |