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Show Enogh Orahood. 2448 24th street. horse-shoeing, carriage painting and trimming, wood work, etc. 166 R. L. POLK & CO'S CRITCHLOW WM J City Recorder, 2 City Hall, res 352 29th. Crites Aken C, brkman U P R R, res 2741 Monroe av. Crites John E, brkman S P Co, bds 761 23d. Crocker Aurelia M (wid Edward S), grocer, 1640 Wash¬ington av, res same. Crocker Charles S, died Sept 4th, '02, age 26. Crocker Edward S, moved to Eureka, Cal. Crocker Milton A, moved to Eureka, Cal. Crockwell James H, books, 242 25th, res same. Crockwell Lulu, clk J H Crockwell, bds 242 25th. Croft George A, lab, res 30th cor Madison av. Croft George E, brklyr, bds 658 Washington av. Crompton, see also Compton and Crampton. Crompton Florence, tchr Washington School, bds 3035 Washington av. , Croot Wm, res rear 258 22d. Crosbie Alice N, bds 339 30th. Crosbie Bessie, laundress, bds 339 30th. Crosbie James A, warehouseman John Scowcroft & Sons Co, res 2981 Pingree av. Crosbie James F, watchman U P R R, res 339 30th. Crosbie Robert, fireman D & R G R R, rms 570 25th. Crosbie Robert A, lab, bds 339 30th. Crosbie Robert L (Crosbie & Smith), res 445 17th. Crosbie Wm A, clk, res 521 28th. Crosbie & Smith (Robert L Crosbie, George R Smith), tinners, 2254 Washington av. Crosby Frederick V S, treas Ogden Union Ry & Depot Co, res Boston, Mass. Cross Annie S (wid Charles W), res 451 17th. Cross Archie L, timekpr, bds 818 26th. Cross Avis (wid George), res 1738 Washington av. Cross Charles W, clk S P Co, bds Reed Hotel. H.C. Wardleigh. pianos, organs, violins, guitars, mandolins, etc. 2376 washington avenue. Fred M. Nye, reliable clothier. 2425 washington ave. carhartt working clothes. B.H. Goddard, 412 Eccles Bldg. real estate and loans. telephone 252-x. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 167 Cross Charles W (est), harness, 2317 Washington av. Cross C W Bldg, 2244-2250 Washington av. Cross Fred W, emp Novelty Iron & Brass Works, bds 365 29th. Cross George E, harness, 418 24th, res 365 29th. Cross Graham, student High School, bds 818 26th. Cross Mabel, bds 365 29th. Cross Nephi L, brkman S P Co, res 818 26th. Crossley John, cond Ogden R T Co, res 3065 Porter av. Crossley Mary B (wid James), grocer, 2786 Washington av, res same. CROSSMAN WM W Mgr Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co, 2444 Wash¬ington av, res 117 26th, Tel 363. Crout Lewis B, salesman, res 2557 Lincoln av. Crow Arthur A, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. Crow Grace P, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. Crow John W, constable, Huntsville, res same. Crowley James, car clnr D & R G R R, res 256 W Patter¬son av. Crowley James, foreman, rms Chapman House. Crowther Albert, farmer, bds Harrisville. Crowther Clara, bds Harrisville. Crowther David W, farmer, res Harrisville. Crowther Jane F (wid Benjamin), res rear 1834 Washing¬ton av. Crowther May, student Weber Stake Academy, res Harris¬ville. Crowther Walter H, farmer, res ns W 17th 5 w of S P Track. Crystal Carbonite Mining Co (Ltd), Thomas G Burt pres, J H Knauss sec, 206 Eccles Bldg. Cuatt Thomas, bds 3718 Washington av. Ogden Electrical SUpply Co. 2450 washington avenue. telephone 266-z. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. alex leatham, propr. residence telephone 531-x. H.G. Hansen & Son. 2514 washington ave. sporting goods, guns, ammunition and supplies. 12 |