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Show james erickson, horse-shoeing and general blacksmithing. rubber tirel a specialty. 156 24th street. 366 R. L. POLK & CO'S NATIONAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO (of Pittsburg, Pa), E F Bratz Agt, 2486 Washington av. Natural Mineral Water Co, C W Henning sec, 335 24th. Neal, see also O'Neill. Neal John C, moved to Liberty, U. Nbal Stansbury L, hostler J M Graham, rms 2369 Lincoln av. Neale John G, shoemkr, 329 24th, res 2560 Jackson av. NEBEKER HORACE G Treas Ogden Knitting Factory, res 1 Kingsford av. Neesley Frank, eng S P Co, res 2823 Lincoln av. Neighbor Alice J, music tchr, 884 26th, res same. Neighbor Bertha (wid Victor J), bds 884 26th. Neighbor Elihu G, res 884 26th. Neilson, see also Nelson and Nielson. Neilson Anton, lab, bds 2121 Grant av. Nielson Mrs Christina, res 2121 Grant av. Neilson Emma M, tchr Grant School, bds 2630 Adams av. Neilson Jens, died April 4th, '02, age 51. Neilson John, car repr S P Co, bds 2121 Grant av. Neilson Martha (wid Peter), res 2630 Adams av. Neilson Pearl F, student, bds 2630 Adams av. Neimoyer Joseph M, lab, res 807 20th. Neketopulos Gustav, died Jan. 29th, '03. Nelling Philip, moved to Evanston, Wyo. Nelson, see also Neilson and Nielson. Nelson Alfred, tchr Weber Stake Academy, bds 355 23rd. Nelson Andrew W, gardener, res 1045 Farley's la. Nelson Bernhart, car repr D & R G R R, res Glasgow addn. Nelson Mrs Blanche, res 368 24th. ...utah... knitting works. underwear, hosiery, knit goods. 2354 washington ave. h.c. wardleigh. 2376 washington avenue. musical merchandise. newman brothers organs b.h. goddard, real estate and loans. 412 eccles bldg. tlephone 252-x. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 367 Nelson Carl J, fireman D & R G R R, res 566 W 21st. Nelson Charles, porter Smith & Murray, rms 2508 Lincoln av. Nelson Charles A (Nelson & Fell), res 312 24th. Nelson Chester P, driver Ezra Richardson, res 2175 Grant av. Nelson Christina, chambermaid Reed Hotel. Nelson Christina C, bds rear 2758 Lincoln av. Nelson Clarence S, car repr Ogden R T Co, res 3024 Ad¬ams av. Nelson David, wiper S P Co, bds 722 Barlow's la. Nelson Eliza, bds 722 Barlow's la. Nelson Ellen, dressmkr, bds 156 Patterson av. Nelson Elwood B, sec Maple Grove Orchard & Vineyard, Co, res 126 W 22nd. Nelson Emma, student, bds 722 Barlow's la. Nelson Guy B, emp S P Oo, res 312 24th. Nelson Hans, janitor Chipp's School, res Glasgow addn. Nelson Hans C, farmer, res rear 100 Washington av. Nelson James H, real est, 313 24th, res 156 Patterson av. Nelson Jeanette (wid Edward), res rear 2758 Lincoln av. Nelson Jens, farmer, res s s 7th near Quincy av. Nelson John V, janitor City Hall, res same. Nelson Josephine, maker S E Lyon, bds 559 23rd. Nelson J Lee, eng S P Co, res 266 23rd. Nelson Leland K, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 2049 Adams av. Nelson Le Roy, bds 2510 A av. Nelson Lottie (wid Wm F), res 546 28th. Nelson Louise, waitress Pacific Hotel. Nelson Mrs Lucy A, grocer, 126 W 22nd, res same. Nelson Mrs Mary, res 722 Barlow's la. Nelson Mrs Matilda, domestic, 2613 Washington av. Nelson Maynard E, clk Beitman Bros, bds 2049 Adams av. pickwick clothing for ...hard-to-fit men... the toggery. 302 25th street. Ogden Electrical supply co. 2450 washington avenue. telephone 266-z. electric light wiring, annunciators, fixtures and general repairing. alex leatham, propr. residence telephone 531-x. |