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Show John J. Schwartz. HOME BAKERY AND GROCERY. 2234 JEFFERSON AVE. Shurtliff Coal Co. ...DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF... COAL. 2041 AND 2407 WASHINGTON AVENUE. GEO. J. KELLY. FIRE INSURANCE Real Estate, Loans and Oil Stocks. 2500 WASHINGTON AVE. TEL. 71-Y. 464 r. l. polk & co's Staley Joseph N, farmer, res N Ogden. Staley Wm E, pressman Ogden Sewer Pipe & Clay Co, res 209 21st. Stallard J W, mess Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, res 2540 Lin¬coln av. Stallings Albert B, helper S P Co, res 3282 Adams av. Stallings A Levi, student Inter-Mt Bus Coll, bds 3282 Ad¬ams av. Stallings Maude (col'd), res 277 24th. Standard Building, 360 24th. standard life & accident insurance co (of Detroit, Mich), B H Goddard Agt, 412 Eccles Bldg. Standard Mining Co, R A Peirce pres, W N Peirce sec and treas, 2425 Washington av. standard the Wm Glasmann Editor and Propr, 360 24th, Tel 56. (Seep 13.) * iH Stanford Albert C, carp, res The Bench. Stanford Mrs Florence, bds 262 28th. stanford joseph Chairman County Commissioners, res 2249 Quincy av, Tel 210. stanford thomas y Sec and Treas Dee-Stanford Shoe Co, res 2249 Quincy av. Stanger David, farmer, res Marriott. Stanger George, farmer, res Marriott. Stanfer Lewis, student Weber Stake Academy, res Slaterville. Stanger Reuben, farmer, res Marriott. Stanger Thomas, gardener, res Marriott. New York Racket Store. 2418 washington ave. Notions, Bricabrac, Toilet Articles, Etc. O.D. RASMUSSEN, propr. B. G. Knoth, Drugs. Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Fine Stationery. Hot and Cold Soda. 2437 WASHINGTON AVE. L. J. BUCHER. Mantels, Grates and Tiling. Cement Walks and Cellars. 26TH AND GRANT. ogden city directory. 465 Stanley Bros (Irving R and Byrl), marble works, Wash¬ington av n w cor 21st. Stanley Byrl (Stanley Bros), bds 2658 Qnincy a v. Stanley Carl, marble wkr, bls 2658 Qnincy av. Stanley Edward, marble cutter Stanley Bros, res 2658 Quincy a v. Stanley Mrs Emily C, res 2547 Monroe av. Stanley Ethyl B, clk W H Wright & Sons Co, bds 2658 Quincy av. Stanley George C, clk, bds 2547 Monroe av. Stanley Irving R (Stanley Bros), bds 2658 Quincy av. Stanley Lillian, student High School, bds 2547 Monroe av. Stanley Lucille, tchr Lewis School, bds 2547 Monroe av. Stanley Vivian V, clk O D Rasmussen, bds 2658 Quincy av. Stanley Willis O, trav agt, res 2547 Monroe av. stanton joseph a Collector R L Polk & CO, bds Broom Hotel. Stanton L V, helper Wells, Fargo & Co Exp, res 2540 Lin¬coln av. Staples Edgar, eng S P CO, res 270 26th. star candy co W S Donaldson Propr. Full Line of Confectionery. Tobacco and Cigars. 2309 Washington av. Star Morris, dressmkr, 27 First Natl Bk Bldg, bds 2415 Jefferson av. Stark David A, treas United Labor Mercantile Co, res 1054 Jackson av. Stark James, rms 238 25th. Stark James M, rms 232 25th. Stark Mrs Sevilla, res 2554 Washington av. Stark Wm A, agt Mut Life Ins Co, res Wilson's La. |