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Show L. H. Becraft. Bicycles and Automobiles FOR RENT. TELEPHONE 252-K. COR. GRANT AVE. AND 24TH ST. FYEREIT IIVERY. LIVERY, FEED, BOARDING AND SALE STABLE. Horses Clipped. Rear 2537 Grant Ave. IVES REAL ESTATE CO. REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSURANCE AND RENTAL AGENCY. 2484 washington avenue. loans on improved farms a specialty. 516 R. L. POLK & CO'S West Albert G, lab, bds 12.1 W 26th. West Alonzo, clk, bds 2217 Grant av. West Angeline A (wid Chauncey), res Harrisville. West Arthur B, lab, bds 121 W 26th. West Beverley, emp Mrs L S Fleshner, bds 528 24th. West Charles O, res 304 33rd. West Charles H, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2457 Lincoln av. West Charles R, lab, bds Harrisville. West Chester, student Inter-Mtn Bus Coll. West Edwin C, driver Fire Dept, res n s Stuart's la. West Mrs Eveline E, stenog County Recorder, res 528 24th. West Franklin E, lab A L Brewer, bds 2217 Grant av. West Fred T, cook Elite Cafe, res 2720 Lincoln av. West Frederick G, shoemkr, 2508 Washington av, res rear 738 26th. West George F, car clnr D & R G R R, res 121 W 26th. West Harold E, ins, res 2485 Jefferson av. West Henry A, surveyor, res 2976 Washington av. West John C, car clnr S P Co, res 2157 Madison av. West Joseph F, lab, bds 121 W 26th. West Josephine, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2457 Lincoln av. West Mrs Julia, res 2961 Grant av. West Mrs Julia E, housekpr Pacific Hotel, res 121 W 26th. West J Walker, ins, 305 Eccles Bldg, res 472 27th. West Lucille, domestic, 276 25th. West Lucretia, bds 2368 Grant av. West Lydia M (wid George), bds 475 34th. West Lyle, bds 2217 Grant av. West Mabel, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 304 33rd. West Maude, emp Shupe-Williams Candy Co, bds 304 33rd. West Milton J, miner, res 248 29th. West Ogden School, s s W 25th near County rd. West Perry C, moved to Baker City, Ore. Stationery. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER AGENCY. 2441 WASHINGTON AVE. Holbrook 458 25th St. Tel. 268 X. Ferns and Plants J. P. O'NEILL. dealer in STONE, CEMENT, ASPHALTUM, PITCH AND TAR. 318 ECCLES BLDG. OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY. 517 West Ray, helper U P R R, bds 528 24th. West Ruby J, bds 121 W 26th. West Sadie (wid Wm H), res 2217 Grant av. West Sarah (wid Chauncey W), res 2368 Grant av. West Mrs Sylvia A, res 526 27tli. West Wm H, broom mkr Ogden Broom Factory, res 475 34th. WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE CO (of N Y) E F Bratz Agt, 2486 Washington av. Wester Nannie, student Sacred Heart Academy, bds 1055 24th. Wester Wm E, real est, 33 First Natl Bank Bldg, res 1055 24th. Westergard H Christian, student Weber Stake Academy, bds 2248 Quincv av. Western Railway Weighing Assn and Insp Bureau, C N Custead insp, IT P and I) & R G R R Frt Depots. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO W J Dermody Mgr, 2414 Washington av, Tel 156. WESTERN SAVINGS - INVESTMENT CO E Paul Jones Pres, A V Curlev Sec and Mgr, 409 Eccles Bldg, Tel 343-Y. (See right bottom lines.) Have You Made All the Money You Want? IF NOT, Look at OUR PLAN. If you desire to make a monthly or weekly investĀ¬ment that will earn a handsome profit, and be real-ized during life, investigate the plan of the WESTERN SAVINGS- INVESTMENT CO. |