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Show 45 Advertising Design. Painting the draped figure. Introduction of commercial water color and gauche techniques. Five quarter hours. Spring. Collett 46. Advertising Design. Designing the 24-sheet poster; use of the air brush in advertising; package and display design. Five quarter hours. Spring. Collett DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, AND SPEECH T. Allred, D. M. Dickson, L. C. Evans, E. C. Green, G. Grove, L. H. Monson, C. M. Nilsson, M. T. Read, F. J. Woodfield It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in English Language and Literature complete English 39, 40, 41, and History 6. It is recommended that a student pursuing a major in English Language, Literature, and Speech take advantage of the following student activities directed by the Department, and planned as integral parts of its curricular offerings. The activities are open to all students who qualify and make proper application. Special contests established by patrons of the College encourage individual and group participation. Student Publication. The College yearbook is The Acorn. Par ticipation in this activity gives students two kinds of experience editorial and business. Editorial work consists of planning the book, arranging art designs, pictures, cover and format generally, of writing resumes of the year's activities, and of copy and proof reading. Business involves making contacts for photography, printing and engraving, soliciting, advertising and selling. The Weber College Signpost is the student body newspaper. It is a bi-monthly tabloid written and edited by the students of English 6, 7, and 8, although any member of the student body may become a staff member by application and regular contribution. The W. C. Handybook is the official handbook of ready information prepared by a sophomore staff as a convenient guide to the college life—its administration activities, songs, cheers, .and directory. Debating. Debating has as its curricular basis a course in argu mentation. Students who represent the College in inter-scholastic competition are chosen upon merit from the College generally Participation in three inter-college debates or discussions makes a student eligible for membership in the Utah Alpha Chapter of Phi Rho Pi, national honorary debating society. The Weber College Debate and Speech Tournament for high schools in the Intermountain Region is sponsored by the Department of English and Speech every year. ' 65 Extempore Speaking. Public speaking at Weber College is promoted not only in speech classes but in basic communication courses as well. Such efforts find their highest expression in contest speaking, both on the campus and in meets with other colleges. Conspicuous among the intramural efforts in speech is the annual James L. Barker Contest in extempore speaking. Oration. A major inter-collegiate oratical contest on the subject of "Americanism" is sponsored by the Sons of the American Revolution each year in the interest of promoting American ideals. The Sons of the American Revolution provide a gold medal for the winner of the contest. Students who distinguish themselves in intramural contests may qualify for contests held with other colleges. Such contests include: debating, extempore and impromptu speech, oratory, interpretative speech, poetry reading, acting, radio speech, and after-dinner speaking. Students who meet the requirements may achieve membership in the Utah Alpha Chapter of Phi Rho Pi, a national honorary forensic society. Play Production. Play production at Weber College is under the administrative guidance of the division of Humanities and is fostered directly through an organization known as the Weber College Theatre. This Theatre sponsors throughout the school year and produces both proscenium and arena stage productions. Major season plays, combining the talents of student and community actors, are produced in the Moench auditorium. A Theatre Workshop production is staged each quarter in the Arena Theatre using student actors exclusively. A Youth Theatre production tours Weber County in the spring, and the Theatre also cooperates with the music department to stage the annual musical during the winter quarter. In addition to these departmental activities drama students are organised into a professional club which also produces representative dramas during the year. nPeeCh Arts WorkstloP« Qualified students are permitted to Duhr f°r credits in a course devoted exclusively to preparation for com a?Pearances before campus groups, or other audiences in the ^lrnunity. Through this class, students gain excellent experience tpii Urnis31 valuable public service as special speakers, readers, story filers, book reviewers, etc. cu Radio- Weber College offers a full lower-division professional bv rh U in radio broadcasting. In addition programs are produced to n fCollege on local radio sta-tions. Talented students are invited Participate on these programs. |