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Show 214 98. Pattern Drawing. (Sheet Metal.) A course designed to give experience in development and layout of sheet metal patterns using three methods of development; parallel line, radial line, and triangu- lations. Two quarter hours. Autumn, Winter. Best ELECTRONICS 71-A,B. Direct current principles and circuits. A beginning course dealing with direct current circuits as they pertain to electronics. A study of ohms law, series and parallel circuits, battery care and operation, direct current measurements. Theory and laboratory. Prerequisite or concurrent Mathematics 87A or equivalent. Four quarter hours each. 72-A,B. Alternating current principles. A course dealing with the fundamental concepts of alternating current, and its application to circuits containing resistance, capacitance, inductance in various network combinations. Theory and laboratory. Prerequisites: Mathematics 88 and Electronics 71 or equivalent. Four quarter hours each. 73-A,B. Vacuum tube theory and applications. A course dealing with construction, operation, and classification of vacuum tubes and basic electronic circuits in which they are used. Theory and laboratory. Prerequisite: Electroncis 72 or equivalent. Four quarter hours each. 74-A,B. Transistor theory and applications. Atomic structure as it applies to transistor theory, semi conductor principles, and basic transistor circuit applications will be covered. Theory and laboratory. Prerequisites: Electronics 7 3 or equivalent. Four quarter hours each. 78. Industrial Electronics. An introduction to some of the many industrial applications of electronic circuits. Fundamental concepts of induction and dielectric heating, magnetic amplifiers, special oscillator and trigger circuits, and power rectification will be introduced. Theory and laboratory. Prerequisites: Electronics Mathematics and Electronics 73 or equivalent. Four quarter hours. 77. Special Electronic Projects. A course designed to give the student an opportunity to accomplish special projects, approved by the instructor and within the capabilities of the student, involving electronic circuits or equipment such as Hi-Fidelity-Phono System for the home, repairing radio and T.V. sets. Theory and shop practice. No prerequisites. Summer only. Three quarter hours. 78. Special Electronic Projects. A continuation of Electronics 77. Theory and laboratory. Summer only. Three quarter hours. 79. Special Electronic Projects. A continuation of Electronics 7 8. Theory and laboratory. Summer only. Three quarter hours. 81. Radio and Television Servicing; Radio Servicing Principles. Alignment procedures, elementary trouble shooting techniques, and operation of related test equipment are practiced. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisite: Electronics 7 3. Three quarter hours. 82. Radio and Television Servicing; Introducton to Television. A beginning course in television giving an overview of the complete television system. Each section of the TV receiver is discussed as to its function and place in the complete receiver. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisite: Electronics 7 3. Three quarter hours. _ 215 83. Radio and Television Servicing; Signal Synchronization and Deflection Circuits. An intermediate course dealing with video' vertical and horizontal sync, and output circuits. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisite: Electronics 82 or equivalent. Three quarter hours. 84. Radio and Television Servicing; Composite Signal Circuits, An intermediate course dealing with the picture, Radio Frequency, Antenna, and Sound Circuits. Servicing techniques and use of TV test equipment emphasized. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisite: Electronics 83. Three quarter hours. 85. Radio and Television Servicing; Color Television Theory. An advanced course dealing with the principles of color television. The basic principles of light and color will be discussed along with the operation of circuits used for the reception and reproduction of color signals. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisites: Electronics 82, 83, and 84 or equivalent. Three quarter hours. 86. Radio and Television Servicing! Color TV Servicing. An advanced course with diagnosis and repair of troubles in color TV sets. The operation and application of test equipment for color television servicing and adjustment will be stressed. Theory and shop practice. Prerequisite: Electronics 85. Three quarter hours. 88. Novice Radio Techniques. A course designed to instruct the student in basic principles and knowledge required to take and pass the FCC Novice Amateur Examination. It includes instruction in receiving and sending of morse code and first principles of amateur equipment construction; also, discussion of basic technical principles and FCC rules and Regulations as they pertain to the novice class license. Theory and shop practice. Three quarter hours. 89. General Radio Techniques. A course designed to instruct the student in basic principles and knowledge required to take and pass the FCC General Class Amateur Operators Examination. It includes instruction in receiving and sending of morse code and basic and intermediate construction principles of amateur equipment; discussion of technical principles and FCC Rules and Regulations as they pertain to the general class licensee. Theory and shop practice. Three quarter hours each. 91. Radar Fundamentals. Theory of circuits used in Radar and Television. Deals with non sinusoidal waves and transients, R-C and R-L time constants, gas tubes, electronic reflectors, voltage doublers, and regulators, video-amplifiers, R-C oscillators, and cathode followers. Prerequisite: Electronics 75 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. 93. Radar Systems. Theory of vacuum tube R-C and R-L circuits used as limiters, clampers, peakers, sawtooth generators, multivibrators, and counters; also cathode ray tubes, transmission lines, wave guides, cavity resonators, and ultra-high frequency generators. Prerequisite: Electronics 91 or equivalent. Five quarter hours. 94. Radar Systems (Continued). An application of the theory of the various sections of the radar system as studied in Electronics 91 and 93. Applying this theory to an actual radar system mockup permitting the student to learn fundamental system operation and adjustment. Arrangement is made for off-campus laboratory facilities. Five quarter hours. |