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Show 2340 Grant Av. “2 >) a>) ee ae) °9 910 J. A. McCulloch Agency Office 431 REAL ESTATE, Telephone 301 24th Street INSURANCE AND LOANS Residence Telephone 2814-J Ogden, Utah OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY — 1926 Kath student b 1339 Capitol. | Mrs Mabelle G tehr Lorin Farr Schl r 1339 Fleming Mrs Fleming R Lysle carrier P Or 1100 16th. Victoria rms 20! : Capitol. 1036 22d. _ et et eet ed est est ee Fleming Virginia elev opr The Emporium b 510 Canyon rd. Fleppi Louis rms 2624 Lincoln av. FLETCHER DAVID S (Fletcher Hdw Co), r 2344 Eccles av. Tel 3674. Fletcher Eliza C (wid Seth) r 2218 Adams av. FLETCHER HARDWARE CO (David S$ Fletcher), Hardware, Stoves and Ranges, New and Used Parts for All Makes of Stoves, 2279 Washington av, Tel 1164. Fletcher Harold carp rms 2639 Jeerson av. Fletcher Hyrum farmer r Kanesville. Fletcher Jos S formn Badger Lbr Co r 503 17th. Flewelling Geo § carp r 3124 Porter av. ° Flewelling Wm § contr 1176 22d r same. 5 Flinders Alma T asst sta mstrO UR & D Cor 3211 Grant av. Flinders Clarence H slsmn r 3237 Grant av. Flinders Elwood student b Hooper. Flinders Fred R slsmn Fred T Flinders Co b 2664 Eccles av. FLINDERS FRED T (Fred T Flinders Co), r 2664 Eccles av, Tel 1644-W. FLINDERS FRED T CO (Fred T Flinders), Realtors, Mortgage Loans and Insurance, 335 24th Tel 1101. (See right side lines and page 34). ‘linders Geo E farmer r Hooper. ‘linders Isaac F slsmn Cheesman Auto Co r Broom Hotel. ‘linders Leland T clk S P r 716 Wash av. ‘linders Mary E clk b 3237 Grant av. ‘linders Mary H messr S P b 2664 Eccles av. ‘linders Ruth (wid Herbt) clk rms 931 234d. ‘linders Wanda clk The Kitchenette b 3237 Grant av. ‘linders Wilkie lab r Hooper. ‘linders Willard tmstr r Hooper. linders Willard S farmer r Hooper. ‘linders Wm H wehmn r 717 Ogden av. ‘litton Danl D hipr S P r 3739 Adams av. litton Ethel clk G F Cafe Drug Co b 861 22d. litton G Ernest pipeftr Amal Sugar Co r 2932 Quincy av. loody Jas H brkmn D & R G W rms Marion Hotel. lora Art B bkpr John Farr Coal Co r 3208 Wash av. lorence Crittendon Home (Mrs Anna M Noble) 2544 Porter av. lorence Jos H repr Amal Sugar Co r 1973 Florence Leland b 1973 Monroe av. Flores Cleofas lab r 208 W 22d. Flores Helen student b 208 W 22d. Flores Jose labOUR & D Co. Flory Jas M trav agt r 525 Canyon rd. Flory Jeanette student b 525 Ganyon Monroe rd. Flower Shop (Eliz Huth) base Eccles Bldg. Flowers Apartments 2681 Madison av. Flowers Claude rms 630 24th. Flowers G Morris clk Fred M Nye Co r 2206 Lincoln © 6s ane ol ASHION\ Women ean HOP av. Washington Clothes Shop Walk Up and Save Ten Clothing Shoes and Furnishings Latest Styles ata REAL Saving To You 2359 av. WHERE THE SMART DRESSERS TRADE 2470 Pan ‘leming Sine we = rr = ~” CO’S Fisher John W wehmn Geo A Lowe Co r 2369 Jefferson av. Fisher Jos farmer r Farr West. Fisher Kath elk Glen Bros-Roberts b 2359 Van Buren av. Fisher Leah (wid Lorenzo) r Farr West. Fisher Léonard CG timekpr S P b 428 Binford. Fisher Louis A (Peoples Prod) r 260 Franklin . Fisher Louise B tehr b 2359 Van Buren ay. Fisher Mrs Lucy r rear 260 24th. Fisher Mrs Mabel elk Peoples Prod r 260 Franklin. Fisher Mary tchr Grant Schl b 2359 Van Buren av. Fisher Mrs Maude clk Westn Furn Co b 778 21st. Fisher Morris supvr S P r Reed Hote] Fisher Ruth b 2359 Van Buren av. Fisher Ward farmer r Farr West. Fisher Wm carp rms Reed Hotel. Fisher Wm F dep Co Clerk b 2369 Jefferso n av. Fisher Wm G slsmn r 2359 Van Buren av. FISTER GEORGE W, M D, Diseases of the Urinary System and Skin, 701-702 Eecles Bldg, Tel 733, r 977 Binford, Tel 1108. . Fitzgerald Gertrude prin rms 2561 Fowler ay. Fitzgerald John P elk Broom Hotel. Fitzgerald Mrs Nellie clk r 16 Park Apts. Fitzgerald Patk D firmn S P. Fitzgerald ThosJ cond D & RG W ¢ 2424 Jackson ay, Fitzgerald Wendell moved to San Francisco. Fitzsimmons Eliz M (wid John A) P4138. Oak: Fitzsimmons Ida G asst supt City Schl rms 963. 25th. Fitzsimmons John M chfr Richardson-Hunt Co b 1138 Oak. Fitzwater Jos A expert U S Forest Ser r 985 Binford. Five Points Dance Hall 200 Wash av. Five Points Drug Store (J Herbt Wessman) 200 Wash av. Five Points Feed Co (W R Lee HL Lubeck) 228 Wash av. Five Points Garage (Chas Heywood) 234 Wash ay. Five Points Golden Rule (Syzena and Eliz M Oosterhuis) dry gds 242 Wash av. Fixrite Novelty Shop (R H Johnson) 445 25th. Flaanderen Margt maid 1072 25th. Flaherty Leo H moved to Los Angeles. Flanders Clyde in chg U S A Rec Sta r 4-648 24th. FLANER HARRY E, Mgr Ogden Stamp Wks, r 1504 Washington av, Tel 945-W. Flaner John P r 589 12th. Flatos Tony r 1967 Monroe av. Fleck Wm B swehtndr O U R & D Go. Flem Marjorie compt opr Wright’s rms 2530 Jefferson av. Fleming Mrs Alice ftr The Emporium rms 510 Canyon rd. Fleming Mrs Anna rms 2527 Iowa av. Fleming Clinton T cond S P rms 3065 Wash av. Fleming Denny W atdt Ind Gas & Oil Go b 510 Canyon rd. Fleming Ernest A clk R M § r 1339 Capitol. Fleming Gerald atdt Ind G & O Go b 510 Canyon rd. Fleming Harold O musn rms 267 26th. SZ > ae Tel. & FO TRAE GOOD ed WE MOVE ANYTHING WITH TWO ENDS POLK ight'’s me eet V L. Co. OF UTAH’S GREATER DEPARTMENT STORES et 4 Co. R. COAL ONE et Storage FARR , ded eee & 204 PHONE ete ee ee Transfer Od. pet Ped ae Sa OGDEN JOHN Coal By FARR”: PHONE NA= Best Ped is “The Ave. Wash Av. PHONE 616 |