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Show RED SHALE BUFF a Common Brick BUILDING BLOCKS PARTITION and FLUE TILE OFFICE and PLANT Cor 29th and Jefferson Av eo) aD BRICK | —— | \/ ‘ %¢ ~ emp Model Lndry r 2220 65 am aw ee 0 ie sae hk (Yon Childs OSWALD (Jackson & Pace Co; Lyon Constn DAY AND NIGHT 2440 GRANT AV. RANK B. SMITH “AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE” WRECKING CAR AND REPAIRS CREAM AND MILK — OGDEN CITY DIRECTORY — 1926 28 Wm C chemist Amal Sugar Co r 843 28th. Jacobsen av. Jacob F r 2332 P § mach Jackson Jacobson J A firmn rms 2543 Lincoln av. Jacobson J Ezra agt Prudential Ins Co r 1902 Jacobson Nels guard rms 18 Wilson la. Jagger Frank James Agnes James James Co), 1236 Phone Street 31st Albt (Robinson The dipr eng U P & Jagger) Wistaria r 2134 Adams r 460 av. . Jackson 24th. Kiesel 2470 rms Geo A Lowe C Willard jr whsmn PHONE 1101 Retail and Wholesale Propr. PASTEURIZED 633 Jacobson Mrs Mary r 3298 Ogden av. Mary A (wid Wm H) rms 2451 Taylor av. Mary B (wid Wm C) slsldy Wright’s r 475 30th. Merle farmer r Farr West. Minerva b 743 23d. P Walter mech r 3024 Adams av. Roland lab r 526 16th. Rowe clonr D& RG W. Mrs Sarah A r 3120 Porter av. Tressa emp Model Lndry b 2220 Childs av. Walter farmer r Slaterville. Wesley emp Van Alen Cang Corp rms 767 26th. Wm C musn b 475 30th. W DAIRY “KLEENMILK c. S. SMITH, Co r 315 ay. av. 12th. James Eleazer died Nov 13 °25 age 53. James Erma student b 2940 Lincoln av. James Ethel pkr Shupe-Williams. James Fred farmer r N Ogden. James Geo B farmer r Marriott. James Geo H lab S P b 3659 Grant av. James Geo M contr 3659 Grant av r same. James Henry H timekpr § P r 159 W 2d. James Howard R carp r 457 16th. James John W lab S P b 3659 Grant av. James Jos lab b 2274 Monroe av. James Jos S r Marriott. James Julia E died Apr 13 °25 age 65. James Leroy lab rms 23 Lincoln Apts. James Louis R clk Russell-James Co b 2940 Lincoln av. James Mina b 2274 Monroe av. James Ray appr 'S P b 3-2054 Wash av. James Walter H mech Wattis-Kimball Motor Co r 2251 Jefferson av. James Willard r Marriott. : ; = oon % Sec-Treas Russell-James Co, r 2940 Lincoln av, Tel 2969. James Wm H eng r 2274 Monroe av. Jamison Buck jan Casperson & Snyder rms Janes Edwd V chfr Asael Janke Erwin O agt r 3016 Jans Mrs Barbara r 244 Farr Coal Co Jackson av. Real Estate Insurance Loans FRED 2447 Grant av. r 1622 Kiesel av. 28th. Jans Dena b 214 28th. Jansa Edwd W swehmn O U R & D Co. Jansen John repr OU R & D Cor 915 23d. Jaques Cleofas lab O U R & D Co r 2770 Pacific av. Jaques Jos cafe 173 25th rms same. Jardine Edwin b Taylor. Jardine Edwin farmer r Taylor. Jardine Florence b Taylor. Jardine Libby b Taylor. Jardine Margt b Taylor. Jardine Minnie b Taylor. Jardine Wm H bishop Taylor Wd r Taylor. Jardine Wm H jr b Taylor. Jargstorff A Clark supt Globe G & M Co rms 2535 Adams ay. Jarman Jos formn Ogden Furn & Cpt Co r Kaysville. Jarman Lorenzo wehmn Boyle Furn Co r 3054 Ogden av. Jarman Mina C tehr Pingree Schl b 3054 Ogden av. Jarvis Elmer M brkmn 8 P r 3157 Union av. g . MFRS. Louis) CO’S r 3012 Washington av, Tel 2478-WJACKSON & PACE CO (W Oswald Jackson; J E Pace), Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Works, 2460 Kiesel av, Tel 1952. (See page 40). Jacobs Eldred M repr Kammeyers’ Bike Shop r 2055 Ogden avy. Jacobs Emma student b Riverdale. Jacobs Emma R (wid H Chariton) r 2527 Gramercy av. Jacobs Geo F electn Ogden Felt Auto S Co rms 1986 Eccles ay. Jacobs Geo W eng r 540 22d. Jacobs G Clifton b 1200 Canyon rd. Jacobs G Heber missionary b 2527 Gramercy av. Jacobs Jas r 2004 Jefferson av. Jacobs Jas A ehtfr Utah & Oregon Lbr Co r 952 16th. Jacobs Margt M bkpr Ogden Furn & Cpt Co b 540 22d. Jacobs Mildred student b 540 22d. Jacobs Murray K farmer r Riverdale. Jacobs Ralph CG emp U P & L Co r 1200 Canyon rd. Jacobs Smith student b 2527 Gramercy av. Jacobs Stella b 1200 Canyon rd. Jacobs W Rigby student b 2527 Gramercy av. Jacobsen Anegline emp Scowcroft’s r 170 W 20th. Jacobsen Arnold pkr Globe G & M Cor 2417 B av. Jacobsen Chas H slsmn J G Read & Bros Co r 2376 Monroe ay. Jacobsen Christina (wid Hans) r 256 22d. Jacobsen Ephraim L carp r 2731 Adams av. Jacobsen Gerda M nurse Dee Hosp rms Nurses Home. Jacobsen Hans eng S P r 2036 Liberty av. Jacobsen Henry b 2376 Monroe av. Jacobsen Ingvale H chfr Nat Pkg Corp r 170 W 20th. Jacobsen Jacob C slsmn r 2862 Fowler av. Jacobsen Jens junk r 3148 Pacific av. Jacobsen John pkr Globe G & M Cor 712 W 24th. Jacobsen Olof mach opr Globe G & M Co b 560 W 24th. Jacobsen Pauline b 843 28th. Jacobsen Severin firmn Globe G & M Cor 560 W 24th. Jacobsen Signa hlpr Amer P & P Co b 560 W 24th. Jacobsen V Herbt student b 2036 Liberty av. Jacobsen Wendell b 843 28th. 056 FIRE BRICK & TILE co. (wid & Ek Ds i JACKSON M POLK (EE A 5 H T 0 Louise L. 425 ON Million R. TELEPHONE Wholesale i Hotel G~Dhe Crockery Store p 4,5 and Glassware jRestau rant |Sunnties ° > a Jackson av. Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson Jackson « yom or 280 (0) ee 0 DD One, BUILDING °, BRICK ECCLES = can Insurance, Loans, Rentals & Collections 501-502 an Te is | J. M. Forristall — PHONE 381 o ti ¢, 2419 CHARDSON ~HUNT Washington CO Ave. Dinnerware RealtoR 335 24th PHONE 1101 |