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Show 4 x Band School Teaching All Instruments of the KIRKENDALL Band Work 14 TEACHERS GUARANTEED RESULTS THE LARGEST SCHOOL IN THE WEST 504 FIRST NAT BANK BLDG. ED 0 aD 0D UNEQUALLED > 0D 4 652 237 ~¢ BOX Undertaking Kirkendall Cor 5291 2 Undertaking BOYD LUMBER CO. BUILDING MATERIALS UNEXCELLED SERVICE (65 € PHONE 192-J O. Kirkendall 24th Street QUALITY Phone CITY Knight Floyd A electn b 2354 Grant av. Knight Knight Knight Geo A farmer r Slaterville. Geo E student b Plain City. Hazel b Warren. ote 04 ares ee Yer pe 0D) 00D ee) ee eee P, 454 DIRECTORY — 1926 KIWANIS CLUB, Dr William S Paine Pres, Stanley Steck VPres, Luncheons Every Thursday at 12:10 p m Weber Club, Office of the Pres, 223 Eccles Bldg, Tel 914 Kjelstrom E Imer moved to Salt Lake City. Kjelstrom Henrietta waiter Potter Cafe. KLEENMILK DAIRY, Chas S Smith Propr, Pure Wholsome Nutritious Pasteurized Milk and Cream, Wholesale and Retail, “Start the Health Route the Kleenmilk Route,” Order today, Office and Dairy 633 31st, Tel 1236. (See right top lines and page 18). Kleiman Dirk A moved to Los Angeles. Kleiman Leendert jan Flowers Apts r 2947 Jefferson av. Kleiman Leo moved to Los Angeles. Kleiman Louisa A moved to Los Angeles. Kleiman Octavia moved to Los Angeles. Klenke Cath (wid John M) r 277 27th. Klenke Cora student b 277 27th. Klenke Frank A cooper r 2933 Jackson av. Klenke Henry G (Ideal Floral Co) elk O U R & D Cor 295 Wash av. Klenke John M mgr Boyle Hdw Co r 2520 Gramercy Av. Klenke Jos T clk r 3250 Lincoln av. Klenke Margt emp U P Lndry rms 3750 Lincoln av. Klenke Virgil elk b 277 27th. Klenke Wm L swehmn 3247 Stephens av. Kline Louis H swehmn OU R & D Cor 1437 Childs av. Klinkheimer Geo lab r W Ogden. Klomp Gerard (Jerry’s Grocery) r 2370 Madison av. Klomp Henry farmer b Wilson. Klomp Herman farmer r Wilson. Klotsas Haralambos clk Wash Fruit Store r 368 24th. Knauss Eugene A elk Kennax Auto S Co b 748 25th. Knauss Geo D bkpr David Eccles Co r 1134 Capitol. Knauss Jas H (J H Knauss & Cor 748 25th. KNAUSS J HERMAN JR, City Recorder, City Hall, Tel 12, r 2549 Madison av. Knauss J H & Co (J H and J H Knauss jr) ins, 327 Kiesel Bldg. Knauss Kenneth R slsmn Weber Auto Sup Co r 2306 Harrison av. Knauss Maxwell R (Kennax Auto Sup Co) r 2306 Harrison av. Knight Alfd J moved to Bingham. . Knight Mrs Amy (Knight Hotel) r same. Knight Angus farmer b Plain City. Knight Chas W repr Summers & Halliday rms 3124 Reeves av. Knight Cyril W elk Pace Fruit Exp r 202 23d. Knight Danl W farmer r Plain City. Knight Donald student b 202 23d. Knight Mrs Dora r 3154 Pacifie av. Knight Eva emp U P Lndry b 3115 Reeves av. WASH AV GooD LIGHTING is an ASSET to BUSINESS Let Us Help you with your WIRING and LIGHTING Problems EVERY THING ELECTRICAL 026) em 0m A )() em 0 am ED 0) END) ENED 054 Ogden Typewriter House H. C. Chapin Propr. All Makes Sold, Rented and Repaired Typewriter Supplies Sundstrand Adding Machines 9 and P. Sec KIRKENDALL UNDERTAKING CO, P F Kirkendall Pres-Mgp,Si Leona Kirkendali See, Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors, 529 25th, Tel 150. (See page 41). Kirkendall Wm J asst Kirkendall Undtkg Co b 529% 25th. Kirkland Hortense student b 508 22d. Kirkland Oscar N inspO UR & D Cor 508 22d. Kirkland Raymond O elnr b 508 22d. Kirkpatrick Arch C carp rms 2540 Lincoln av. Kirkpatrick Laura tehr Mound Fort Schl r 1015 Capitol. Kiros Theo barber 130 25th r 2976 Wall av. Kirwin Edwd r 2824 Lincoln av. Kiser Mrs Lucy Br 262 17th. Kishida Massayoshi mach § Pr 17 Sitaict av. Kishiyama Tetsu died Mar 9 Sab on 31. Kissel see also Kiesel. Kissel Frank J mach § P r 562 29th. Kissel Fred b 427 30th. Kissel Henry carrier P Or 1244 24th. KISSEL HENRY, Tailor, Suits Made to Order, Cleaning, Presse 4 427 30th, ing and Repairing, 2417 Kiesel av, Tel So? Tel 2478-J. Kissel Margt O clk Weber Elee Co b 427 30th. Kissel Walter P moved to Denver Colo. Kistler Bella slsldy McClanahan Clo Co rms 475 25th. Kitamura T Cafe 265 25th r same. Kitchenette The (F J Wheeler), bakers and Cafe 2304 Wash av.: Orchestra Solo LEONA, 25th, Tel 1458. KIRKENDALL PEARL F, Pres-Mgr Co, r 529% 25th, Tel 1458. Military OGDEN 88 Privileges WE SPECIALIZE LUBIN 314 3 9 <= wh a EXCHANGES WELKER REALTOR i 470 A. IN First City Property, Farms Nat. Bank Bldg. and Ranches Phone 2422 Kiesel 713 Tel. ¢ ‘4 Military Depot ED -GEEDC Lammers BAGGAGE ED) & CO’S Kingsford Mrs Minnie E custdn Golden Age Bureau r 2852 Lins coln av. Kingsford Roger electn The Lighthouse b 380 33d. Kingston Chas (Kingston & Call) sec-treas Weber Nat arm Loan Assn r Taylor. Kingston Clarence farmer r Taylor. Kingston Richd J eng State Indl Schl r same. Kingston & Call (Chas Kingston, T J Call) real est 2453 Grant av. Kinkade Leroy r 429% 24th. Kinkade Thos porter S-J Drugs r 2626 Liberty av. Kinke Wm F swehmn OU R & D Co. Kinley Wm G farmer r Warren. Kinne Emma rms 2317 B av. Kinsey Melvin cook OS Lr 2843 Reeves av. Kinstry Harry jan High Schl r same. Kinyon Peter W stlwkr r 261 27th. € Kinzie Jessie (Lakeview Beauty Shoppe) b 3442 Wash av. Kirk Eliz emp Utah Schl D & Br same. Kirk W Lemp OP B&T Co r Harrisville. Kirkbride John L lab r 238 234. Kirkbride La Vaun hlpr Travelers Cafe b 238 23d. AND 0D) R. L. POLK 304 TRANSFER 262 24th St. PHONE @ R $0) Store “EVERYTHING & KNIT GOODS” 2357 WASHINGTON AVENUE ~ YELLOW CAB CO. Ce) Knitting 1 eee ee ee ee 08 = OGDEN-UTAH Ave. 236 ; 08 |