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Show YEARS IN OGDEN 411 KIESEL { ; Snowball Allen B chfr A B C Coal Co r 269 Healy. Snowball Garr M appr S P b 269 Healy. Snydam Lemuel L died Oct 24 ’25 age 62. Snyder Adam jan § P r2572 Van Buren av. Snyder Adam jr moved to Elgin Ill. Snyder Agnew btchr Amer P & P %o b 518 W 21st. Snyder Anna (wid Frank H) r 518 W 21st. Snyder DS brkmn U P r 2-2775 Grant av. Snyder Emil hlpr rms 238 25th. Snyder Ernest b 3999 Wash av. Snyder Ernest lab rms 238 25th. Snyder Frank A stkmn rms Marion Hotel. Snyder Gerald student b 2937 Pingree av. Snyder Herbt Helk RMS r 923 24th. Snyder Julia (wid Jacob F) r 2937 Pingree av. Snyder Leo F btchr Amer P & P Co b 518 W 21st. Snyder Leonard cashr Ogden Union Depot Rest r 2827 roe av. Snyder Mabel clnr O U R & D Co. Snyder Maret clk rms 649 23d. C. E. Armstrong 5 ; i Mon- Solomon - 757 Guns, ) D>) 630 Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Printing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, Weetinghouse Globes, Toys, Etc. 306 25th Street Od av. 2311 Ammunition, Tackle Washington Av. Kodaks and and Sport Finishing, Fishing Clothing Phone 235 28 ADWAYWHd LOYVHNAI1 - SHANOILOZAINOD Bldg. JIDUNYAGVL ) SE ) EE lab r 3900 Grant av. OGDEN SPORTING GOODS CO. & Co. . PHONES Sam! Somerville Lawrence E electn Tel Co r 2318 B av. Somerville Robt J reprmn Tel Co r rear 2147 Grant av. Somerville Wm H painter b rear 2147 Grant av. Sommer see also Summers. Sommer Alvin:H moved to Peoria IIl. Sommer-Baer Drainage Co S GC Sommer mer 209 Eccles Sommer Edwin J moved to Peoria Ill. Sommer Henry A brklyr r 850 29th. Sommer Lillie student b 850 29th. Sommer Saml C mgr Sommer-Baer D Co r 2665 Harrison Sommers Geo W rms rear 2774 Wash avy. Sommers Stephen lab Amer P & P Cor 2314 Grant av. Sones Will H mech R T Mitchell Co r 468 24th. Sorensen Agnes b 701 3d. Sorensen Alvin M appr 8S P r 6 Claremont Apts. Sorensen Andw P poultry 762 Canyon rd r same. Sorensen Art W eng S Pr 579 31st. Sorensen Carl] lab b 701 3d. Sorensen Caroline (wid Soren M) r 180 Harris. L0zz i ‘AV HSWM 225 Snyder Mary (wid Robt) r 3999 Wash av. Snyder Mary hlpr Amer P & P Co b 518 W 21st. Snyder Roscoe P ermn Glen Bros-Roberts rms 649 23d. Sober John r 715 7th. Soble Peyser H r 2535 Madison av. Sockrider John student rms 589 Douglas. Soecwell Oliver D lab r 770 412th. Soda Kanzo bkpr Tamaki & Cor 444 River dr. Soden Cecil emp Amal Sugar Co rms 2560 Orchard av. Soderberg Carl J ctr r 703 3d. Soderberg Dora b 318 17th. Soderberg Eleanor opr Tel Co b 2120 Harrison av. Soderberg Frances student 2120 Harrison av. SODERBERG FRANK M, Automobile Painting of the Best in All Its Branches, Honest Work at the Right Price, Makes Satisfied Customers, 2343 Kiesel av, Tel 119, r 2420 Harrison avy. SODERBERG HYRUM A, Attorney-at-Law, 610 Eccles Bldg, Tel 587, r 2562 Adams av, Tel 2008-W. Soderberg Julia M opr Tel Co b 703 3d. Soderberg Margt student b 318 17th. Soderberg Oscar b 703 3d. Soderberg O Theo meats 1660 Wash avr 318 417th. Soderberg Vera opr Tel Co b 703 3d. Soderberg Virgie A tchr Grant Schl r 227 27th. Soderquist J Emil r 3856 Harrison av. Soelberg Jos clk RM S r 267 Patterson. Soferino Jos lab OU R & D Cor 170 W Rushton. Sofia Hochita student b 220 25th. Sofiia Jos (New Central Hotel) r same. Sojourner Frank confr 2308 Kiesel av and 494 25th r 1 Rose Apts. Sojourner Mrs Lyle asst Frank Sojourner r 1 Rose Apts. ANOHd r rear Sneddon Wallace B firmn O U R & D Co b 2017 Liberty av. Sneddon Wm hipr Banner Ice Cream Co b 2017 Liberty av. Sneed Athen G City Sanitary Insp r 2320 C av. Snell Danl L lab rms 250 26th. Snell Margt maid 1460 25th. Snider Everett J hlpr Utah Gang Co r 472 W 24th. Snider Robt mech Browning Auto Co. Snively Curtis C electn Ogden Elec Co r 1 Argyle Apts. Snively Geo L clk 8 P r 2663 Brinker av. Snively Geo W moved to Los Angeles. Snodgrass Robt D repr S P r 2863 Quincy av. Snooks Claude student b 326 30th. Snooks Everett O brkman § P r 2352 Orchard av. Snooks Fred C cond r 326 30th. Snooks Roy farmer r N Ogden. Snow Evan slsmn John Edwards Co rms 119 W 29th. Snow Ford W brkmn § P. Snow J Ray appr S Pr 743 27th. Snow Lloyd W firmn § P. Snow S W rms New Brigham Hotel. o8 fe 475 SLvy A, Attorney-at-Law, 316 First Nat Bank Bidg, Tel 1648-J, r 1075 24th. Sneddon John R pipeftr S P r 1857 Childs av. Sneddon Lee jan The Virginia. Sneddon Nettie M (wid John B) r 2017 Liberty av. ees Mrs Priscilla clk Ogden Utah Knit Store HOME” ve JNYO JOHN av. > BLDG. CO’S THE DIRECTORY — 1926 - SHUANOILVLS NOA AHL ANOAMOVA OL GH TTHM TEN & CITY - SSI0ILYV LATIOL - SANIZVDVW SHYDIO ALVG-OL NIVLNNOA SOIAUSS Syvvdaoy GNY ONIHSINIA -dn qvow a1VvaUusAi" 9Eve ANOHd WAVH UWALAWOTVOOUNAN CNV AVU-X GOIAMGS PALMER GRADUATE POLK David B eng OU R & D Co r 1834 Wash av. Eliz steno Ogden Utah Knit Co b 1834 Wash Henry repr H C Hansen Co b 1834 Wash av. Edith student b 1075 24th. Mrs Emily waiter The Virginia. Jesse B hipr S P r 1841 Kiesel av. SNEDDON R 0 P R BR C T 0 R L. OGDEN “NO, 9AIOS OL $910}$ WlepoW OM] Snedden Snedden Snedden Sneddon Sneddon Sneddon DR. IRA J. McKELL C H R. FOR Ee 4 474 | aD % 0 EE) EE) “EVERYTHING j> 0G 454 0 PHONE STORE” 0a BOOK foe “A 58"e BOYLES SPARGO’S |