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Show i. | Vill Vt V6 ; i . iy) Ni iti — Lhe OGDEN Mt EA ait BLDG me. | tape’ Waitt We my te 630 ; aiii t Peon iy ri Ls i Gordon. Sixth st intersects. : - 757 C. E. Armstrong LOGS “ag Tollefsen é Mrs Maria. 2417 Eleventh st intersects. 306 25th Street aan . | os B. . Chas F. Mrs Eliz. Silas Heer B. Andw. Minnie. Erlach Mrs Shultz Mrs’ (rear) Elis Petterson 2 Fred Mary M.- A. Twenty First st intersects. Robertson Chas A. Bedford Perry E. Sanford. LeRoy E. Kelly Geo J. Wight Marsh OGDEN SPORTING : GOODS) CO. Guns, 2311 Ammunition, Tackle Washington Av. Kodaks and Finishing, and Sport Clothing 35 | JTOVNYSIVIL Mary. Darney John E. Homer Mrs Olena. : Tenth st intersects. John Wise John W. 207: 79 Burnham Geo H Eighth st intersects. Gilbert Carlsen Jas M, , Pitt Jas H. Johrson Kodaks, Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Printing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talking Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batteries, Radio Supplies, West- inghouse Globes, Toys, Etc. G. Sylvin Dee Vacant. 2¢ ; Hans Laine Alfd J. Bljerk Henry J. 28 72% ce st intersects, A. Ririe Quick 205! John W. j_ & Co. A. I. (rear) Philpott Walter M. Ririe 5 H. (C. Ai Fed: John °F: Harsen Anna. , Crandall Ray. Reeder Wm B. Roush John H. (rear) Hatton Wm sStonehocker 2046 5s Swenson Donald FE. : _— ; Jas Larson | ¢ ; J. Hyrum Martin Thos H. - 2 Clemence Gardner 35.) : 20,45 o 2046 AQUWWUVHd SERVICE X-RAY e C.- Jas Amos Seventh = 4 ; Martin ‘ Dunn ‘ret * PHONES | 2. ‘ = in ay 202 G. 206! -— s UOH ahi 2002 2 201: 2044 2 Correlius. 5 eS IN Hi Vey Vl the j Bell YEARS tay it z TEN Gy Haun Hawks 526 & PALMER GRADUATE i \/ ED ( o8 ) EE TT E. : ; ee iii | Raymond Sypher os ED () it | AY f Fifth st intersects. ee ee eee 0 ce 1008 ti) 184° Kingdon Jos R. ED () SE waa Ibi Lund Norman Fourth st intersects. Edling Carl G. Jones Paul T. Bramwell Wm P. Smuin Henry W. Tribe Spencer A. Wo HAVE . ii ~ I My | Fr ‘ 4AT : Vacant. Hutchens Harris Lloyd G. Twelfth st intersects. | Fourteenth st intersects. Stephensen Wells. L. Marker Jas L. Clinger Mrs Elnora. Christensen Chris R. Larson Eric A. Fifteenth st intersects. Eighteenth st intersects. shupe’ Brigham. Bond Mrs Dora. Davis Alex M. (rear) Chong Yuen, Hestmark Alfd M. Parry J Atwell. Nineteenth st intersects. Twentieth st intersects. Woodbury LeRoy. Masters Wm, Krimbow Clayton. Shaw Francis. Deveraux Jos. Smith Mrs Sarah A M. (rear) Pope Ellen M. SL 3NOHd YOU ii tb 1156 - THE | Fen Hig ii : i bt Le | | iit | itl | fH OS 5D () ED () ; i ; Nips coe iHy | FA AND Hay Fey AAVENUE | W 24th st intersects. Wadsworth Chester P. Haney Ernest S. Crosbie John. Olmstead Geo. W 25th st intersects. Brown Ray W. ADAMS AV.. First st intersects. Petersen Christine. Burton Mrs Alta. Cook st intersects. Field Mrs Cath. Urry Wm A, Carver Earl S. Second st intersects.. Third st intersects. Brown Mrs Mary. Morton’ Alton’ W. Garner Alma D. Vacant. Lund Otto E. Steele Fred B: Douglas st intersects. NEUROCALOMETER BACKBONE myay bebee | i pti / Fishing Phone 235 OM] = Co w= s 7 Aorwz7 WELL BE TO PW (Copyright Secured, 1926). ; ; In the following list, the Streets, Avenues, etc., are arranged in alphabetical order without regard to location. The number of each building on the street is given in numerical order, and opposite the number is printed the name of the occupant or householder. To fird the occupation of householders, refer to the alphabetical list of eit Sece 59-569). For location or description of Streets, Avenues, ete., see pages -50. ; HSUM 10zz HOUSEHOLDERS DIRECTORY DR. IRA J. McKELL LOYVHNAlT 4 GUIDE JNYG HOME” - SHANOILOZANOO THE HOUSEHOLDERS - SHSANOILVLS . CITY SS IOILUVY LSTIOL SANIZVOVWA SsuYDIO ALvG-OL NIVLINNOA SOIAUSS GNWY Svvaoy ONIHSINISA “dn GvVOU SIVGYHAAIY Seve Seve ANOHd OGDEN "NO, SAIS O] sai0}¢ wiapow FOR ‘es “EVERYTHING oa SparcGo’s|| BOYLES 0% >A mw >) UD) >) ED) >) ED) \/ ¢ * SD) |