Title |
1926 R.L Polk & Co's Ogden City Directory |
Creator |
R.L Polk & Co. |
Description |
This is a listing of residents, streets, businesses, organizations and institutions, giving their location in Ogden, Utah. It is arranged alphabetically, geographically and in other ways. This also has advertisements for businesses. |
Biographical/Historical Note |
The city directory will contain an alphabetical list of citizens, listing the names of the heads of households, their addresses, and occupational information. Sometimes a wife's name will be listed in parentheses or italics following the husband's. Other helpful information might include death dates for individuals who had been listed in the previous year's directory, names of partners in firms, and forwarding addresses or post offices for people who had moved to another town. |
Subject |
Directories; Address books; Ogden, Utah; R.L. Polk & Co.; Advertising |
Digital Publisher |
Digitized by Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
Date |
1926 |
Date Digital |
2023 |
Item Description |
Hard bound 11.5x8.4 inches boox with brown spine. |
Spatial Coverage |
Ogden, Weber County, Utah, United States |
Type |
Text |
Format |
application/pdf |
Conversion Specifications |
Archived TIFF images were scanned with an Epson Expression 10000XL scanner. Digital images were reformatted in Adobe Bridge. PDF/A files were then created for general use. |
Language |
eng |
Rights |
This Item is protected by copyright and/or related rights. You are free to use this Item in any way that is permitted by the copyright and related rights legislation that applies to your use. For other uses you need to obtain permission from the rights-holder(s). |
Rights Holder |
R. L. Polk & Co. |
Source |
979.228 R62726, Special Collections & University Archives, Stewart Library, Weber State University. |
ark:/87278/s6m1jrc0 |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
118906 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6m1jrc0 |
Title |
Page 309 |
Format |
application/pdf |
OCR Text |
Show < Utah et GODDARD Telephone RO Insurance, Real Estate, Loans Twenty-Fourth Street 410 197 e Ogden, ee Pingree Avenue 367 AND 368 SS 2149-2153 PHONES H. i. B. WATER RR SOFT °C USE oe % WE Launderers-Dry Cleaners Directors Auto Equipment Ambulance Service Open and Day Night PHONE 926 ' Chris B. ee Wood ASemath. CTR Cot acant. IDAN-HA HO TEL AND Allen D O. Archibald R W. Hatten Edgar O. Easley Mary. Vacant. Jensen Clarence. Thorhoff T c. Vacant. IOWA AV. 23d st intersects. Erickson Art E. Fife Jas F. i Straw Leigh H. Anton 5 Van APTS. LOANS TELEPHONE CUR RO 0D DM 09 C2 OO ee RR OT Bn 1D AES) Schat Mrs 2210 2214 2220 2225 2229 2230 2232 2233 2239 Minson ae ; : O17: f 76 ( Kimball Mrs Wilhelmina ft Hughes Chas | Furnishings Hats Shoes Patterson Adam jr. Crase Alfd J. Alton Eugene R. Robinson Heber E. Taylor 26th R. Mrs st Twelfth Roelink H. Arderson Stewart Grace G. intersects. Henry E. "e BLDG. A. See tan a sy Ww Burton Cha Raymond. ECCLES Wd Chapel. Gerit. Ray. : oO i PHOTOG! APHS COLORING 480 24 5T OF CHARACTER OGDEN AND Clothing L. Parke Wm C. 25th st Intersects. Eccles Royal. Pearson Chas H. Ellis John F. Earls Edgar R. Hetzel Clarence C. Goss Jos F. Brown Wm R. Culver Mrs Cath. Jane. Se C. Vacant. | ge Te aeraLO F . 7 Thos. White Chas H. 24th st intersects. Addy Dale. Wolfe John. Fitzgerald Thos J. Wheelwright Hyrum B. Wheelwright Wilford. Mason Chas M. Rabe Wm. 22d st intersects. Wilson ‘ Hemmings S. Pearson, Raymond Rose Lloyd A. (rear) Vacant. Porter Leon L. Reynolds Nephi. Peterson Nels P. Hill Mrs Rebecea, Woody Covel J. Hussey Warren L. Patten Lester L. — Jordan Fred G. Bogren Wm lL. Johnson Peter H. Stone Chas I. Phillips Thos W. Stagg Jos W. Aldous Chas N. Spears John. Berlin Argus E. Rennie Henry. 23d st intersects. Overstreet Linn W. Emley Walter G. Paskett Wm J. Ne'son Chester P. Loughran Jos A. Phillips Ernest B. Pierce Jas M. Jacobson Jacob F. Noorda John. Vacant. Grix Saml J. Skeen J Howard. Lynskey Nicholas. Graham Roy A. Peck Vern. Reed Johy B. Goodale Hyrum. H. Arnoldina. Jos GUIDE * HOUSEHOLDERS 21st st intersects. Summerill Jos. Oak st intersects. Graven Mrs Johanna. Martin. AND Alben Udy Wm Besselaer ‘Kelly & Herrick wavwes. | AV. CITY Lamb Curtis A. 25th st intersects. Connell Jos W. Pagel John L. Rogers Alfd. Edson Chas H. IVY APTS. Ellsworth Mrs Isabelle. Leggett W W. Miller Conrad L. Fisher Henry. Moulding Orlo. Holman Lorena. Gunn Freeman F. Murphy J Carlyle. MecMurrin Jos. Mitchell Richd R. Parry Wm H. Morriss Clarence. Farrington John S. George Mrs Laura. Johnson Austin L. Stringham Melvin. Wilster Gus. Meyer Wm B. Carnan C B. Carnan E Fay. Brown Edwin F. Alexander Nicholas. Crompton Jos. Peirce Lois E. Peirce M June. Davidson Oliver M. McAdam Robt JACKSON AV. Nineteenth st intersects. Jacobson J Ezra. Lyon Lafayette L. DeGroot John. Westergard Jas C. Purdy Wm. Wilson David FE. Stirland Geo H. Hubbard Jesse L. Lubeck Harold L. Bluemel Mrs Annie. Twentieth st intersects. Dickson Jasper. House Adolphus. Dunn Mrs Trinatte, Peterson Isaac. Youngman Geo F. Phipps Francis L. Emmertson Emmett. Jorgenserm Carl. De Lamater Carl B. Raposo Jos J. Minter Alfd L. Johnson FIRE AND Accomm 2502 WASHINGTON OO ese a i Geo. Zyl SOD WNWWH Amasa. WWW Belnap HELM APTS. Askew Herman B. McCanne A T. Reinshriber Harry. Gallagher Wm F. Cantwell Jas. HIGH SCHOOL PL. Palmer Jos §., Wadsworth Claude H. HILL APTS. Mulhall Mrs Belya A. Vacant. Gallagher Patk J. Vacant. Vacant. Ballhaus Walter. Dutson Mrs Nellie. Chatterton Ernest. Eastman Cordon E. Vacant. HILLCREST APTs. Revell Chas. Leishman Jas H jr. = Mrs Ct ien G2 00 00 Harris Boswell Hervey E. Cunningham John B. Anderson Andw. Johnson Mrs Harriet. Rogerson Elijah K. Briscoe Asa W. Hayes Geo W. Snowball Allen B. Grant av intersects. Painter Clyde W. Crosbie Mrs Helen A. Paxton Geo A Nix Cecil F. Hales Acel L. Murphy E Smith. Lanterman Mrs Sarah. Budge Lewis E. Washington av intersects. Jefferson av intersects. Mack Mrs Martha M. Brimhall Mrs Lydia A. Howe Mrs Minnie C. Lowther Robt. Howe Albt H. Vacant. 3: Ida. ° Jos L. HEALY ST. Wall av intersects. Hassell Parley. LincoiIn av intersects. = tee Maret, Mrs OGDEN Rands DDE CR WW Redfield Carl A. Harrop Jos ¢C. Elliott Jas M. Hill Byron Cc. McBride Mrs Sophia. Southwell st intersects. Deal Mrs Millie. Opheikens Jens. Wade Alvin F. Bramwell John S. Owens David. Murphy Clarence J. Paul Mrs Lovina. Anderson Arch J. Wilson Herbt. Dan st intersects. Harrop Mrs Christine. Cunningham S Robt. Kruse Ernest W. Cook Earl A. Hall Mrs Martha. Vacant. Gibbs Mrs Mary. HARROP ST. Washington av intersects. Landes Wm D. Nelson Anton. Stone Geo E. ersects. CO’S st] oo os ST) Thorsted & sto Undertakers Embalmers and Funeral Seley Wm G. Hess Clarence W. Goddard Ernest T Merrill Leslie 8, Blaes Carl H. Whitmeyer Ray O. Twenty Eighth st intersects. Hoggans Wm S. Twenty Ninth st intersects. Thirty Second st intersects. DeYoung John. White Arch T. Thirty Third st intersects. Beus Eli J. Thirty Fourth st intersects. Thirty Sixth st intersects. Harvey Lyle D. Thirty Seventh st intersects. Wynn Wm. Thirty Eighth st intersects. Edvalson Conrad. , Beus Jos. Beus Michl. Beus Paul. Soderquist J Emil. Thirty Ninth st intersects. Wilson Benj. HARRISVILLE RD. Fifteenth Wad Mtg Hse, Lynne Wd Amusement Hall. Lynne Wd Mtg Hse, Pioneer Coal & Nordquist P Aug. Staley Nephi M. Reese Sidney w. Sully Felix. 1st st intersects. Wangsgaard Mrs Ingeborg. Taplin Danl S. Yearsley Lawrence. POLK OOM St. L. Wm 24th PRA WMD 795 WO WWW , ie me en OO © = SO Ort“ Ost w ROOM area HH — HR OSOIMAAwWwees wt OnDH aN O R +: U A R Y OotrHe— orswrwro R. CHAR FIRAMING-~ PHONE 208W Tel. |
Setname |
wsu_wcpd |
ID |
119215 |
Reference URL |
https://digital.weber.edu/ark:/87278/s6m1jrc0/119215 |