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Show UNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1961 22, JANUARY SUNDAY, 1961 - Scots,-Braves Meet n Top Prep Game | Weber Hosts Ogden; Davis: On Road for. Laker Contest rapibi throughout the state. Région One —/ North Cache. at ith deadinaed Fann Lomond, lead, i Davis for the Region Two in this we host Bountiful Friday. South Cache, Box Elder. at Bear | | a. _ | River, Logan, bye. big game in that region. Region Two — Ogdeimat Weber, | ‘The Braves dropped their™t is | Bountiful at Ben Lomond, Davis at | "game of the current. campaign. r t past e. we k whengi,lost to Davis,stifulin Bonnevill “Region Three — wee land, South at East, Olympus at) Kaysville. As ai repult, the Bout a Teaders. go. after - Davis. will ce behind: os five is now a — te ’ 4 Granite ‘at: High- | hater ing- (Tuesday Four — egion fourth. ham at Tooele, Granger at Cyprus, | Jordan at Murray; (Friday) Cyprus by THREE REGION ; Bingham, Murray at Granger,, led W. «straight victory: when. e it.Fiiday: (98© |. atTooele at Jordan. Bonneville at Boriévill _) dog 3 £37 sf ciety et Fas sEhsestiny) Peay Ogden with an 0-3 record iffleague | Region bt SRELS" *ASUSE AS a Fork, Payson at Spring: eanite for | at Spanish Ny I travel/across towne ae ees oF ite wae ville; (Friday) Orem-at Carbon.‘ ’ oe,” ‘portant Be Bae ympus : y a 4 Re So SIX REGION IN 1-2 a; take. REF ‘High, The Warriors. will ey | Region: Six (Jordan Division) — | Highland ae seat. record into that affair, having ‘posted their first ‘Idague win -of the. Grantsville |. at 7 a ae | st 500 950 FOUR REGION Memorial, Judge Pet, Pct ct. Me yw —_ | Dugway at ‘South Rich, St. Jasene | shane last week at Bonneville. ee a Box Elder and | bye r+ +--+: 2 oo __\*® Up in RegiontwoOne, n)— | JORdat Divisio (Summit Six: "Région | ed deadlock teams’ River, 667, Bear «:-.-.3---a iatae ie Saaeecay| |BUMBRAM¢.-. ark Wasatee, North atRichNorthat |earee it out | Morgan. enat South for second place, will battle ene aed Park — | 2 ee e who ‘clubs, | seer |_ By oo In the other. ei a. * + a iain nc Notes Bk ce wl REGION: ie North Cache “B.Y. High at St. Francis. 2 game, now appear to ic 8 a ee have geen nae records. Region Eight.— South Emery at <and South Cache tangle on the Hy- | ee * | on. FIVE Pct ~ Wed. 1.800) a North Emery, East Carbon at Notre provo ..... == rum court. Both teams are winless.| ‘Dame| ...55 ee lo at San Juan, | Spanish Fork.c.s+.-2 pea Fork Ri MonticelMoab, week’s games will mark the ¢G ‘66 e: 7 This g 1 > 9667 2~ iOrem...c..+++ ae 12 Noa River’at e N ae end of the first half in Region One. , Green ma i ¢ —| 888 Division) Ten (Millard seeeeesed Region Carbon. "| ee If S393 1 i le _ WILL BE IDLE Milford at Delta, Beayer at Paro Springvil Fe h00 0 9 a eph, . 7 Ben i. ae type of sek 6 oe Science a : partment, one for pre-college prepa» _ « -. + . ete fh ' Sheldon Hayes, Bryan til and Susan which Payson ’ took over sec- | wan, Millard, bye. ipa i | 3 + fo Standings: aoe Division of} ae orth Summit will go after its straight victory when it hosts Summit. organ will go on the road to test REGION . | Logait oe spat col ES BE Ss ee % .000 1.000 0 cjcsepeevie 2 1) 1.000 .,..pstaseas.d = 2 333 GE A Weber ARC— sh TPIS es a Pea 3 3 cee ~*~ sets Ol e . eo ‘OS. “aE . me ow North ahmit .2 30 0 ie Dugway _ «~,000 3 OARS ‘Ogden «.. viewers: Bonneville .......... o™. SEP ERSAES. 3 5, po . Ben Lomiond .......3 : | i eecionoN 0 | 3 ike ch. Pct Bay Ceanevnee 1,000 0 Ben... at Friday. This will be a | Bear Rivet A West enone: Pore 20% e between the league’s two sec- | North Cache - . meee ond place teams. . . 10 Here are the schedules of all South Cache- es iSt. ONE 667 -000 .000 a a a Region Ten (Dixie Djvision)—En- |”| e this past week in the terprise. at Kanab, Cedar City at ivision of Region Six, will | = this week. Dixie, Hurricane, bye. ) | he L- Pet. . 1.000) ae a Set : e B67 "993 | 333 | 000 | |