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Show OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 22, 1961 Weber County's 1960 savings bond drive oe $4,728,321— 96.1 per cent of the year’s quota, ecaie to Harry H. ao chairman of the States in Philosophy (Editor's Note: This is the fourth in Cliff Thomp: @ seriés of articles basedon “A TeachWeber PE choel Supt. T Bell er’s Philosophy gt pace rning’’ written by Weber Schools H. Bell as the devotes a ue rt of his seco textbook for ml on eles course being of Learnin; one of th meet taught county teachers.) vinalabanier ej in educatiol jay—m In the‘sr-page. ‘text, he strongly they can make more money,” says | criticizes the single salary. ae the. eupesniaeatennt, we f teachel sys- cant pay raises,’ Supt. Bell said. “For pert we had an outst tanding chemistry teacher last| STUDENTS ere The greatest benefactor from a merit pay system would te the BLE a ni ba ae Bel iL ae offer. Nor could I ould ae cia for improving his economic positi “AL ie he oe ” poor teacher ing $4,210 We finally had ie fire this seanher Neighboring Supply Food sm By Flora Ogan IVERDALE — If the} of Riverdale ie a reputation i baking ‘‘golden crusted” bread i pa kitchen avene, it’s bandera: able. ‘ family in the community has ol’ bossy staked outside the reek door to keep up with the family milk supply, there’s a darn good reason. his sprawling little community of 1,829 situated in the south <n spite of a lively little buusiness distri ni a see business license of 25 issued by the city was requested aa the Seon of a grocery stor en ts are forced to travel about three miles either direction to Roy or South Oeden ta teach the nearest grocery store. For several wee a little market was owned and operated in the city ve Walt Graser, but it has since sed. the tone of this OF BALLET is chew in this dance by Nina Novak $150 IN WAGES Anyone agreeable to lending such Peas is invited to telephone Mr. Rowley at the college, Export 4-3491, PTA Will Sponsor First Aid Course one si weeks. Upon completion of the course gpa sie will be given first aid certificates. er info Eee oe the course call Mrs. Rulon Kofoed at EX 2-6115; .. a Robert Stanford at EX 3-8 : 7 eber County was selected as one of four i in the a8 to serve as “‘pilot areas” for the progi The initial mesttig willsee Leon ae of Utah State University You name it... and Ben Lomond High will try to supply it! t is—if you’re a high school student —and your needs may be attained through ‘academic culture and extra curricular. The approximate 1,180 students at Ben Lomond have the opportunity of Be: ing in a phases of their education are new areas in science the month. r thi in the league department is provided also for the stude The of the school is to have a more conleced relationship between col- closely h an the tee cer in helping the retarded rea A new language Cy is in the offing ... andt ma Department i s ee having just‘produced George Sle an’s and Mos 2 aaa s play, “The ey cae Way” with ove se watted in the cast. A three-way piste festival is set for Tuesday at the auditorium with Ben Lomond, Weber and Bonneville high schools parHepaune under sponsorship of the Music Depa Stansie Beonomics Department is planning its spring fashion festival and the Manual Arts offers interesting eas in auto mechanics, woodwork a: ay ceramics, The Jo ent iad in- out asketball is makie a showing Athlene are having won all the er projects, is busy getting school paper, Highlander, twice a the outstanding events of the school this week is the observance of Scots Week at the school... . There will be a display of books on Scottish folklore, bagpipes and Scottish castes ee a concert on Wednesday evening,t ich parents are invited. A film on Scotch‘bation will be 7 ms the student ae durii ay evening will be t eos the patie and each a ml will be responsible It’s Scots Week at Ben Lomond High and interested zens help sort books on Scottish folklore, for display. citi- En- joying it are Mrs. Harry S. Reed, Dr. Ellis es hoe Howard Young, Arlie Campbell and Lewis J. Wal for a part . the program. A basketball game will be eee iPaiay at 8 p.m. with a _ ae 3 McAllister 4 is principal of the eétiool: watt Norman Alley, assistant princi- Student body aes ite Kim Butters, esident; Larr omas, vice president; Virginia Stockdale, secelaty, and Karen Woodburn, treasurer. ee Farm laborers who are cov- ter th 31, according local social security manger, Harr: Johnson. n order to be the orker must have received $150 in wages ai rke 0 lays for a certain farmer. he number of total diseases reDr. Flinders said this department ae in oe os area in i stepped up ‘its activities after they imped to 7,7 compared to had received some complaints 4,803 in 1959, Oe official cone ee about short weight purchases. ie city health department shows. “We e pushed the enforceFlinders, health di- Mentof the ordinet c correc’ re are several rea- | weights, sn i price is | uring the year the F ccpavtinent Powe are getting better coopera- registered 4,019 new births of which } ti 2,022 were males an ‘emales. d This pre ponderance of male births them are is reflected again in the number o! using the report oe and mailing se td teenited in the city in 1960. | them in prom report s Pa a” female Also Dr. Flinders said that last deals: 529 male dea' year the city had a substantial inDr. Flinders said ihe is reflected rease in cases of scarlet fever, all, over the coun a es infections suc mn just live longer than oe at, more mumps than men,” he said. GIRDLES & PANTIE, _ Now, during January only. 20% off regular ey on Silt Skin’ " girdles that are tinuous strand o the finest elastic yarn. Wonderful control . . . yet soft as a powder puff next to your skin. You'll love the look of you... the feel of you in Silf Skin! SAVE NOW! ae Sivicion, eo the health de- Te partment whic! reased its work 960 was in we ights andmeasines) Picture Frames ction. a 1959 officials of the health cel CHUGG’S partment made inspections ot 2450 Wash. Blvd. scales, as compared to only 839 the | year befor NOW 53°10 57% ® Contact Lenses ® Visual Analysis ® Personality Glasses ® Satisfaction Assured \ (ober Norrman Allen of the science department, 8 ee type of work done for pre-college prepa- ration, to Sheldon Hayes, bc oe Joe Prantil and a ie wat Dr. Paul K. Nasfell Clarence J. Hansen, chairman of scholarship conmittee of Ben Lomond, and Neal open the many letters of application for scholarships sent to the school. Margaret ai APPOINTMENT ALL EX 2-863: 2466 Wash. Blvd, Dr. H. Murry Carver board, clothing, or other paymts in kind. The tax for 1960 is 6 per cent half coming from the em- b secured by contacting the local social. security office. LIGHTWEIGHT GIRDLE OR PANTIE GIRDLE Each style regularly $5 RENT a wonderful selection of over 25 better quality pianos available now for monthly rental. Your choice of Wurlitzer, Ivers and Pond, and Henry F. Miller. All rents applied to purchase if you decide to buy. COME IN NOW AND ARRANGEMENTS MAKE AT GLEN BROS. MUSIC CO. Blvd. ategterly Soto -S10es © Eyes Examined PIANOS 2546 Washington George International Cast to Perform Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo Shows Disease Increase have Boe ee merit payments of $500this year FARM HELP CAN YES SIR! We hen and Zoritch, stars uf the popular Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, to be presented here eNG6O Surineary on Health - QUALIFY WITH Aid ART Section AFRIGEN “WOES: Difeéior Needs = Props for Play = First GRACEFUL The Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo keystones of Re Ballet Russe ra. Members of the. 31-member sup- | Wmusic by Chop {will weave its .magic spell over toire. Set porting cast come from states phases of market: demic communism. Forced equality — and music lovers when it is Mink “us, Bach and Tohartt Sicsuse throughout the nation, as well as rn uals certainly isn’t demolesigned to dison Inesday at 8:15' the ia Cuba, cra oland, ey eentine. m. in the Ogden High School au- play the brilliant techniques of the England, Tasmania and Pue “Equal financial recognition. of ifort company’s stars. BEAUTIFUL PLANTS | ico. ee unequal service results in Stars of the brilliant and unforThe program is sponsored jointly ALL COLORS, ALL PRICES ery little stimulation of the mas- by the Ogden Community-Weber gettable performance will be’ Nina exquisite costuming has set a ie teacher. to encourage College Concert Series. Admission Zoritch, Helene pattern for many of today’ 'S modern mediocrity in a ae society | isi, by ne clothes and original costumes have Trailine, Tania Chevtchenko and card only. where money is import become museum pieces Igor Yousekevitch. Ivan Boutnikoff The BalletRusse de Monte Carlo individual,” Sup t. Bell wr: i was born in Mont e Carlo and im- will conduct. DISCARD ei migrated to the United States in The ‘superintendent says teachers 1938, where ear become thorough- Exercise in Germany cannot expect to gain the financial ly American ine shord “Russe” does not Dale W. Parkinson, son of Mr. mean that it is Russian but that oe Mrs. William J. Par! inson, 3226 the schooling of the dancers Stephens, participated other based on the great traditions of 8th Infantry Division personnel in a tie Russian Imperial Ballet. day anti-tank exercise in GerFamous classical ballets are the 'm years’ (eee really hove? had one year’s Sc naaeg ice. 15. times. Supt. Bell sa: Much of fe felon in the chapter on teacher salaries in his tex is based the county district’s experience with pay which was inau ear after a Supt. Ball contends the district’s experience with merit rating ig the past two years proves arguents against it can be met with carefully planned, logically administered programs of oa and have an old- oe ' salary oe “Evena rough m urement of phonograph, complete with windin gear, Weber Golleee would like p the varying Teves of Neachite quality and service is more justifiable hear from ‘than making no attempt to base e relic is needed as a prop in lay on nothing but experience the forthooming arena theater pro-' and college training,” he writes duction, “Glass Menagerie,” sched- | uled for Feb. 7-11 Also needed is a glass menagerie, the Tittle glass figures around whic the theme of the play re- Cross are members Wednesday. Ss at ‘ Belll sets iS Mr. Smout was connected with ce J. SMOUT the Intermountain Guernsey ae n West ‘Who‘s Who’ from 1945 to 1951, a director of the o Fair Board from 1953 on Association, as well as a member GIGANTIC Gam a Towns Must | OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER OGDEN, UTAH, SUNDAY MORNING, JAN. 22, 1961 rector of Plain City Dairy Days. | le has been a director of the | An experimental addition to the Utah Guernsey. Breeders Associa- | He nd his family Weber County 4-H program will geet | tion and the Utah Swine Producers' of the LDS Church. under way hie for boys and girls 16 and o| The town oe aie business program designed to initiate young persons into the world of commerce wil! see its first session at the oe den City Health Center a TO WEAVE A MAGIC SPELL gel n the outstanding teacher, even ‘if the mediocre oo has 10 times the experi- lomena Ben Lomond High School Promotes Extra Curricular Opportunities 4-H Students Will Invade Business World a school of by “~\\ ata Ua Clifford John Smout, dairy farmer in the Slaterville area, is listed in the a coy of “Who’s Who in the Wes Mr. Sot said this is the first time he has been so honored and said it was probably through his connection with the Utah State Fair Board, and his activities in Guernsey cattle organizations, both state and national. A native of Ogden, Mr. Smout dd A oe counties reporting included Box Elder, $677,552; Morgan, $87,878 and Davis, $2,138,082. The Utah figure for the year was $18,613,092, up a halfmillion from 1959 The 1961 drive will mark the 20th anniversary of savings bonds sales. State cue Frederick P. Champ of Loga today expressed appreciation to the many volunteers who took part in the program of the past wih industry for these young men and women.” He ter unrealistic a salary Othe aie is random grouping of a annual income students in classrooms regardless schedule with ap of ae discussed in an earlier of only $6,200 after 18 years of service. Teacher associations are ich Supt. Bell s. us the salary of a talking about a salary sehediilg that begins at around $7,500 with a peak teacher is dete! ie same “way you find ae cost. of a train around $12,000. But Supt. Bell said the taxpaying ticket to Chicago—you look it up in public will not stand still for this a table.” a salary schedule unde “No consideration is given to the ki ind of teacher’s a or value. to the dis- present arrangement with average abil- eauale ‘Weber Farmer Hoskved In ‘Who's Who’ Edition SAVINGS BONDS IN WEBER HIT 96% DURING 1960 Cost Tables Shouldn't Dictate Pay, Official @ 2 S a > 8C So new, It's our and 1961 so-o-o0 smart! version _ of the grained ghillie . .. in Black, Geranium Shy Violet or White. by GEPPETTO kid Leaf Green, Never before have we been allowed to offer these girdles and pantie cee at a reduced price! Now .we are permitted to for a limitedti e oe girdle (style #55) or ollyw pantie girdle (style #7) of Stay There!® knitted elastic at a substantial reduction! White only, sizes $-M-L. The supply is limited, | Wolfers EX 3-8621 Virginia Stockdale, Karen Woodburn, Larry Thomas, Ki m Butters hang the new school plaque, made by the Manual Arts Department and presented to school by 1960 class. ¥ Marita Jonson (right), Swedish exchange student to the school, demonstrates with Pat Pro- iaiee, a routine in a nati e dance, to an nthusiastic onlooker, a Bush (left). |