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Show SATURDAY, FEBRUARY a post in the which canis s Match G3 sie | Sq In fact all 16 Class A siiereitele berths were decided Friday night. Here are the teams that have qualified: Logan, ete Beat | Braves in the dpeninr cae River, Davis, Ben 0 | couldn’t close the gap. _ ful, East, Bingham, Orem and But still pionship snd West, South, Olympus, | Bountiful led at intermission, 33Granger, Cyprus, Provo, | 95, and maintained about a 10-point Spanish Fork, ps the rest of the way. _ | in question is the chamLowell Lofgreen and Lyndon Mac- in Region Two. The Davis Kay paced the winners with - 16 - Darts broke a tie for first place Fri- points peach: Mike Downs’ 13 points day as they whipped Bonneville 59-| was best for the losers. 38, and Ben Lomond | lost to Bounfiful 62-51. In the Summit Division of Region é Six, sone cee Bonneville was able to stay with. the Darts for the first quarter, but then couldn’t keep up the pace at P Weeeh, Kaysville, Alan Archibald of Bon-' Be opes. ialive tbe Wasnten tlcoe. "oe win)»| pitey neville gan one game behind inane ing North Summit, LITTLE TROUBLE w es ao game’s high scorer baer souTH cacHE Box scores: Loan broke a tie for second place be-| tween the two clubs and ‘ett Mor-| ie Toe eT red ocean Ag ee ee wantin Oar otT Kohlet 2 £6.10. | Menniil, Nowe, Summit hed e321 Wie Ths Rives, whieh ‘gos off to aj Phi 6 "miserable start as the Bulldogs em-|(s00) SRE PE cane up 17 points and took the floor at) | NORTH ro Bis esc halftime leading 20-16. 0 087 Branden och 16392961 | recy EASY Tt ~ first: quarter. But the Bears broke south aie te A ’ gat dn Christensen 0411 Totals ployed ball control tactics. It trailed) 36322294 North Cache, 6-3 at the end of tthe | Score by yy see AN loose in the second period to pile i. ||| ae ae eae ee iver | =A piu wae . Bear River fell behind after three |0 200 Hansen quarters, but then resumed the lead | 35 2 8 Whitman Hawks 4219 Bessenger 5 87 17| ‘ *f ve a3) eRe Ber ‘i sail ~ and held on for a victory. Jensen 220 4 Once again it was Max Bessinger,|3 428 Comish Thampgn'6.9:0°0 | | Geddes 5 2! |? Bear a junior center, who led the 1226 1640 scoring. He hit 17 cai ae ‘ a a . Prove It Gets | Favorite Role- In Handicap— ~ ARCADIA, Calif (AP)—A ‘aay jinx on favorites hung over the head of Prove It today in the guaranteed $145,000 Santa Anita Handi- |, ae ok sey_| ai a by quarters: 0 ac Bear River eal Ja skye gaa reseed ot : nes ie i ae cgi 40 25, 1961 |