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Show PAGE FRIDAY, OCTOBER HIGHLANDER 6 Swedish Dating PTA BOOMS Heading Customs PTA Marita Jonson, our foreign ex- change student from Sweden, spoke to the 4th period Home Living class October 13 about the family situation where she lives. She stated that American people are almost like those in Sweden. Our customs are quite similar, but in some instances they do differ. For instance, the dating in Sweden is quite spectacular compared to our present way. The boy doesn’t necessarily have to meet the girls’ parents; he can pick her up at her house or meet her where the date was scheduled. In this instance, the date would most likely be on a_ group basis where a group of girls would meet a group of boys at a scheduled place. Another custom that raised a few eyes is that the girl would pay her own way if the boy were going to school. The explanation for this is that he wouldn’t likely have any more money than the girl. Marita pointed out other similarities and differences in their way of life as compared with ours. The students enjoyed her talk tremendously. Ben Wayne Grose as president, who assures us a good Recently Virginia Mr. Vice - presidents George Mrs. Wayne Grill, room mothers, Healy consist of assisted by in day by members of the faculty and Girls’ Association officers, - October 3, will promote spirit at the J.V. games through 1960-61. Cheering are: (from left)... Karen LeSeiur, Lynn Dowdle, Susan Marriot, Diane Hunter and Linda Miller. Annette Read wais not present when picture was taken. = ~ Effervescent Cheerleaders Inspire ciothing Classes Team and Student Body Bound in Stitches Just watching our vivacious cheerleaders “bursting with pep” fills us with school spirit. Hard work, lots of practice, and “loads “But it doesn’t “Well, we’ll make it.” “Oh, but I don’t know of enthus- Mrs. how, Grossenbach.” styles things for which the do many figure and ap- iasm” have produced a top-notch team of cheerleaders, “Tm going to make that suit. pearance. For instance, the new second to none in the area. Members of the varsity squad It’s not fair for you to make skirt waist hits all the fashion are: NANCY BAILEY, RONNA GROVER, SANDRA one like it.” books; also, the new wool GREENWOOD, DIANE TAYLOR, KAY SEDERHOLM, “T don’t care. I decided to sheaths are very popular espemake it first.” and KATHLEEN HEINER. cially for the college campus Why teachers go gray! A new look in Pep uniforms has been achieved by looks. With squalls like these bouncthe appearance of the cheerleaders during the pep asYour personality, facial color, semblies in white puffy-sleeved blouses, plaid vests and ing around the clothing rooms, circular skirts. Then, at the “frosty” football games, plaid it’s a wonder one teacher man- and sinse of humor should be capri pants take the place of the circular skirt. Tri-col- ages to stand it all year. The the key in choosing your fashsouls must be Miss ored pom-poms also add to the colorful uniforms. During patient ‘ions for fall. Clothes don’t alSmith and Mrs. Grossenbach. a game is to take place, the girls wear and letter sweaters. for use at the games. This will magnify the cheerleaders voices making it easier for the students to hear, and to fit their class are skirts goes trin, Treasurer; ters, Membership; and Dean Charles Mrs. But- F. Nye Grover, Program; Mrs. Millspaw, Mrs. George Mrs. Merlin and Mrs. Magazine. Dean Earl Publicity; Scott, installed Hospitality; Egan, Gerald * Back-to-School Night, held November 3rd, will PTA to be termi- nate the traditional competition among classes for parent enroll- * have their names engraved on the revolving plaque which was last year. “The Angler’s Companion to Rivers and Lochs of Scotland,” a newly acquired book in B.L.’s Scotch library, was contributed by Mrs. Alfred E. Brewerton. The volume dates back over a hundred years and contains a map nearly destroyed with age. - Thomas Tod Stoddard authored the book which was published in 1853 by William Blackwood and Sons, in Edinburgh and London. are: KAREN LESIER, ANNETTE READ, LINDA MILLER, SUSAN MARRIOTT, LYNN DOWDLE, and DIANE HUNTER. These girls are planing new and surprising events for the coming season. Paintings New Found The Library Eleven paintings’ scenes are from the following places: Ver- reproductions of ori- ginal paintings featuring various scenes from all over the world, purchased by Mrs. Young, will be displayed throughout the year in the library. The presence of these paintings is hoped to create enthus- iasm to inspire students to read about countries. our surrounding ona, Mont.. St.Michel, Germany, Holland, Norway, Peru, Paris, India, Spain, Venezuela, and a bull fight scene from Spain. Last year the lads and lassies of the Girls’ and Boys’ As- sociation dipped into their funds to purchase a painting of an autumn scene, which they presented to the school as a gift. This painting is displayed in the library. “Enthusiastic” summarizes the feeling of the choir. When it started this year, male members numbered eight; eager choir members raised the num- ber to twenty-three. In spite of the are efforts, needed. a few more boys Officers of the choir include Sally Whittier, president; Arthur Sandgren, vice president; and Karen Hartog, secretary. They plan an active year with concerts, visits to hospitals and community events and partici- pation in the Junior Red Cross Music Program which provides: foreign countries with recordings of American music. but they do help to build a well-rounded person. The popular casual school for dents is skirt with the Ben the Lomond stu- short bandstand color ranging from tan to black; accessorized with long socks and ivy league shirts with a touch of saddle shoe and stretch belt. Jumpers style have with staying; fashion the come back into probability of however, the newest is the knee-length knickers. a, Te a A THE Men’s Hair i day cards, take charge of the Home Economics’ open house and fashion show, and sponsor the Girl’s Association dance. Officers Richard Mitton, Bob Charleton, and Ron Patterson; Dortha Jackson, Jan Ito, and June Ellis, promise “loads of fun, and fun by the loads’ for all members. ee a ee EE eT sE CLIP SHOP Styling by Appointment ~ Bud — Val — Ralph ee cheerleaders girl PHONE EX ee FRED 4-7189 M . NYE CO. a : 2422 WASH. BLVD. ee ~~ ee ae ee The newly formed Highland Junior High student body seeks refuge with the Scots until their new building nears completion. theme As- sociations, the Girls’ and Boys’ Associations, actually contribute much more to B.L. than most Scots realize. These organizations which appear almost inactive during parts of the year, hold many responsibilities. The boys sponsor the Thanksgiving Dance, promote school spirit, have a Boys’ Association Assembly, and organize a beard growing contest; while the girls put up bulletin boards, make table decorations for the lunch room, draw and distribute birth- Na new the — students have chosen selves the “Hikers.” A teacher commented, ‘“‘They’re too cheap to ride, so they fit in nicely with the ‘Scotch’ Ee The “Ben Lomond will see a new era in vocal music this year,” stated Mr. Sandgren, director of the A Capella Choir. make Hikers’ Cry: "Don't Step on Me” _a Swiss theme and call them- For Scots Lomond » The Activities Planned active Ben of the when they enter Ben Lomond.” After squirming An interesting the book from stattes, “Shall I class it (fishing) ‘among the subtle, more refined, and difficult. de- partments?—or OK shall I allot it room with those which, comparatively speaking, are coarse and JANETH KING represents Ben Lomond as one of the semi-finalists in the National Merit Examination held last March, 1960. Janeth, who is in the 10,000 bracket, will take a second test in December of 1960. She, as well as Brian Wangsgard and Roger Lee, two other Scotties, will be notified after the second test in February of 1961, at which time all finalists will receive certificates of merit. It is from this group of winners that the merit scholars will be elected. If Janeth is selected a winner, she scholarship worth from $100 to $1,500 of her choice. This will receive a to the school . year marks Jan’s third year at B.L.; Brian Lee to maintain Wangsgard were totalling in the 28,000 and Roger second group, students, who are eligible to receive letters of commendation for their su- Federation Elects New Officers The Interclan Federation anq elected new officers on the morning of October 13, 1960. This federation is composed of sent to their first and second the presidents and sponsors of choice of they all clans, Dr. McAllister, ep Pace, Secretary. This organization, along with the studentbody officers, hopes to make this year successful in activities and functions. bles ex- | The flew in all directions. comment rang out,. little perience, and no great stretch | bles.” of attention.” This paragraph ee displays the comparison of Wanted: suggestions and thought between the Scottish ideas for scenes, decorations people of yesteryear and the and displaying of foods and “Scots” of today. fashions for the open house. Our library feels very indebtThe Girls’ Association spon-_ roe at : the y JARMAN varsity Style The wise choice for smart young men ed to Mrs. Brewerton'for the many articles she has presented to Ben Lomond through the sors this llth, to years. Christmas foods, gifts and ‘decorations. Mark this date. Jarmans rate as campus leaders everywhere, because: on your calendar, gals. December 11th is the day to favorite leathers. man and then you will be sure that there is world. one less rascal in the ers with event, December provide homemak- new ideas for their remember. (1) They feature today’s dammipuswiorhecs styling and (2) Their rugged construction and easy fit make them feel every bit as good as they look — for a long, long time, (3) They're available at prices tailored to fit a student’s budget. See us for a wide selection of Jarman SHIRTMAKERS | “Varsity Styles’ for fall. through the crowded halls, we see the tiny students standing on their toes to work their locker combinations. One disgusted member ask- ed, ‘Why did they have to | send us to Ben Lomond? They have the biggest kids in the city!” Forbidden to walk down the halls wearing cleats, football players crawl on their hands and knees in and ‘out of the gym. Watch your step, Big Scots! Let’s not clutter our halls with pulped Hikers! PING SHOES FOR MEN As seen in ESQUIRE a CHL $1095 SPLIT ATLL Branch Stores From Coast to Coast Continental Clothing for the young man. Drop in and see our— EXCITING CLOTHING LINE 2464 Wash. Blvd., Ogden Switzerland’s finest weavers, inspired by the muted colors of India, have woven them into an unusually handsome. fabric. Rich hues have been subtly blended to set off a striking check pattern. Add this to the neatly flared button-down collar 4 and you have a perfect leisure shirt. The RED CARPET SHOP BUEHLER - BINGHAM 2407 and er constitute less than 3 per cent of all secondary school senlors. ey te _ Certainly they are a distinguished group of fine students. school, okie which. school the next day, he suddenly felt a sneeze coming on, reached in his pocket and snatched out his handkerchief. At the same time mar- from a colleges, The combined semi-finalists yi, Wimmer, President; Dian and commended students togeth- Cottle, Vice-President, at Kar- came home small ex- | “Rampton is losing his mar-. an honest met perior performance on this test. Their names and scores are picked up the marbles and put them in his pocket. In ample of judgment, yourself the it this year. Mrs. Young. ‘Those chosen to head the federation this year consist of: Den- inelegant,. requiring Make for last two years she has maintained a space on the honor role and intends hs ; time they were ay Lisa ton passage ok it of leaving them in the middle of the floor. The other night, Mr. Ramp- ATTENTION, BOOK LOVERS! Since this evening is designed to acquaint the parents with their sons’ and daughters’ teachers and problems, parents are particularly invited to attend. Two because Mr. Rampton’s three-yearold son, Jerry, loves to play with marbles and has a hab- The class of ’63 chose three “Ivy Leaguers” to head Soph. activities during this year. Doug Howard serves as president, assisted by Kathy Grover and Holly Wimmer as vice president and secretary. ment. The winning class obtaining the highest percentage will started * ‘smallness of the room. Workmen could only install twenty-two of the originally planned thirty - six recording booths. Possibly one of the language rooms will be made into the lab. Historian; Gunnell, oe Miss Moyes informed language students that the language laboratory cannot be a Recently six more J. V. cheerleaders were chosen they will guide those attending the games in ex- six ways dress citing studentbody cheers. With their help and the cooperation of the studentbody our J. V. boys will gain spirit and win trophies, marking each game as a success. more how classes A CAPELLA CHOIR BEGINS SEASON thus create more school spirit. In taught beginning while the advanced right into tailoring. The school has purchased three large megaphones and The OE blouses OE plaid box pleated day skirts, white EE NE ON the day on which rec- ment for the public’s safety. This year there are many different known; presented. problems were Helping to correct delinquent drivers makes a big improve- Can you already tell that a fringe of fall has scented the air? Yes, students will soon be decked with the latest fall fashions from the tips of their toes to the tops of their heads. The colors this year are of the most exotic shades with a touch to flatter anyone who wears them. One can see a range from eggshell-white, cream-white and bone-white which is most popular in the pleated wool skirts; to the richest and deepest blacks. In-betweens are the beautiful moss and olive greens _ which are about the most popular. Reds and navy blues also have entered the fashion line this year looking exceptionally good together. Tan, which could be used as a basic for any wardrobe, flatters the facial features. Almost any shade of brown will make a person feel like a million, as well as look like a million. fit.” made Allister. Other officers for the ensuing year are: Mrs. Charles Hall, Secretary; Mrs. John Col- ae, ee ae chosen were ommendations to solve these eT cheerleaders Bill De- and Dr. Ellis Mc- ee snappy Scots Achieve National Recognition Patterson, The traffic problems of the assigning FALL "FASHION FLARE" Six Ron Stockdale, Vries and Merna Lowe represented Ben Lomond at the Teenage Traffic Convention held in the State Capitol Building. year. Mrs. PAGE 3. >= HIGHLANDER NEWSETTES Lomond is of year THE AT B.L. the this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1960 28, 1960 Washington Boulevard 2305 Wash. Blvd. — Phone EX 4-9791 / |