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Show INTRODUCTION ‘By ~ Jesse S. Richards, Secretary Ogden Chamber of Commerce THEADY AND SOLID growth Marks the progress of Ogden City year by year, and the year tihat is now passing 1S no exception. Ogtien is predominant in the Intermountain region a railway center, packing as house center, livestock center, grain milling center, grain hand ling center. Ogde n. capi tal controls the principal industries of this section, especially the factories, canning facto sugar ries, the areameries, the milling and elevator business, the packing industry and the livestock Companies, Ogden’s alread Oad yards are now being enlarged so tl ) be able to adequately handle the increased amount of transcontinental traff ic now passing through Ogden. The Union Pacitic Rail road Company recently purchased a large acreage adjacent to the (railroad yards, number and are extending their freight yards by adding a large of additional tracks. The Union Paeifie and Sout hern Pacific Railroad Companies will this year Jointly construet a new Union Depot at Ogden, at a cost of abou t $450,000. This Depot will be one the finest in the entire of country. Many new buildings will , be constructed in Ogde n during 1924. The Weber Gymnasium will be completed at a cost of $300,000. The Peery Egyptian Theatre will be Completed early in the vear. at a cost of $350,000. Scenic Beauty Abounds It is generally conceded that the scenic beauty and deur ‘revealed nearby granOgden is unsurpassed in the United States, or in any other country. A view from Mount Ogden presents more of the hand iwork of Nature than can be seen from any other peak in the United States, is a clai m made and never disputed. From that eleva lion, two miles above the ocean and one mile above the city. may be seen seve ral States, many cities, expanses of splendidly cultivated farms and orchards, many mountain chains and peaks, and the Great Salt Lake. The principal seenie attraction is Ogden Canyon, east just of the city. This famous and beautiful forge attracts thousands of Visitors each year by its magnificent scenery, Which is unsurpassed. A trip ean be made through this Canyon to the City Well s fen miles from the city over the finest, paved mountain highWay in the world and requ iring but one hour’s time for the round trip. Thirty-four large artesian wells which now supPly over two million gallons of water every twenty-four hours, the drvest. season having appa ren tly no effeet upon this quantity or quality of the flow. This flow is piped a dist ance of about ten miles and deli vered into two cement ‘res ervoirs in the foothills in the east city limits, Ogden City with its immediat e suburbs Shows a population of 42,000. The city is enjoving a substantia] sTrowth, as iS evidenced by the strong financial condition of all the banks ef Ogden and further by the fact that during the past three years more than 1600 briek bungalows have been cons tructed in Ogden, averaging more than 500 new brick homes per year, The intormatien contaired in the 1924 issue of the Ogden Directory indicates {he eont inued development of the second largest city of Ulah. | GENERAL INDEX eee Page 20 | Map Arbreviations Alphabetical Business c INDEX Apartment Houses and Flats tae and Alkire-Smith _ American Auto Anderson Adv Anderson & Argyle Guide INFORMATION and Homes Office Trades ae Cleaning Co Co....left Apts U S and Labor Officers in Organizations....... 19 Ogden TO ADVERTISEMENTS. top Pag met a lines Farr os. And. Co........ left Sons Pest ; Co. .right Window Avenue Libraries ees. Musicai Organiza ‘ Parks and Public Grounds 7 INDEX i Opposite Societies...... ined Saha County Governme Fraternal Organizations ; and » | Hospitals Halls Snes Associations Ogden MISCELLANEOUS Government Clubs, of | Bara Miscewaneous mformation Free Delivery Street TO Building, Blocks, Cemeteries Churches City 21-553 Directory ‘tisements ion side John lines | First top lines left top Coal Co 24 | Federal Bldg & Loan 28 First Utah a A tan ar Utah Savings ii Lattin Aaa ee Maka Pe ites Bank. . bag? a Saber lines Armstrong C E & Co....left en lines ice un Nines Transfer & Taxi Co...right top . ;t yee Oo has and 36 | Froerer & Fowles. right side lines myelan Api ye... ea, 4 left top lines | Glen Bros-Roberts Piano Co.. Badger Coal leckep if & Lumber Products Renetficial Life Co. Ins Co....front barter,” 4s cover and ... left side lines ..and Co Relnap Hyrum Lumber Co Boyle Furniture Co.. right rrown-Carlson-Treseder Brown Ice Cream ... Co W Cheesman City Coai Auto Yard Co Continental Bldg & Loan aos ae eee edge of Ae Economy Fashion Floral Co Butter Shop ...left side lines Assn... top leaves and 114 right bottom front right bottom Shop. .right right ba ceae hottom bottom oc lines and lines cover lines lines 162 7 ae Cc & RC Coal ee Co ate ie eR en th ; ao, Jansen C ea tee Aare Harper Bros. .... right bottom lines a val. Herrin? Ces Ge ee ss ee HORT De era es eG. ah front cover Hop Y Co Huss Deseret News Devoto F B Dumke lines and and H Dee D tart A BS top R 388 | Goddard oot Gordon Tailoring: 49 | Gwilliam Lugaber Co krowning. Auto Cannady Ernest » yoddard Aaa lane Geo ,... ? Independent Light & Power Co Inter-Mtn Vulecanizing Wks ‘Jackson & Pace Co Transfer & Storage Co.... ce back cover and Kelly & Herrick.teft bottom lines and 2 Kimono House Kirkencall Undertaking Co nmilk Dairy ver oe train PEG ie eb aces ites left top ee La Grande Cottage Lammers Military Band School.......2 | Leader The Lee Tire & Rubber |