OCR Text |
Show J. M. Forristall °"setcrnone me" ECCLES BUILD SURETY BONDS, FIRE, ACCIDENT LIABILITY AND BURGLARY I++ Mi wayside! sii bein ; WN I i Stenography Printing Mailing Addressing Base 006 ECCLES BUILDING Met jae" ! SALES LETTERS Phone 690 Nha i} | | i I hth EI NED 1h Martin Martin Martin Martinez Let Us Help You with Your WIRING and LIGHTING Problems ae { BH ) ais! ; a i ieds be iihh || | EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL driver Amer Luis Martinez lab Manuel lab O lab U rms O R Ry | OGDEN Exp r ‘2325 Madison & D Co. 2015 Adams avea ‘i a; oo si ae av. i a 4 25th. 220 UR &D Co. ° a a Maruri Saml (Royal Hotel) r same. Mary Fay Inn (Mrs Bessie Walker) furn rms 563 25th. ip MARYLAND CAFE (S Iwamoto, T Nakamura), Good Meals at Reasonable Prices, 141 25th. ze co MARYLAND CASUALTY CO (Baltimore), Herbert E Smith Agts, 2374 Washington av. a We Marylyn Apartments 486-490 26th. Masick Chas b 827 238d. mS Masick Kthel L moved to Los Angeles. Masick Harold painter b 827 23d P carp r 827 23d. Masick John av. Wash Masoero Arch elk b 2479% . av. Wash clk b 2479% Fred Masoero Masoero Ida (wid Virgilio) r 2479% Wash av. Masoero Linda student b 2479% Wash av. Mason Annie b 1014 Wash av. Mason Chas A farmer r 2436 Jackson av. Mason Eliza W opr Tel Co b 2436 Jackson av. Eliz tchr Plain City: Schl b 1014 Wash av. Mrs Ellen gro 994 Wash av r 1014 same. E C farmer b 2436 Jackson av. Hortense steno U § Forest Serv b 2436 Jefferson John C steelwkr r 2317 Grant av. Jos CG r 1014 Wash av. Twila student b 2436 Jackson av. Club 2550 Wash av. Temple 2550 Wash av. 2500 Washington av. MASSACHUSETTS BONDING & INS CO (Boston). J A McCu , loch Agcy Agts. Under First Nat Bank Bldg. “ WIASSACHUSETTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, A C Emer-=- Special Eccles Bldg, Massengole John VMussoni Orlando Masten Harry W Agent. Health Tel 534. insp O U R elnr S P. swchmn OU and & D Accident Co r R & D Cor Insurance, Clearfield. 1475 Jefferson Vasters Peter J washer Amer Linen Go h 20141 Adams Vasters Wm M elk Marion Hotel r 187 28th. Viasters Wm R rv 2011 Adams av. '! Mastronarii Robt farmer r nr 4314 1st. eee > seaman 23 av. av. ieee DIRECTOR — 1924 Y FRANK W, Commercial Artist, New Healy av. 27th. Illustrating, DeSigning and Show Cards, Base Eccles Bldg, Tel 573, r 2648 Van Buren av, Tel 2907-W. Matthews Grace tehr Quincey Schl b 44 La Frantz Apts. Matthews Pauline tehr Warren Schl r Warren. Matthias see also Mathias. Matthias Anna b 151 W 29th, Matthias Geo lab Amal Sugar Co r 151 W 29th. Matthias Henry blrwasher S P r 145 W Patterson. Matthias Mildred emp Ogden Stm Lndry b 145 W Patterson. Matthias Wm H firmn S P b 145 W Patterson. Mattingley Robt M electn Utah Elec Co rms Mattinson Osear C clk Rh MS r 3222 Grant Mattson see also Madson and Matson. 2021 Mattson Apartments Axel whsmn Scoweroft’s r 110 W 30th. Mrs Blanche sec-treas Marion Hotel yr 521 B W eng US Bureau of Pub Rds rms 529 MATTSON | av, Mattson aniinl SS Sporting Goods, Photographic Supplies, Developing and Printing, Iver Johnson Bicycles, Edison Talkin} Machines, Arms and Ammunition, Franco Flash Lights with Radio Batte ies, Kodaks, Radio Supplies, Westinghouse G’otes, Toys, Etc, 306 25th Street en BAVID, Pres av. 23d. Marien Hotel. Tel 2400, 6.524 29d... Tel 4019. Hattie opr Ogden-Utah Knit Co 25th b nw 110 234d. 27th. cor ‘Linco!n W 30th. HE DESERET NEWS| nnenmnanas Devoted to is Delivered Promotion in OGDEM <n 529-531 Wash av. Mattson Mattson. Mattson a CG E. Armstrong & Co. CITY Mathers Wm farmer r Plain City. Mathers Wm jr crane opr rms 3300 Adams av. Mathews see also Maathuis and Matthews. Mathews Clara b View. Mathews Henry A cond § P r 2203 Adams av. Mathews Me A asst stamstr OUR &D Co rms Hotel. Mathews Nephi P farmer r View. Mathews Pauline tchr Warren Schl p View. Mathias see also Matthias. Mathias Danl rms Ray Hotel. Mathias Elsie clk Paine & Hurst b 1954 Stephens Mathias Jonah B hipr S P. Mathias Orval R testr UP & L, Cor 1019 22d. Mathias Saml insp S P r 1954 Stephens av. Mathias Arthelia J rms 2417 Adams av. Matson see also Madsen Madson and Mattson. Matson Mary A (wid Geo H) r 600 24th. Matson Mary V student b 600 24th. Matsuda Henry CG emp agt 208 W 22d r same. Matsui Tanekicki hlpr § P. Matsumori Shikataro cafe 218 25th r same. Matsuoko FE lab r 1651 Liberty av. Matsusue W cafe 254 25th r same, Mattenson Carl elk r 3222 Grant av. Matteson Byron W eng U S Bureau Pub Rds r.529 Matthews Mrs Annie J r 2648 Van Buren av. Matthews Clarice (wid Hector) r 367 7th. Matthews Edith b 414 LaFrantz Apts. MATTHEWS ay. MASSACHUSETTS BONDING & INS CO, Kelly & Herrick Agts, son IE CO’S porter r 173 24th. _J tailor F M Nye Co'rms 1450 Capitol. R lab Amer Can Co r 521 20th. Jose Martinez Mason Mason 4% Mason Mason Mason Mason Masonic Masonic BUSINESS Wm Wm Wm G & Martindale Chas § electn Sperry Flour Co r 3145 Reeves ay, Martindale Isabel rms Mason LIGHTING ig an ASSET t° Wilford POLK —— Ogden of Each OFFICE, the Interests Evening in of Time BASEMENT Ogden for and Early REED the Whole Evening ung Martin L. OZb-GLP R. Lt G3au4 Pl aie 320 1 “A[sOdoug NOX oAuo S$ 0} Ssouisng un O $4} soueunsuy‘ Suvo7y obebyuow ‘SHAGNITSA 3SNOHd HO ‘ 97e4Sy |eoy 0} Bu UIeWOg uJ suue WiIW Ul NOA SAuEeg 03 s |! ssoulsng SHAGNITA 3NOHd HO 33s eit Multigraphing Mimeographing | AVENUE COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS NI Bed aU DIRECT Advertising a of Commerce SH3Aqd HL TT bak vue jit att FEDERAL CE Bank 2453 WASHINGTON MEMBER RESERVE SYSTEM ‘Bpig Yueg jeuonenN ysuiy ““ The LETTER MILL” National OD ay Commercial | Service Co. —_ a State Reading | HOTEL | | = 501 3NOHd s LOLL | |