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Show Cssianaiilien: Sc DRU8G STO STOR HRAMM-JonNson "#0 RE ES] man | anh AU H = Miran. clk Wm (wid Thornton Jorgen) r Drug 362 Cob 362 Mickelsen Mickel Middelkamp Geo Middlemas buyer Francis G r ‘640 clk Henry Middleton Middleton J student Jas Jos cond mach Middleton L W Laura Middleton Martha Middleton Melinda Middleton Rachel Middleton Reuben Middrolph Albt r Middup Bernice b S E bkpr S R 7th. §S b 516 r W 7th. 4 a av. 2824 worter 20th. Iron ‘Wks av. av. Co b 5416 W. 20th. CG (wid Chas F) vr 424 26th. (wid Chas F) r 429 26th. M b 424 26th. J farmer r 516 W 20th. 360 Franklin. 466 Doxey. Read revecram 2()¢ | THE 252 South Main | SEAR RE 2 rR St. SALT LAKE NEWSPAPER VW Miller Miller Miller Miller Miller Co r 3073 Co Porter r 2062 av. Jefferson ay. 29th. SALT LAKE CITY i Art D eng Miller Art 8 P M carp Geo Miller Art O carp Miller Byron Miller Chas clk rms U 2540 Lincoln A Whitimeyer r 435 S E clk b 435 30th. Forest 31st. Serv av. & Sons rms r 2808 2520 Madison Miller Clarence chfr Utah Pkg Corp r Riverdale. Miller Clyde C student b 22 Ivy Apts. Miller Conrad L mgr O $8 L Comry r 22 Ivy Apts. Miller Cora (wid John S) jan r 2820 Porter av. Miller C Allen cond § P r 2643 Adams av. Miller Dale washer White Front Auto Lndry r 311 Miller Darrell messr W U Tel Co b anit eas Miller Dwight flrmn Mack-Robinson. Miller Earl S mech § Pr 246 26th. Miller Edwd rms Alexander Apts. Miller Mrs Evelyn C.r 2563 Adams Jackson av. 27th. ay. Miller Flossie J bkpr Browning Bros Co r 11 Claremont Miller Frances (wid Floyd) r 579 31st. Miller Frank driver Uintah Dairy r 437 28th. Miller Frank A lab b 2219 Ogden av. Apts reattach cit ————— The Salt Lake TRIBUNE PRINTS Carries 413 24th a THE NEWS Special News Street OF av THE Department WORLD for Ogden Telephone 481 3WOH AV P O U R & D ANSASV swchmn Co, r 2763 Jackson Albt Jj pkr Sperry Flour Go r 1175 Rushton. Alma A barber Paine & Hurst b 617 Sullivan av. Andw lab r 672 Sullivan av. Archie D b Harrisville. Arnold F cigars 348 25th r 24 Marylyn Apts. Miller P b 424 26th. P r 2959 Lincoln Ogden _ 28th. Wash M T & MILLER ADOLPH M (Washington Market), 2472 Washington av, Tel 2800, r 764 25th, Tel 949. Miller Adolph M jr dept mgr Wash Mkt b 764 25th. Mickelwaite Ernest J mech McLaughlin-Storey Co b 1885 Wall av. Mickelwaite Jos asst eng Scowcroft’s r 1885 Wall av. Mickelwaite Mollie (wid Chas) b 1885 Wall av. Mickelwaite Wm chfr Gwilliam L & C Co b 1885 Wall av. Middleton Jos P ANVdWOS Mignault Am av. Auto Mikani Tae hlpr § P. Mikkelsen Clarence swchmn OU R & D Co r 731 Mikkelsen Ludvig V r Riverdale. Miles Leah (Hale & Miles) rms 2338 West ct. Miles Lucy r Hooper. ; : Miles Mrs Naomi r 16-2210% Wash av. Milich Thos jan Lewis Jr High Schl r 465 28th. Milito Louis clk r 326 21st. Millar Erma H student b 171 Patterson. Millar Mabel C tel opr Wright’s b 171 Patterson. Millar Orion Q moved to San Francisco. Millar Stephen P cond r 171 Patterson. Millar Wm S$ moved to San Diego Cal. Millard John farmer r Marriott. Millard Ray farmer b Marriott. 7th. trkr O U R & D Co b 673 Mgr Cneesman YRAO 289 Telephone eee = QW RRs Cam mongen qos Millie Agt, 501 Eccles Bldg. Michelsen Marie hsekpr 881 —— | Michalson Michalson T J, (Asst av, Tel 2554-W. Mifflin Howell E lab MICHIGAN FIRE & MARINE INS CO (Detroit), J M Forristall eas Lh,i i MANAGER oe wei ii BEY EHH : Pi tity Av. Cae r ih! jth iM i pi ae 327 NI if! Hil pyle. AUZAR | 1924 NMOL Hi . i — Jas mech b 466 Doxey. Mary clk r 466 Doxey. Grace student b 2763 Jackson Auedwo) aoueinsuy 24 1] duly Ye}N | il lh meee DIRECTORY Tel. 229 LE bare ft Middup Middup Midgley MIDGLEY Meyer Fred fruit grower 438 Cross r same. Meyer Geo H eng r 2947 Adams av. Meyer Julius O chfr Fire Dept r 2853 Van Buren ay. Meyer Louis A cond r 2501 -Adams av. Meyer Martin lab rms 758 27th. Meyer Wm B capt Fire Dept r 639 Ogden av. Co. Sugar Meyers Benj repr Amal Meyers Cora elk b 529 17th. Meyers Fred J mach Ogden Iron Wks Co. Meyers Geo lab Am P & P Co r 276 33d. Meyers Geo H eng U P rms 2947 Adams av. Meyers L A cond S P rms 2501 Adams av. Meyers Martin F hlpr Ogden Iron Wks Go. Meyers Otto lab rms 219 25th. Meyers Wilbur M mach r 3066 Adams av. Michaels Chas E clk O U R & D Co r 645 Kershaw. Michaels Maude student b 645 Kershaw. Michalson Alice opr Ogden-Utah Knit Co b 362_7thi Geo J lab r 309 7th. Michalson Michalson Jorgen died June 25 °23 age 83. Michalson Josephine nurse 362 7th b same. 7th. clk b 362 Mabel Michalson CITY Washington Av. SHVWHA Bs Meyer see also Mayer and Myer. Meyer Florence CG tchr Central Jr High Schl b 2501 Adams ay.) OGDEN 2550 43O De (ili " CO’S SJ0IAUAS ! «it! & LiIvs Pinca phi PE POLK 3XNV1 rh itl } Lb. ‘‘ UTAH’S (sate OE / CHEVROLET jj ALIS ae 1} R. Eee AUTO CO — Metropolitan Life Ins Co W M Dean mer 206 Fred J Kiesel Bldg Metzger Harry rms 2436 Madison ay. soe Meursen Jacob jan Golden Rule r 2719 Madison ay. ei Washington ier | UU |ALKIRE-SMITH KODAKS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLEs, ETc. | TWO STOR—ES 2401 AND 2486 WASHINGTON AVENUE a” 826 2434 yeeeeey SIGNS in AND OUT-DOOR pio y VU) H. S. ANDERSON, ADVERTISING DRUGS, Se |